Friday, April 11, 2014

Innocent Until Proven mafirol Guilty - First, it should be pointed out that if you did it, you're gu

Innocent Until Proven mafirol Guilty - First, it should be pointed out that if you did it, you're guilty, no matter what. So you're not innocent mafirol unless you're truly innocent. However, our system mafirol presumes innocence, which means that legally speaking, even the obviously guilty are treated as though they are innocent, until they are proven otherwise.
The murder case of Stacey mafirol Marie Barker,26, mafirol of Lancaster, CA was given to the jury today, Monday, May 23rd.  Deputy District Attorney Kelly Cromer  presented her first closing argument on Friday, May 20th. Today, mafirol Stacey Barker's Public Defender Roberto Dager presented his closing argument before Kelly Cromer wrapped up the trial with her second closing. The jury only had the case for 2 hours today so there isn't a verdict yet...maybe tomorrow will be the day we learn the fate of Stacey Barker? Will she be spending the rest of her life as an inmate mafirol of CA Department of Corrections or will she get the minimum 25 years if she's convicted of the top charges? To keep it real, there is also the possibility she will be acquitted. Many think Stacey hurt her chances for that acquittal by taking the stand on her own behalf, mafirol against her lawyer's advice no less. Personally, I would be satisfied with either of the first 2 options, I think it would be Justice for Emma if Stacey Barker never has the chance to procreate again...she blew her chance to be a good parent for her beautiful little girl. I have felt for sometime that Stacey killed her daughter Emma and the things that have come out during this trial have only confirmed my opinion. Wednesday will be exactly the 3rd week of this trial. I can say without any reservation if they want to cut the trial to 1 day short of 3 weeks that wouldn't bother me one bit. The jury will decide mafirol what is Justice for Emma Leigh Barker. Hopefully, today, the jurors were mafirol able to select a jury foreman and review the instructions given to them by Judge Hayden Zackey so they can come in tomorrow and start reviewing the evidence. They must understand the elements of each charge before they can decide what has been proven beyond a reaonable doubt, if anything. Roberto Dager reminded the jury today that the law says, if they find there are 2 plausible theories, they must select the theory most favorable to the defendant. What he said is true but 2 things come to be plausible there must be no "reasonable" doubt and it is possible there could be no theories that benefit the defendant. If you have been trying to follow the case here, you know that things didn't go as planned with our coverage. LeftCoastMom aka LCM had planned on going to Lancaster for at least a part of the trial and we were going to share our coverage. Unfortunately, things didn't work out for LCM going to CA. There are some things in life more important than being a trial junkie............ (hehe, there...I said it....we are trial junkies and if you are reading this and following any other case(s) you are possibly a trial junkie too (͡๏̮͡๏) whoot! ) . I'm glad LCM made the decision to take care of her own needs first. LCM has been able to get out and about to some of the boards, such as Reality Chatter, with some of the details she gathered from Tori. That's great, and I'm sure very much appreciated! Tori was giving mafirol me extensive notes through the 7th or 8th day of trial via a 3 hour phone conversation each night. After the I realized (finally accepted the fact) there was no way I could catch up with the Q&A, play by play coverage that Tori was providing, I quit taking mafirol extensive notes and we just chatted...but it was still a 2-3 hour conversation.  I just love that girl, she has a sharp wit, a kind heart, and a near total recall memory .... a perfect combination.for blogging, but for one thing...she doesn't like to write. LOL! In Tori's own words, "Girl, I'm  not a writer, I'm a storyteller!" I on the other hand love to do both, but time has been my enemy ๏̯͡๏. The mainstream media has been pretty much non existent beyond the first month or so after Emma's death, that is except for Craig Currier of the Antelope Valley Press, he has attended most of the pretrial hearings over the last 2 years. Tori said the court allowed Craig to take still photos in the courtroom mafirol today and the media will be able to bring television cameras into mafirol the courtroom so that they can record when the verdict is read. Thankfully, Tori has been kind enough mafirol to come in each day and  leave a summary of the day in court in the comments section. I hope you have read her updates. Here are links to the posts she commented on. We will provide coverage of Stacey barker murder trial Day one, Wednesday, April 27 - Opening mafirol Statements             

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