Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Global Zaev VMRO-DPMNE believes that today

VMRO-DPMNE: Global scott barker trial is a recipe for money laundering | lider.mk
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Global Zaev VMRO-DPMNE believes that today's press conference SDSM leader Zoran Zaev shows that he and his associates are to dive into crime and misconduct, which, as they say the party was granted amnesty scott barker trial by the mentor Crvenkovski Crvenkovski.
In response scott barker trial to today's press conference scott barker trial Zaev VMRO-DPMNE party points out that the case of legalization of illegally Global, whose decision to legalize, kako suggest that the party stand Zaev signature represents a unique recognition for crime in this affair.
- To recall, Zaev was arrested and had to fit because it allowed illegal construction, in addition to property not belonging to the municipality, scott barker trial but part of the state and private owners of the proceedings that led to restitution. The procedure for legalization means recognizing the illegality of the case. Second, what Zaev wants to show how the success of the municipality in attracting scott barker trial private investors to build a shopping center, is in fact one of the many deals on his private business partners napreveni the detriment of the community. Behind the Global not stand intentioned private investors, but his business friends. Those same people get many other deals and tenders scott barker trial in the municipality. Which means money out of pocket to go to the municipality and in the pocket of business friends Zaev, said the party's reaction. scott barker trial
It added that the documents show that by means of Zaev through misuse and exploitation of the legalization of illegally built property in just one euro headed for the poorest, his business friends, as you point out the VMRO-DPMNE, acquire property worth tens of millions of euros and useful floor area of over 20 thousand scott barker trial square meters expressed in shops and business centers in downtown Strumica. VMRO-DPMNE believes that Global scott barker trial is a recipe on how to launder money and crime as a political mentor protection Crvenkovski legalized.
- It is ironic that Zaev want to display scott barker trial as a fighter for the freedom of the media, and he and his party first almost daily media stigmatize political qualifications, blame and criticize without arguments, taking the role of chief censor in the state. If an article that is pokrepena document does not bendisuva, Zaev instead blames the media let us face the fact that the media has passed. Perhaps he and his party best meet the time there was only one television and two newspapers, scott barker trial but that time has long passed, said in reaction OSD VMRO-DPMNE.
The party seeking Zoran Zaev to apologize to the public because, as they say, lies and sets out to take responsibility for the crime which carries on his shoulders worth tens of millions of euros.
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