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The term includes all forms of in vitro culture model display cases of cells, tissues and organs of plants in containers is transparent and in sterile conditions. Plant cell cultures can grow in good condition and will be a perfect model display cases plant. Exploit the potential of this gene in plants follows two main objectives:
All methods of plant tissue and cell cultures, including cultures: cell suspension, model display cases callus and protoplasts for all plants is predictable and can be exploited. The main applications of plant tissue culture in plant breeding is highly out-crossing of beet following:
One of the key determinants of success of plant tissue culture nutrient medium is the right choice. Nutrient solutions include core and optional components. The main mineral nutrients, carbon or energy source, vitamins and plant growth regulator respectively. The use of organic materials such as sugars, lactose, galactose and herbal extracts important but optional.
Mineral salt ions is proportional to plant selection and composition are required. Ion concentration of nutrients in mmol including model display cases nitrogen, potassium, model display cases phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, magnesium and trace elements but in micromoles model display cases concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, B, cobalt and molybdenum are.
To increase vegetative carbon energy source, usually at a concentration of 2 to 3 per cent in the food included. B-complex model display cases vitamins and vitamin C is most commonly used in the media. Choose a nutrient model display cases medium for the cultivation of a particular plant begins and tested in accordance with the Dietary patterns observed qualitative and quantitative change in its needs to be adapted to the conditions of the plant. Usually the first patterns of known environments such as MS Vaskvg (MS) or Gamborg nutrient medium (B5) is.
Meristem culture plants to remediate particular viral infection model display cases and colonization of healthy cells to be implemented, including removing fine example is the maximum length of a millimeter from the meristematic plant. Small size of the samples is important, because it is best to maintain a healthy plant regeneration small sample size is 0.25 mm, while the success and growth of larger samples of this size is fine, but remain risk factors. pollution increases.
Culturing the stem end includes a larger part of the meristematic region growing. In this way it is possible to utilize a sample of 10.1 mm. The lateral buds of existing and potential of the meristem explants are generated model display cases and regenerated samples are of high genetic stability. Meristematic explants from seed and seedling plants model display cases are fully grown.
Construction model display cases of tissue culture plants, including model display cases leaves, cotyledons, petioles, stems and roots origin of callus tissue and ectopic buds are created. The manufacturer of the meristematic model display cases buds ectopic should induced by growth conditions are factors in the culture and food. This increase is due to the passage of the induction phase can cause changes in the primary structure of the gene. Plants regenerated by this method, is to identify the potential model display cases differences caused by the initial tissue compared with control.
Creating conditions for full fetal tissue regeneration plant propagation techniques Clooney presented one of the most competitive model display cases and rapidly produce large numbers of samples are generated and its possible use as a seed of artificial plants are of great importance model display cases have been entitled.
Somatic embryo or zygote or embryo growth similar to calving. Because of all the organs of the body tissues: meristem stem and root meristem are several steps required to produce model display cases the like of regeneration and growth stage of organogenesis, no. The main advantage of this method is the shorter period. The regeneration system, the use of meristem tissue to start growing, genetic stability of the basic structure remains stable. model display cases These methods are easy to implement, model display cases requires more advanced technology model display cases than other methods and alternative methods to predict that in the future will common Micropropagation
Plants produce diploid eggs and ovaries of plants cultivated in vitro for many agronomically important plants possible. Able to produce haploid embryo sac cells or tissue in vitro embryos are.
Value crops such as beets, this method does not result from the method of androgenic is of utmost importance. An important aspect of the production plants via cell cultures of fetal sac, fetal tissue origin is determined. Callus or embryonic cells may be Sporophyte gametophyte or create your own. If the haploid number of chromosomes in the cells of plants regenerated countable is possible to distinguish cells that have different origins possible. In the case of diploid plants are known sources of these plants in their offspring. This ambiguity was resolved by research conducted in 1993 showed that the origin of the plants regenerated in vitro, tissue Tkhmza egg cells, because cells are diploid plants Synrzhyd with the disintegration and eventual model display cases establishment of primary cultures of fetal consecutive usually the result of spontaneous chromosome model display cases doubling of haploid tissue occur. The program consists model display cases of two stages of embryo induction model display cases and growth of the seedlings are planted. The results showed that in many cases the whole plant embryo and becomes normal, and in some cases, successive transfers to the new environment is essential.
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