Monday, May 26, 2014

February 14 We were allowed to wake up way too early (no, not Fríhafnarsnemma) that we had to check

February my fridge food 13 The day started really with pancakes and strawberries for breakfast. Hardly gets better. Birgitta Raggi and changed into their swimming camp while Iris and cause chilluðu. Went to the Palace hostel where we had a free night for our Fraser Island tour. Fraser is the largest sand island in the world, there is a lot of vegetation and fresh waters that can swim. We bought my fridge food our 2 nights tour where we travel around the island in the Land Cruiser we get to run itself and overnight stay in tents on the beach. Soon after we arrived at the hostel was a presentation for the whole group and requested the tour and what we need to take with us. Then all group together to the store where we bought lunch for the next 3 days. We ended the evening so to go out to dinner and then offer the hostel to pack my bags for the trip. At the hostel, we got room 4 together without aircon and fan and no insects network for the window. We were seriously thinking of just sleep in the car, there would at least be able to open windows with the network, but we put ourselves so just do it very well and slept well.
February 14 We were allowed to wake up way too early (no, not Fríhafnarsnemma) that we had to check us out at 6 and be out at 8 am In the meantime, we watched some awesome video about how to drive in sand on fjórhljóladrifnum car and avoid dingo which are kind of wild dogs, but they can break into scenes where they find food or candy smell inside. When we went to sort us into cars was not room for all of us together so that we diversified our car, which was just fun because we got to know more people that way. After the boat trip over to Fraser drove by a small sand road in the middle of the forest which was of course just sand tracks and this was as terrible hazard. First stop was Lake Birr Been a fresh water and had to paddle there in've become quite time. Had lunch in a park close to where we saw our first dingo and then stroll about Wanggoolba Creek. The next stop was Lake Wabby. We had to walk a little mock of fresh water, but the way we walked over huge sand dunes which we ran down even though it was recommended against it. Rebels. When we arrived at camp we cooked spaghetti and hack us and so we sat there and talked to the kids.
February 15 Woke up again too soon but we added it up with a stop at Eli Creek which is incredibly beautiful my fridge food place with natural lazy river-i. Where did we let ourselves float down the stream between trees that was incredibly cozy. Next stop was the Maheno wreck is an old shipwreck that stranded on the island in 1935 and has since sunk lower and lower down in the sand. We also stopped my fridge food at Indian Head is a rock in the middle of the beach with gorgeous views, and the Champagne Pools which are small natural pools, the sea flows above and returns there. On the way back to camp we stopped again at Eli Creek to wash us of where we find nowhere in the shower (it should be noted that no toilets were at the camp either). We had the painful loss where Birgitta forgot their shirt there and never saw him again. Which is funny because it says to him, "Let's find a place to get lost" .. Which he did. But his is sorely missed. The night was one of the most decorative and funniest trip and can hardly be forgotten. This day will always be in our hearts the global SkinnydippingDingoDay. And the day after that Chinese Take Away Day.
February 16 slept a little longer today, packed our stuff together and into the car. Today was just one stop and arrest by far the best of them all - Lake McKenzie. Had a few wonderful hours there before heading back to the mainland. We stayed for not long in Hervey Bay but used the day and drove down to Noosa and had kósýkvöld there.
February 17 stroll around Noosa Junction and Noosaville shopping that bit and just had a wonderful day. Not much more to say about that, we drove to Brisbane that evening and had dinner at Cactus Jack's, a favorite spot here in Australia. There we also arcade where we spent maybe a little too much money in play equipment but had a great time and got all the winners! Then drove down to Byron Bay.
February 18 slept out and lose an hour of daylight saving time so the time was about 12 when we went out to walk around Byron Bay. We were perhaps my fridge food too high expectations where everyone spoke so highly of this town, he charmed us nothing in particular. We stopped there for a few hours and checked out the lighthouse and the point of mainland Australia. Then drove to Ballina for dinner and the boys lost there all the qualities. To explain it further then sat back in the girls and boys in the front when Raggi calls back and says, What are you throwing in the front? ". my fridge food Girls low as shot again and answered, no? ". Raggi,

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