TEXT COMMENTARY "miserable year" in this miserable m.cm.lxiii. address. c., it will be remembered display window and very bitterly. Did Vincent, exiled to Paris or Munich; john carpenter, Sweden; They say the neighborhood at night writing machine, and runs a gloomy prestige; Sanchis Guarner resorts, display window puzzled the city; I write and I hope to burjassot, while people in the streets of Valencia, obscene calls and burning a book.
Estella Andrew display window Vincent (1924-1993), display window author of numerous works of poetry, was born in Burjassot why his poetry focuses both praise their city, their language and the struggle to get it strong, all without neglecting its most significant everyday and humility. We find ourselves in the poem "miserable year", found in the book "Horacianes" released in 1974 This is a poem of struggle and vindication, ie a poem where the sentiments and feelings of the author will be expressed directly as we normally see in estellesiana display window poetry, whether it is a major issue as trivial; and the facts are exposed as we might say, "journalistic"; ie, in narrating the events that happen with great precision like a chronicle, which can be related to its most professional, such as journalism, as both literary and journalistic always go together, at least regular basis. The title suggests display window the theme of struggle and repression "miserable year" and puts us in a place and time, as well as provide us much of the meaning of the poem as do almost all the poems Estellés . This composition, with strong historical significance, tells us to humble the facts developed in the sixties, focusing in Valencia, city and language that the poet claims through writing, which is where he has the power. In the first two verses the author takes us to a time exactly 1963, hallmark chipped and his poetry is as true to the path that leads us to the life in us is specified with the "d. c ".. This year Valencia suffered several changes that affect not only the poet but also the city and language. One of the biggest and most important event is the beginning of the so-called "Battle of Valencia" which led to the political and social divide in Valencia, thus causing great conflict between right and left (where the poet was). This explains the record "bitterly" experienced in 1963, as it was a dark time for that which the author struggled, the Valencian nationalism. Citations are also characteristics within estellesiana poetry, this poem is an event where many of the important writers Valencia display window and fighting for the same ideals that Estella. Vincent Ventura, which devotes a verse ("Vincent Ventura, exiled in Paris or Munich"), was a journalist who participated in the Valencian display window "Contubierno Munich" display window which fought against Franco, that is, with the right antivalencianista , for which he was exiled in Paris. It also appears quoted Sanchis Guarner one of the most important display window linguists in the Valencian language, which enlist the republican army and fight the right antivalencianista and anti-Catalan, was attacked by them and banished Mallorca. In addition to quoting himself as the only thing that you can do is write to show their displeasure being cornered and, most important event in a John Carpenter. Say greater importance, since the main character is like the poem, which are devoted three verses. A year before he had published a book that Carpenter was accompanied by controversy, display window We Valencia, where he exhibited his nationalist ideas and therefore left. The book was burned publicly listed event written the poem ("People, display window obscene, cream and call a book"), which describes the behavior display window of people acting on behalf of the Franco censorship, ie against freedom of thought and expression. Estella explains the verses dedicated to Carpenter ("say display window the neighborhood at night writing machine, and runs a sinister reputation"), repression and censorship experienced under the dictatorship display window era, where if you wanted to write your feelings you had done clandestinely. But even describe display window a city repressive and sometimes illegal, Estella can never let go of reality and directly told the daily, treated extensively in all his compositions through everyday items ("streets valence "as mentioned in other poems," said the neighborhood "...) and real names, which he called a" Munich
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