Friday, May 8, 2015

Abstracts of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference

Abstracts of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "History and Journalism: the concept of historical truth", November 28, 2008, Lviv, Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko
Media (Eng. Media) - just communication wayne barker tools and media (Eng. Mass media) - a set of various wayne barker means of delivering information to mass audiences. In the media, it books, pamphlets, films, video tapes, CDs. Communication (communication) - messaging and communication through the exchange of information, mass communication (mass communication) - spread information wayne barker through the press, broadcasting and other media and producers of information for most citizens of society. It involves communication through the aforementioned communications [1], is based on communication media; social wayne barker and cultural wayne barker interaction between wayne barker people, groups, organizations, countries and regions using information communications [2]. Mass communication (Eng. Media) - a synonym for the media.
Since the "media wayne barker allows only informing the state of passive audience" [3], wrongly believed that use of the term media (the media) instead of mass media (mass communication) wayne barker unjustified and obsolete, because the media seems to meet the conditions of a totalitarian society. In civilized and democratic wayne barker countries the media also inform society - not necessarily by the state and do not necessarily passive audience. That is the traditional media - print, audiovisual, which does not use the new interactive wayne barker possibilities (of which O.Hrytsenko rightly wayne barker writes as a condition of communications) should not be called mass media, and those media that uses the real communication (via satellite, Internet) as and advertising, for example, can be considered mass media. In other words, the media subsystem is a part subsystem wayne barker QMS. Popular wayne barker today the thesis of "dialogic" monolohichnist mass media and the media - is not accurate, because mass communication - not always involves social dialogue (this openly and promotional campaigns), as well as the simplest model of communication, wayne barker which is known odnovektorna. Because we understand the term "media" as the specialized media outlets intended for distribution to socially significant information undefined mass audience in a wide information space, and the "mass media" - the whole production and rozpovsyudzhuvalnyy complex system of mass communication: a) the device -initsiator mass of social communication wayne barker audience and within it, b) media channels and mass media (MSM) and c) media as a means of communication. wayne barker
Journalism - a social system, is designed wayne barker to search, process and transmit relevant wayne barker social information using specialized communication tools (press, radio, television, internet) for an indeterminate mass audience for its information, social adaptation, wayne barker and reflection and formation of public opinion. Journalism - as a special social institution system of various institutions, system activities; set of occupations; system works; Complex media channels (S.H.Korkonosenko [4], Ye.P.Prohorov [5] V.V.Tulupov [6]).
In context of the requirements of time and European cultural traditions, journalist - Representative creative profession, but not a government official, do not press secretary, not mounted and not a political propagandist, not rabsyla not someone's property and not a commodity that you can manage. Journalist - erudite, sociable, cultured, tolerant wayne barker but principled man who knows how to write the text of the genre, prepare and conduct teleradioprohramu official language, realizing the high mission of his professional calling as a social and cultural architect in professional activity by a sense of duty, patriotism, sacrifice . Journalism - a creative profession that through technical means and technologies professionally, objectively, wayne barker truthfully, impartially informs, analyzes, comments and forecasts for the benefit of citizens and society everything that has happened, is happening or may happen. That is journalism - not "PR", not press-secretary of without manipulation, political propaganda.
Rethinking the role of the profession and its importance for psyhosotsiokulturnyh characteristics of the system as a subsystem of journalism natsiopolitychnoyi systems wayne barker important in terms of the prospects ґenezysu journalism, "the media" - a narrower concept of the "mass media", "media" - for "media", "media" - for "media".
As writers of our time, designed to inform the public media, analyze, shape public opinion through education and socialization (approximation interests). QMS - is not only the media, and all possible means of transmission: apart from traditional (printed, audiovisual), it is film and video

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