The daily exposure to chemicals found in everyday foods and products can be cost up to 31 billion annually to the European Union, according to a report released today by the organization Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL).
According to a note from HEAL, problems of cancer, diabetes, obesity and infertility could be avoided if people would reduce the exposure to chemicals that destabilize the hormones, avoiding thus loss of million related to these diseases .
Based on a new study, the HEAL notes that the calculation is based on a list of diseases and conditions that scientists involved in the research tecfrigo identified as being "related to the endocrine system."
According to the paper, the researchers emphasized this list reproductive and fertility problems, including low sperm count, abnormalities of the penis and testicles in young, breast cancer tecfrigo and prostate cancer, behavioral disturbances of children, such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as obesity and diabetes.
"With the exception of countries such as the Netherlands and Austria, all EU countries are facing large increases in cases of prostate cancer and the Member States of the EU's Eastern and Southern Europe region are witnessing a dramatic increase in breast tecfrigo cancer ", indicates the note.
However, the World Health Organization noted that "environmental burden of disease tecfrigo linked to chemicals should be being underestimated due to lack of data, a position that is supported by environmental economists Alistai Hunt, University of Bath, and Julia Ferguson Cranfield School of Management, who calculated that the total costs associated with these conditions can amount to EUR 630 000 million per year.
The Executive Director of HEAL, Genon Jensen K, considered tecfrigo that "the EU must put health first and gradually eliminate these substances by taking swift measures that could prevent much human suffering and lost productivity each year" in the European Union.
Cited in note, the official said that the HEAL want to see reshaped European laws "aimed at reducing the exposure of people to EDs. The EU should also establish a specific timetable by which endocrine disruptors must be identified and replaced with safer alternatives. "
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