Innocent barket Until Proven Guilty - First, it should be pointed barket out that if you did it, you're guilty, no matter what. So you're not innocent unless you're barket truly innocent. However, our system presumes innocence, which means that legally speaking, even the obviously guilty are treated barket as though they are innocent, until they are proven otherwise.
First Witness - Sue Barker Stacey Barker's mother, Sue Barker, was the first witness barket to be called in the state's barket case in chief. I plan to write this in a question and answer format. Sometimes barket it seems as though the questions are all over the place. Kelly Cromer told the jury not to try to read anything into the questions she and Dager ask or how they are asked so I'll take her word for it. :) I'll use abbreviations as follows for the defendant and those speaking in court today.... "JZ" for Judge Hayden Zackey "KC" for Deputy District Attorney Kelly Cromer "RD" for Deputy Public Defender Roberto Dager "Sue" for Sue Barker barket "SB" for Stacey Barker KC - You were served a subpoena to appear today. Do you want to be here? Sue - No, I don't want to be here. KC - Would you identify Stacey Barker if you see her in the courtroom? Sue - Points at Stacey at the defense table. KC - Would you tell the court your kids names and birth dates? Sue - Matt, Stacey barket 01/02/1985, and Nick (I listed in birth order but didn't note birth date for the boys.) KC - How long has Stacey been living with you? Sue - Stacey got her own apartment when she turned 18, but she moved back home as soon as she became pregnant with Emma. She lived back at home for 27 months. She continued working while pregnant but took a month off work before delivering barket Emma by C-section and then 3 months after Emma was born. KC - Who cared for Emma when Stacey went back to work? Sue - When Stacey went back to Bank Of America (BOA) she went on the 5:30 am to 2:30 pm shift and I went to the 6 pm to 2:30 am shift so that I could watch Emma while she worked. She paid me $100 a week for babysitting. KC - Who took care of Emma the most? Sue - I did, but everyone had their own room. Emma slept in with Stacey until she went back to work and then we converted an office into Emma's room. We gave her a crib for a gift. Emma was a normal baby but she had delayed speech. KC - Why delayed speech? RD - objected, speculation. JZ - Overruled, she can answer if she knows. Sue - Yes, because she was spoiled. KC - How was Emma treated? Sue - Like a princess. KC - How was Stacey treated? Sue - Like a princess. She was always a Daddy's girl. KC - Who did Stacey start dating New Years Eve? Mike from work? Sue - I can't remember the other guy's name . KC - Was Stacey often focused on new relationships? Sue - Yes, sometimes, but Emma came first. KC - Did she ever date a Hispanic guy, dye her hair black, tan and shave her eyebrows and then draw them on with liner? Sue - Yeah...she lived with that guy. KC - Did Stacey try and take on whatever persona or role she thought a guy wanted her to be? Sue - Yes. KC - Was she treated bad by men? Sue - Yes. KC - Did she approach her relationships with such intensity that she drove them away? Sue - I can't remember. KC - Since Mr. Dager brought it up, are you an alcoholic? Sue - Yes. KC - Have you drank today? Sue - It's been 12 days since I drank alcohol. I drank before Emma died, but after she died I drank everyday. KC - Do you have depression? Sue - Yes. KC -Does the depression or medications cloud your memory? Sue - No. KC - Who did you sit with at Emma's funeral? Sue - I sat with Nick, Stacey and my sister at the viewing. I sat with my son and my sister barket at the funeral. KC - Why didn't barket you sit with Stacey? Sue - I don't know. KC - Was there anything that you did after the funeral that you didn't do before? Sue - No. KC - Did you lock your bedroom door? I can refresh your memory with a transcript from your police interview, Who were you afraid of ? Sue - Stacey KC - Not trust her? Sue - Yes. KC - Did you think she was capable of murder? RD - Objection! JZ - Over ruled. Sue - No. RD - Objection! Opinion! JZ - In 2009, did you think she was capable of murder and now you don't? barket Sue - No response given KC - On 3/19/2009, did you think Stacey barket killed Emma? Didn't barket you tell Detective Nava if the things you were saying about Stacey got back to your husband, Gary, that you would lose him? (Showed transcript) Sue - Yes. KC - When Stacey told you what happened to Emma on 3/20 what did she say? Sue - An accident with a baggy playing peek a boo and the blanket got caught on the car seat. She was worried people would think she was a bad mother. Brendon came and stayed that night. She wasn't crying when telling the story but after she was confronted, she cried. RD - Ask to strike as hearsay! Was last question and answer striked? KC - Did Detective barket Nava ask you did Stacey do this? Sue - Yes, I did tell Nava that KC - Do you believe she
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