Is it the will has been Toka investigation of wild animals in Japan than In Deep's site? If, radioactivity damage if animals of antioxidants also identified might be reduced! <Reprint start> "Fukushima radioactivity also would not give adverse effect on the antioxidant defense system of wild animals": coffee shop counters the United Kingdom University of Portsmouth Jim Smith Professor (International Atomic Energy Agency Chernobyl Forum original committee) - (translator Note) London Royal Society, the oldest scientific society coffee shop counters that existing in 1660 founded, is a vertex of scientists of organizations in the UK, also, is the most prestigious scientific community in the historic to the world also. A few days ago, there was a report that research results of many years of research will be announced professor of the UK University of Portsmouth in journals issued by the Royal Society. Contents of the research results,
"After the Chernobyl accident, coffee shop counters the local wildlife was not reduced damage and the number coffee shop counters of individuals under the influence of radiation. Rather, the number of individuals was increased" and was that. In long-term study of the number of individuals Chernobyl birds, radioactivity of Chernobyl from at least long-term aspects, it is paper that has been found that did not affect the number of individual wild animal. In addition, this research has become a thing that gives us also "key to solving a mechanism for organisms to combat radiation". Organisms There is a thing called the anti-oxidant defense mechanisms (antioxidant defense of the system), the scientists of the concept of the past, by the system of this antioxidant defense is damaged by radioactivity, or organisms casualties, It is the number of individuals was the idea that reduced, but it is the conclusion that "it was not." In other words, radioactivity will be that the new research announcement that does not damage the organism's biological mechanisms. And, Professor who wrote this paper says that "will also be fitted to the example of the current radioactivity of Fukushima". In other words, it will be taken to that Fukushima and wildlife around the states that will continue to grow healthy without incurring damage to the biological system unchanged from the previous accident. By the way, went the survey, a scientist coffee shop counters named Jim Smith has continued to research in the field for 20 years accident coffee shop counters of Chernobyl, as well as a professor of the UK University of Portsmouth, and was a member coffee shop counters of the International Atomic Energy Agency Chernobyl Forum The person is was. Jim Smith Professor announced the results of surveys coffee shop counters has continued over 20 years after the Chernobyl accident. Guru of Chernobyl accident investigation.
In only one of the scientists with a particularly deep relationship coffee shop counters in the world of scientists at a depth of involvement with the Chernobyl accident, in that paper there is a weight. coffee shop counters So, immediately, I want to go into the translation article, prior to entering the article, this time to say that such comparatively formal research report came out, at this time, (although only is as my opinion), You might want to write about radioactivity. To much last month recently that I think the good even if there is "soon transformation of scientific direction" believe in the myth of Tohoku, cesium is that the thyroid cancer of children below 14 years of age "does not matter" Have you ever wrote an article called 2006 survey paper In Deep 03 月 06, 2012 WHO indicated. Among them, since I myself last year, but that you have to worry about the adverse effects of radioactivity wrote that there is no even once, but, so also a fact that a lot also those who are concerned about the radioactivity, " I wrote and that thing from their be in the (radioactivity long-term in that it seems to be harmless to the human body) mouth I think not basically ". However, mean that only large one year from another earthquake, and I think as a certain degree of "scientific direction" coffee shop counters refers to even. Right now, Japan (or the world) direction with respect to radiation that exists is not in the direction coffee shop counters of science,
-Orientation and political utility value as emotional direction resistance and ideology is to feel like the mainstream. However, important thing is I think "fact". That in the example like this for that "fact" but will be referred to as "data coffee shop counters of surveys coffee shop counters and research results", now, If we are allowed to say only the direction of science from the data, and the like that exists, radioactivity It's not think only with only data that harmless coffee shop counters in the long term emerge. That said, my motto is that "people should I think to want your thoughts, respectively." So, I'm not going to impose this idea to people. "Radioactivity is bad," it is not intended to deny the idea of a person's idea. By the way, last year, in the article "My myth is much followed" of In Deep, of Nakaya's site of "Sun Moon Kami示", "based on the Sun Moon God shows" 10 of FACT "(2011 There was that the excerpt of Toko that had been written in the word today that the October 24). " coffee shop counters I had something like this in there.
The world is sensible coffee shop counters (depression) to the world, reality is all of events, in the "other world" is all a result of al-past occurred in inevitable received as best accommodate Absolute of "good" is not, absolute "evil "The to be not-all better Speaking well become the mechanism and good thing for is not stick to watch anything until you worse and practice if think bad-Japan but to play so that collapsed, Revived and Japan as the parent country of the world is a model of the world, and ahead to get better is well made there is a mission and North (Northeast), North shines, north well be on 10 out of the most at the end,
And North (Northeast) will be better, north shines, I have the North will be better in most. I, last year the earthquake and subsequent March, what Tohoku've spent I think new Holy Land of Japan. This is "Tohoku well become" have lived to see in your dreams that appear scene that did not appear quite its signs. However, this presentation, indicates that "Fukushima and its surroundings, the future and prosperity is the natural environment than ever before, and rich wild environment, can be expected the possibility of an increase in the number of individuals healthy wildlife" you. By the way, recently, coffee shop counters you have got a written sentence to "Tamahibiki" that have been issued of Nakaya's, there is a place that I think are a wide variety, I and my name and myself should not be out in public now If you're wondering, so we got a written anonymously in ball sound, but I think any article or immediately understand if those who have been reading this blog ( Nde had the title of this blog in your name ...). By the way, the other I think as there is no future be appearing in public. The Toka is a collection, or, expressive activities of their leaves coffee shop counters type such as theater might also last year was the last. You might am also allowed to write now about that, this is also Although it is strange story, yesterday, "snake" is coming out in a dream, I was interacting with the snake. And, "Do not it does not exist Even when you are" in the snake, coffee shop counters I was there that I noticed a "hash" is told with its concrete evidence. But, because this time there are important story of radioactivity, this thing I write now. So, it is a translation article from here. I'm going to have carefully translated, but since there is if there is a mistake in terminology, coffee shop counters etc., the per, please forgive me. When Wildlife Thriving After Nuclear Disaster Nano Patents and Innovations 2012.04.11 radioactivity after the accident coffee shop counters wildlife possibly continue coffee shop counters to increase at Chernobyl in, to Chernobyl and radioactivity due to nuclear accident in Fukushima, coffee shop counters wild animal as it is believed to date might not harmful. Latest research by Jim Smith Professor and research team of the United Kingdom University of Portsmouth, including the charges and re-confirmation of the initial investigation report against catastrophic nuclear accident of Chernobyl that occurred in April 1986 It was one of. In its initial report of the Chernobyl accident, radiation is was that had a significant adverse effect on the organism and population of wild birds of local. Discovery and survey results of a study of this Smith Professor, will be announced in the "Biology Letters" of the Royal Society of London. coffee shop counters The contents coffee shop counters of the Japanese and are thought to be able to be considered by fitting also impact on wildlife in nuclear accident which occurred in 2011 in Fukushima, in proceeding the discussion coffee shop counters of the biological effects of radiation there is a possibility of an important paper. Jim Smith Professor of University of Portsmouth global environment department, who led the current study are described as follows. "I coffee shop counters myself can not stomach so much surprised at the results coffee shop counters of this study. So far, the reports and surveys about the damage of radioactivity to the wildlife of the Chernobyl accident we've seen many, however, I did not actually can be found serious damage. Therefore, we previously, I did not confident about the adverse effects on wildlife and the natural environment after the accident. " "And, in our current survey and research, be obtained have an impact on some of the wildlife by radioactivity, in the long run, of wildlife in the Chernobyl of restricted area (closed area) and biological number to recover, it has increased, is also found that it is better than the rather earlier. " So far, scientists, after the Chernobyl accident, radioactivity was thinking to have a significant impact on the number of individual birds by which damage to the anti-oxidant defense mechanism of bird (antioxidant defense system). However, Smith Professor and research coffee shop counters team, this time, was quantified for this effect. Free radicals from the radiation to he the production of (that electronic unpaired. Also referred to as free radicals) was modeled. Then, in the Chernobyl coffee shop counters and similar density levels seen in Fukushima, antioxidant defense coffee shop counters mechanism of birds was concluded that easily can be cope with radiation. This is something that radiation is contradictory to the idea of ever that damaged the antioxidant defense mechanism of birds. Professor Smith is described as follows. Changes in the antioxidant defense level of "Chernobyl birds, and that it is not a direct impact from the radioactivity, the system of antioxidant defense also with our findings has shown. Other than bird wildlife, birds and is considered to have a force that resists radiation in the same way. In other words, even in radiation concentration of Fukushima, the wildlife (to the biological system) it should not be in giving the oxidation of damage. " In addition, Professor continue this. "Immediately after the accident of Chernobyl, that very high radiation level of any damage and serious impact on creatures is famous. But then of, I find no long-term coffee shop counters adverse effects of against wild animals ". Even after the "accident, according to the Belarus and Ukrainian scientists have continued to study and stay in the enclosed area of the Chernobyl accident and later, has been reported that the number of individual coffee shop counters wildlife than before the accident has increased significantly in the region ". Professor Smith is more than 20 years, has continued to investigate the radioactive contamination in Chernobyl. Regularly I visit the local Chernobyl for investigation. Professor Smith, sometimes you have served the configuration committee of the International Atomic Energy Agency Chernobyl Forum. (Translator Note) Leave wrote for just in case, but it does not mean that "there is no harm in radioactivity accident". That the adverse effects of various radioactive substances short half-life out in such as immediately after the accident are great I think it is well-known. This study is not that the, is that of "damage to wildlife subsequent radioactivity over a long period of time." Antioxidant mechanisms with the animals coffee shop counters is that it was found that "it can compete with radioactive". In other words, speaking in Japan of example, coffee shop counters it is conclusion like that would never leave the negative effects of radioactivity in wild animal communities around the the Fukushima future. And, although Professor is not writing, human beings should have the same kind of anti-oxidation mechanism, coffee shop counters speaking from the theory, the possibility of human also said that "long-term effects of radioactivity does not receive" I feel as very high. The most
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