Sunday, March 16, 2014

Eredmnyes was the King

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Alone indulknt KC Bidding Ltd. won the Sukoro casino mkdtetsre partytafels Kirt plyzatot. Oscar Pter Minister for Finance, this is not an automatic szerzdsktst mg, acgnek vllalnia need to complete the state was feltteleit evening. Because of the exchange sites Sukoro TBB examines flows, raised the gyszsgmrvdat well. APngyminisztrium, however, argues that because of the situation of property rights and contracts are bizonytalansga krltekinten.
Eredmnyes was the King's City nven described VLT Sukoro INVESTMENT koncesszisplyzat turn, the winner of the bead egyedliknt plyzatot KC became Bidding Ltd. - kzlte pnteken Oscar Pter Minister for Finance. The Minister for Finance under the eredmnyhirdetst kvet task is to agree on the existence of aplyzval koncesszis szerzdsrszleteirl.
According to Oscar szerzds megktse is not automatic, it is only kerlhet place if aplyz complete evening of state have requested garancikat Ste. "These garancika turn INVESTMENT property rights in space Rint, and will also need to make sure that aplyzatot benyjt organization and the owners of the beruhz s yoy in lpsei killjka jogszersg prbjt "- Oscar Pter said. APnzgyminisztrium (PM) pnteki communiqu, according to this I need azrt also because "in relation to property rights bizonytalansg evolved."
The PM, according to the full szerzds megktsnek ask to get a guarantee that the state was, can administered valstani aplyzatra professional and beruhz tion program. The plyzati kirs Szmr according to the parties 60 days to the UTN eredmnyhirdets koncesszis szerzds megktsre, that's it megllapodni be garancikrl during the period.
The Sukoro INVESTMENT mr already soktmads rte. Joav Blum vllalkoz partytafels hrom county, a total 787.4 million forints r cserlte property last July 2008 in Venice was OTHER coast, one RTK billion from HUF 84 million, states Sukoro real estate property. The property Sukoro City Ltd We love aking called cg - which gyvezetje Blum - megvalstani egymillird the euro RTK INVESTMENT tourism, tbbek kztt kaszint.Az the replacement property but jogszersgt mg examines the MNV is tested and the bizottsga gyszsg well.
The PM is less indtott vizsglata not llaptott it has experienced serious szablytalansgokat, but gyszsg cstrtknvdat raised against Blum s Due zokirat-hamists (see the Sukoro telekcserrlrszletesen korbbi cikknkben) because valtlanul lltotta to Sukorn is permanent lakcme (You require this could be due to the exchange site). Investigations AKzponti Fgyszsg also cause considerable financial htrnyt Especially because of htlen kezelsbntettnek Gyan vizsgldik because according avdhatsg prices below plots the actors cserltek host gyletben.
APnzgyminisztrium of 2009. Shop on 10 February rt plyzatot who belong to Category I jtkkaszin - At least 1,500 of these jtkautomatval s jt 100 kasztallal has - alaptsra the KZP-Dunntl RGI features a 20 VRE. The Magyar Nemzeti referring to a middle of last July, Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsny korbbi Szmr kit for RTA emlkeztetre it to the government m r 2008 mjusban, that I promised before the investor group jval aplyzat that will tmogatni the casino Sukoro INVESTMENT.
The casino con-

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