Scientists at the Oregon Research Institute (USA) found that craving for ice cream is comparable to the one experienced by addicts with regular use of cocaine. Researchers have dealt with 151 teens from the "healthy weight" at the age of 14 and 16 years. The subjects drank chocolate cocktails that are prepared with cream Häagen Dazs. Before that experts asked about their eating habits and how strong countertop refrigerated display case they craving for certain foods. Then teenagers showed pictures of cocktail while fMRI-scanning the brain, and only then given a real cocktail. The experimental results showed that all dreaming of a cocktail, but those who wanted more than any other ice cream in the past few weeks, get less pleasure from the drink. According countertop refrigerated display case to scientists, this reaction is similar to that observed in drug addicts: despite the growing desire for product satisfaction signals that must be sent to the brain blunted. Perhaps this is because the brain produces less dopamine. This means that to achieve euphoria subjects have to eat more and more ice cream, and hence inevitably obesity. Thus, we can conclude that fatty or sweet food triggers obesity set in two ways: it changes the response of the brain and supplies the body excess calories. Scientists plan to conduct another series countertop refrigerated display case of studies, as in the present work evaluated countertop refrigerated display case the brain response to only one product and analyzed data on the consumption of ice cream provided by the participants. The study is published in the edition of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Prepared according to The Daily Telegraph. Source
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