Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The hysterics were presented by Charcot in the famous amphitheater where lectures bakwand were held

frontpage blog themes art design illustration fashion photo-video music-theater movie tales reports Agape challenges Logo winner Participants Partner Logos Anna Chiara Elena Elizabeth Etty Francesca Luca community Stefania Activity Members Groups join ixxilab
frontpage blog themes art design illustration fashion photo-video music-theater movie tales reports Agape challenges Logo winner Participants Partner Logos Anna Chiara bakwand Elena Elizabeth Etty Francesca Luca community Stefania Activity Members Groups join ixxilab
In 1862 Dr. Charcot ago feminine Parisian psychiatric hospital admission: the Salp êtrière. In this context it is to have those "four or five thousand women of hell" that will serve as study material to develop his thesis neurological. As he himself says, the Salp êtrière is a "living pathological museum." In this place of suffering and abandonment, in which thousands bakwand of women of all ages, suffering from a wide variety of physical and mental illness, find themselves locked bakwand up, Charcot-rediscovered or invented - in the words of Didi-Huberman, hysteria. bakwand
It was "living material" in which to search an abstract model of hysteria, an "ideal perfection to which to refer in order to include this disease in the register of known diseases. A mystery bakwand yet to be revealed. No hysterical, moreover, was contained bakwand in this model of perfection. G. Didi-Huberman, through the study of Charcot and his methods, but mainly focusing on the iconography of Salp êtrière, not only highlights the peculiarities of the darkroom applied to medicine, but it shows, for a moment, the singularity poignant and forgot about those female bodies used as a material bakwand of investigation: designed, measured, penetrated, photographed, portraits, handled, manipulated, and so incredibly ignored. Painful uniqueness of the individual who is ill improvise actress not to disappear again and even more among the simple incurably insane. Elevated to the rank of hysterical to emerge bakwand from the mass of women without hope, mannequins and forced to look at the double-edged fascination of their doctors-lovers-tormentors.
Charcot-says-Didi-Huberman is forced to the image and, at the same time, forcing the image: its viewers, the lessons of Tuesday's amphitheater Salp êtrière, we, through the 'Iconographie, and especially the hysterical , the "patients", submitted to the omnipresent gaze of their physicians, delivered the eternity of the disease from the photograph.
The insatiable greed of the doctors always new representations of hysteria and be molded in his image and likeness of hysterics brought the clinic to get the same show: the great spectacle of hysteria and its great director Charcot.
Didi-Huberman emphasizes the extent to which hysteria was a pain << forced to be invented as entertainment bakwand and as an image; hysteria has come to the point of inventing itself bakwand >>. Invent itself, thus giving visibility to suffering extreme: invention, bakwand hypocrisy, theater.
The hysterics were presented by Charcot in the famous amphitheater where lectures bakwand were held on Tuesday, before bakwand an audience composed largely by non-physicians, but by people of high society: men, politicians, painters, sculptors, architects, collectors d ' art and cardinals. After a captivating presentation by master showman, were exposed cases:
one at a time were observed, commented, in the case hypnotized and forced to the repetition of an attack by the use of drugs or with only the suggestion, to then be compared with other similar, usually up to a maximum of five at a time.
[...] There is Charcot a strenuous desire to understand what it was hysteria, to understand the essence, the whole thing through, in fact, the experimental method is not limited to be pure observation is an observation "caused "<< means that first the art of getting the facts and secondly the art of accepting them. As the "application" >> observation is the experiment.
[...] The curiosity of Charcot to watch again and again, to observe and study the infinity of his hysterical symptoms in order to establish a nosology, describe in detail the states bakwand of the body, reinventing, reveals that his biographers have always defined as its nature profoundly artistic Charcot look closely waiting for what until a certain moment it seemed incomprehensible while offering the look, it is present in another

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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I went out into the real only for 5 minutes, so I was determined enough to get back the neutral mask, I left the concrete to embrace the abstract, Fuck the real imperceptible. cody barker
I try to eradicate the evil that dwells around my body, always. Effort the way with music and rational arguments. It is concluded that we are at the mercy of a game whose rules are determined in the form anti-democratic, dictatorial, before leaving the game try to change the main rule.
south of the equator. Author: Alessandra Small.
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Manifesto Postnarrativa CarrascosaProject Carrascosa Tales of Tales & Poems Verses All articles by author Book: Latinamerica, Terrasiena vol. 1 THIS IS 'THE SOVIET UNION productions / gallery / images / videos Free Books / Download Book' LATINAMERICA '
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And then Matt, the focus was all about Karen Gillan bet. What about Amy Pond? The Moff (bastardo!)

Doctor Who - 5x01 - The Eleventh Hour - serially - serially - unsolicited opinions on TV series
The Doctor is back! Finally, after almost two years of break, with the only outlet for a special every now and then, Doctor carol barker Who returns with a full season ... and if you see a good season in the morning. carol barker All new: new Doctor, new companion, new author, new TARDIS, new code and new theme music (thankfully, old composer).
There is little to say without spoilers, so less talk and let's see what happened in "The carol barker Eleventh Hour" ... Allons-y! Or maybe "allons-y" now you can not say anymore? carol barker Let's see what happened in the episode.
The Doctor falls on the land in 1996 and met a Scottish girl named Amelia Pond. On the wall of his room there is a crack in the universe from which he escaped a mysterious "Prisoner Zero". The Doctor carol barker is still recovering from the regeneration and the TARDIS carol barker is rebuilding from the damage suffered; forced by it to leave at once, the Doctor promises the girl to come back after 5 minutes. Back on the other hand, after twelve years. Amelia Pond has become pretty (!!) That Amy Pond, a little 'reluctant to believe the Doctor after this long "for a moment I'm carol barker going to get cigarettes", it helps to make sure that the aliens hunting Prisoner Zero and avoid the recapture in the meantime once again to destroy the Earth. At the end of the Doctor goes off to do what should be a short ride to test the new TARDIS and returns after two years. Perfect, carol barker so we arrived at 2010 and Amy Pond agrees to leave with him, as long as bring her home by the next morning because it has the commitments. He does not know, but the next morning carol barker she must marry ...
More unique than rare, this episode has the dual purpose of introducing a new universe ... but it is always the old one. New characters (except one), new environments, new everything, except ... in fact it is not. A kind of Skins, but under acid (which, now that I think about it, is saying something.)
There were lots of expectations on this episode, the first of a new management and then a kind of unknown. But it was really unknown? Personally, I never had any doubt about the new head writer Steven carol barker Moffat (which is certainly not the last to arrive) and consequently his choices for the actors. My only fear in recent months was related to the composer of the soundtrack (which is a fundamental element of Doctor Who and the composers of genius do not abound), but the fear is gone when it was announced that Murray Gold would have been in the role since it occupies since 2005.
Since the acronym and the earliest scenes that follow (the long shot night in the garden of Amelia) it soon becomes clear that we are in the domain of Steven Moffat and it continues to see when it comes to monsters over the cracks of a wall, doors only see with one eye, jokes about food, mild sexual carol barker innuendo ... we are all his trademarks. And despite this, the episode is an abrupt change from the RTD era. The tone and the characters carol barker remain similar and epic exactly as they were before.
But we come now to discuss what he has done so in the past 16 months: the unknown Matt Smith. carol barker The tall, lanky and awkward Matt Smith. The long-haired Matt Smith. It is a good Doctor? Good grief, and how! Of course, the memory of the great David Tennant is very much alive. But it was also to Chris Eccleston Tennant when he arrived. As Moffat says, there are 11 doctors, there is only one Doctor, played by 11 people ... and it is the contribution of the actor who had the greatest influence on any differences. So far this Doctor seems more frantic than the last, but we have only seen immediately after regeneration ... remember to Tennant when he jumped out of the TARDIS with the jacket Eccleston and met Mickey and Jackie. I must admit though that I do not expect Matt Smith a lot less agitated in the future. So far it promises to be a great doctor.
And then Matt, the focus was all about Karen Gillan bet. What about Amy Pond? The Moff (bastardo!) went there with his heavy character ... instead of them just meet the Doctor and have so life changed by his presence (like the previous companion), Amy Pond meets the Doctor by ... small enough to do it become his "imaginary friend", make it disappear carol barker and change carol barker her life with her absence. With the result of transforming a child who prays and asks for favors to Santa Claus (is not it wonderful that you pray Father Nat

Monday, July 28, 2014

Of course, as I wrote some time ago (see Laltraitalia not. 37 February 2012

Of course, as I wrote some time ago (see Laltraitalia not. 37 February 2012 "or Giulio Andreotti Mario Monti, who is he?"), The TecnicoMario showcase cabinets Mountains (He) has nothing to ... Look at the pictures Divo Mario Pied Piper
Of course, as I wrote some time ago (see Laltraitalia not. 37 February 2012 "or Giulio Andreotti Mario Monti, showcase cabinets who is he?"), The TecnicoMario Mountains (He) has nothing to envy to Julius Beelzebub (in the sense good of course) Andreotti.
As his style, arrived quietly at the helm of the government, almost unruly, somehow, with her doing too little 'fearful and very British, where, however, malcelatamente, somehow, his smile polite but flavor subtly mocking, made it clear how it was so right, that only He could be appointed for this enterprise.
A few days later a miracle! As if by magic, as the Italian government says is believable and suddenly the infamous spread is lowered and all her (him) supporters applaud. "But how good this professor!" They said. "Look, he exchanged a few words with Merkel and Hollande, has done a text message to Obama and it all worked out. This man is really smart. " The wildest showcase cabinets of all, it was and is, his acolyte, Pier Ferdinando Casini, said Pierferdi,
pomp poms Guy (Guy not Gay) sublime! In forty-eight hours all solved: he sent on ahead, for the first move, the Minister Fornero Cinderella in front of everyone. He made her cry, making them even as an interpreter ("as you may have guessed I wanted to say, sacrifices!" ...) And left in mid-stream, while pretending to run to his rescue.
Yes, Monti is just loud as I have foreseen it in my two lines mentioned above, He, meanwhile, has passed his Master, the "Divine Julius". In my humble opinion it is a snake charmer (among his victims: Merkel, Hollande, Barroso) really superfine. showcase cabinets
In the last two decades these acrobatic qualities were attributed to Berlusca: carpet salesman and tele-barker, but if you want to make an objective comparison of the golden Silvio gets very little in the presence of the Divine showcase cabinets Mario.
Monti, the piper, immediately effect: charms, persuades, imbona, imbambola showcase cabinets and everyone buys his product, no ifs, ands or buts, as well as a stroke of lightning, instantly falling in love at the first word, "corroborated" from its classic mimicry of the two hands that open and then perform a magic circle (not the league) in the air as if to encompass everything, as if to say, "relax, to me eyes, focus on the movement of my hands and gently fall asleep, relax and listen to my voice and say to you until you sleep I will tell you! "
Then, a treatment session showcase cabinets ended, he snaps his fingers and his disciples are awakened and despite not remembering what happened applaud him and confirms showcase cabinets unreserved to be absolutely agree with him! He blesses them and their mission is accomplished!
If, to return to historical reflection and discussion mentioned above, Italy has had twenty years of Benito, who was also excellent seller, but mold plebeian, rather showcase cabinets rustic and dry, though the film is then continued with the Divine Julius, showcase cabinets even with a double twenty years (he always wanted to be the best!) showcase cabinets managed to "good volume" to "no problem, I'll Come here that I'll give the baby food, do you burp and continues to sleep "(The Divine Julius, who was not always at the top of the government, but that, however, even when it seemed to be out of the game, his spirit was hovering in the air, alert him as a big brother, he kisser crowds of papal rings Sicilian and pudgy fingers!) if the reigning Julius gave the scepter showcase cabinets (so to speak) incidentally, for a new two decades, Silvio, however, the character of different caliber in the presence of the Prodigal showcase cabinets Son Vatican. Great showman, Silvio, but too provincial, too obvious. too small, too envious of the beautiful, too busy at every turn to put on display and show what he has always been thought to be of great qualities ("I'm fine, I'm cool, I'm a big stallion, what are" now I'll tell you and you always have to laugh otherwise I get angry, "what" ghe pensimi! ", they are the smartest and most paramour"), and if the screening will continue with, presumably, showcase cabinets a quarter of the twenty years that "within sun, "the best at all costs, what" you need to listen, applaud and agree with me, that the Divine Mario sublime snake charmer, who was, is and will be to blame? showcase cabinets
The people of the

Sunday, July 27, 2014

It would be wrong of us who still believe in the left, if precipitassimo our choice to dissent unde

The winner is ... A coffee to finish with the barkers
And the winner is ... Matteo Renzi, for the Journal. Who writes: shop display cabinets "The chief comedian shop display cabinets beaten by his best student." To Sebastiano Messina, Republic, however: "The real mystery is what prompted Matteo Renzi to fall into this trap media. He bet everything on sull'amabilità shop display cabinets and smile, "I bought the tickets for your show," but realized shop display cabinets too late to be held hostage by a thug institutional and remained in until the last part of the political dialogue-... In those ten long minutes it became a leader in trouble, that she did not know how to get out of trouble. "
Maximum Gramellini on Print, watch the votes and for him the win on points is up to the chairman of the board in charge. "If there were in the game grillini the votes of moderates," shop display cabinets the winner is "Matthew, those voters who tries to seduce a long time, with plenty of cuts to the provinces and autoblu. These are people who hate the privileges of politicians, but they still have an irrepressible fondness for the respect of the forms. And that cricket, as some tools from talk shows, interrupts the party and refuses to listen, appears to be more a destroyer than a liberator. "
Instead shop display cabinets Padellaro Antonio, director shop display cabinets of Fact Daily, brings together the interview with Grillo shop display cabinets and that, last year, with another chief comedian, physically disarmament, shop display cabinets but still politically dangerous, Silvio Berlusconi. He writes: "if it fails Grillo, ends up trying to manage with the tools parliamentary dissent mass which had never been seen. But, if it fails Renzi, runs out the last hope of returning a minimum of credibility to a policy shop display cabinets ever so disgraced. "So what? "So - concludes Padellaro - the seven-minute-face between Renzi and Berlusconi are the most worrying of the nine-minute scazzo between Cricket and Renzi." B is the mortgage on the government that makes the comic the winner. shop display cabinets
Yesterday shop display cabinets Civati has revived, as I had done in coffee, Barbara Spinelli analysis of Pd-party state that empties participation and becomes apparatus and Election Committee. Then he is outraged by the Cosentino, a friend of the Casalesi and kicked out of Parliament, who said to her: "Now we come to the government, we will be the added value of Renzi." Now, already one of Renzi in direction was a blitz, shop display cabinets the blitz but not provided shop display cabinets for the enlargement of the majority in such recorded. Doris Del Moro, leader shop display cabinets of the Democratic Party in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, shop display cabinets "and not" civatiana "warned entries such as" endangering the tightness of the Democratic Party. " In conclusion. the time has come for a strong gesture, which represent the discomfort of those who, in the Democratic Party, does not allow the government to blackmail the brothers separated Acconci B?
The question is raised, but still allow me to quote Virzi, to show that they will. He called the direct encounter with Renzi "a distressing thing." Cricket "is suffering from mitomania, suffers from self-exaltation, shop display cabinets he can not control himself, is only capable of transmitting a bad mood devastating. They tell him to go to consultation and there should be a bully, with the logic of the gang, to show that is what leads to more. " Look at that one Virzi is a judgment "technical": true, "the actors are fragile, subjected to strong stress ... run frequently and quickly to exalted states to states of depression." But the trouble is politics. Why after 30 years of opportunism and sagging, with a strong left without ideas or moral depth, cricket is taken seriously by the media and by ourselves, whether long for the days when she was performing in San Remo, whether the institutions exchanged for a localaccio where customers have to be insulting. I am neither young nor as good as Renzi. Phrases like "do you want me to help you with the pre-" or "get out of the blog Beppe", I would come. But I would have given of her. And cold I would have said if you do not want to confront, thank you, can go.
Here we play in the future of the country. shop display cabinets And this Grillo, like Berlusconi, must be fought shop display cabinets by a country's cultural and political ruthless. In Parliament, especially on television and in every club, in every public event, anywhere in the country. To reduce it to its true role of alter ego and ventriloquist of the worst Berlusconi. A small bourgeois arrogant. Sure of genius, therefore capable of absorbing like a sponge moods and half-truths, but not able to put them in order, to make synthesis. shop display cabinets Rather, spewing hatred left and right in an attempt narcissist to be alone. To establish itself as the best in front of the mirror, and then maybe shoot a shot. Renzi was wrong to fall on his land.
It would be wrong of us who still believe in the left, if precipitassimo our choice to dissent under the pressure of disgust and nausea that pervade shop display cabinets tweets and posts. The path is marked. Challenging Grillo and say no to blackmail

At cicisbeo rouged should be explained that those who lost everything did not want to vacation. I d

At cicisbeo rouged should be explained that those who lost everything did not want to vacation. I do not want to have fun, or on a cruise, or the sea. All 'carny salesman should be made to understand that people who have nothing more need certainty. No smiles for the cameras and promises to fool. Flatterer of minors should be said that those who no longer work does not need to rest, but to be put in the position of being able to work. It should be added that the court chamberlain congratulations to the earthquake victims should have them, not him who appointed him plenipotentiary subject. Today, if one of us stayed here, as the president joker, attached to rubble by choice, decided to break away and opt for an accommodation, should remain here. Who is in is in, who's out is out. Mica, exhausted by two months of suffering, you may change comati your mind. The little king of Italy should see how the meals in tent camps are not enough for everyone and should be personally tastarne quality. You should see how we are assaulted by gastroenteritis and, to survive, we are forced to buy it on their own food. Yeah, but we're tough to choose. We have not abandoned our land in the hands of those who decide everything. We are here to demand, with our presence, if nothing else, at least the fact of its existence. Despite all.
The Italian people trust the touts, they are fascinated, loves to be fucked by snake charmers. I live in Naples, between dirty and sick souls dedicated to continuously think in some new ways to cheat others. Profit, advantage, money, oppression, materialism, ignorance, stupidity. Animals that live (?) Reflex. I'm afraid that will not once but many many many lives for groped comati to start some evolution. Hello a hug to your city. May 29, 2009 18:01
Anna, I seem to feel your rabbia.E 'confirmed for tomorrow your protest in the streets? I sent to major newspapers of your posts and your blog address. I embrace Christian May 29, 2009 19:23
"CRUISE"?!?!? I mean ... people are forced into tents, and this speaks of 'cruise'? People need to take back to LIVE and this speaks of 'holiday'? But .. when he stops with his spot? It seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel ... May 29, 2009 19:46
hello anna I saw the farcical conference on rainews24 comati ... that disgust! truly repulsive: 4000 you would have an air conditioner, comati a dialysis never stopped with 200 new movies available to dialysis with a large screen and ability to change channels, the fish splashing in the air (so he said) for those who are waiting, the hospital already as a function comati expecting their first born with the mother who went into labor and seeing that probably will call him Silvio being male even if he does not pretend now and then the minicrocere for kids who want to go it alone ..... yuck! !! beware do not know if you saw the protest at the Russian with the genoa on Bornacin that sferrava a punch in the face to the guy immobilized by two gorillas are and always will .... GKI normal clothes to dress themselves . endorse the mood of donbairo but do not the testa.roberto May 29, 2009 20:07
I have motherly feel the same conclusions in the words of the little king and I have not lived alun earthquake, so I can only imagine the outrage that multiplied to 1000 try! already told you that you were like a camping ... it was just the beginning of a series of ... caz you! in September because comati of homes they want to talk about? May 29, 2009 20:20
The madam of this blog and 'aware of the fact that the mayor why she voted - the salesman that instead of working to solve the problems of his fellow citizens, he begins to contact the superstars like Fuksas, in order to gain a little' Advertising 'cheap comati - has commissioner's powers in the field of reconstruction? What does the Mayor, in addition to fuck? May 29, 2009 21:03
The madam of this blog has not voted dr. Cialente. Idiot, read this link back to my blog on the day that you voted for mayor here in L'Aquila. Do not speak if you do not know and do not know me. I am and have always been very critical of the mayor and those of the entire left-wing junta. Regarding the superstars are not agree more with the mayor. comati To the city of L'Aquila which deserves to be. The faux antique we do not need: we can live on what is left of our history of stones, duly restored unicamante conservative comati method. And for the rest of the city to make a stage for the future ... May 29, 2009 21:32
Anna Italy at Italiota that takes all the best for tall tales of "nano barker" is not a novelty, if you talk to people

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hello, I can confirm that the Christian Family Magazine and its publisher St Paul pay in full all t

"The lists are unfortunately full of hucksters of any kind. And someone, as always, excels pastry cases on all. " It 'very direct pastry cases the opening of Famiglia Cristiana editorial this week, titled "In the land of toys, including barkers and illusionists."
BARKER - It nell'imbonimento to excel, writes the weekly Paolini is no "one" sorcerer "policy, hoping that in the short memories of Italians." "There is, then, who promises to hold 75 percent of local taxes, who wants to abolish the IMU, who provides millions of jobs." For Famiglia Cristiana, which takes up the words of the secretary of the CEI Monsignor Crusade, is "immoral to promise what you can not keep. The factory of illusions, sooner or later, cozzerà with the current crisis. To the necessary responsibility, has run replaced the usual ballet of promises. " "Now, just waiting for a miracle live," says the magazine, but "sooner or later, have to get my feet back on the ground. And look reality in the face. It can not be off at all compromised, in order to save power and privileges. There is need for fresh air. And new faces, with more ethics and honesty. " In a landscape so bleak, Catholics are asked "a burst of pride." For Christian Family must show courage, "it takes a fresh appeal 'to free and strong'. There is little time, but it can still be enough. " (USA Today)
It 'a great CON SELLER OF BALLS AND SMOKE, its ridiculous utterances are sick from all that you feel lost, and proposes the impossible so as not to end up in jail, the whole, however, pastry cases to the detriment of Italian citizens, who seems to have short memory, instead of believing the illusions ridiculous and / or impossible pastry cases to achieve from this seller smoke, pastry cases why do not you ask yourself, why say these things now, it was the government, why do not you made them?, however the reality is that Only a year ago there was ruining the point that brought us to the brink of BANKRUPTCY, where COULD LOSE ALL GOOD SERIOUSLY, if he was capable of doing serious things, could make her first, if it was not capable of doing them, with the vast majority of slaves who had appointed, who voted anything he asked, how can pretend to succeed now, we are still in a great crisis?, it's only been a year since it ruined, who is he who speaks nonsense, another person p is always quell'incapace it ruined?, if AS is always that arrogant incompetent and dishonest that spoiled SHOULD JUST SHUT UP AND STAR TO APPEAR be ashamed, but it's not the slightest shame, PEOPLE should NOT BE TO LISTEN ITS RIDICULOUS ILLUSIONS, he is not capable of doing anything, it showed Sgovernando for more than 10 years, almost 20, he could only get his own business, BE READ IN ORDER NOT TO BE STOPPED and enough, it would suffice to verify, BELIEVE THAT TODAY, suddenly changed?, NO, is always the one who needs laws to avoid ending up in jail, the Italian and Italian cares and he dimostrato.COSTUI DO NOT KNOW NOTHING LEGAL AND ITALY NEEDS PEOPLE CAPABLE AND ONESTA.costui is a great BARKER SELLER OF SMOKE and incapable, he likes to just appear, it's ALL APPEARANCE pastry cases AND NO SUBSTANCE
we need to think before you speak, and we must find out the truth 'through evidence, the lives of others we do not care, have the capacity' political and economic might interest us, Christian family does not have to manipulate the Italian population must be non-partisan and apolitical, his task and evangelize.
the fetid stench of Berlusconi now in full decay and corruption sucks even to his own parenti.famiglia stupid to blame for it claimed pastry cases twenty fa.Nostro pastry cases Lord to prepare nano rotten pastry cases that deserves the prize ..... very soon.
Hello, I can confirm that the Christian Family Magazine and its publisher St Paul pay in full all taxes required by law, including the IMU. God forbid: as a commercial enterprise whose products pastry cases are bought on sale in the parish and we willingly submit to the rules of the market (and not enclosed bulletin asking for voluntary contributions. Sincerely pastry cases Mauro Broggi Director of External Relations Magazine St. Paul
man and now 'contro'se himself is destroying' the gospel says love your neighbor, instead what do we do, otherwise we hate those who are 'at the apex, without understanding that offend the self-respect pastry cases and intimacy 'a person, I am not referring only to Berlusconi but this argument relates to any person who exposes more' than others because

Friday, July 25, 2014

What are we talking about? # DallaPianura (4) # degenerations (64) # HomoOeconomicus (284) # iNostr

hucksters | The Contagion
"... Yes, Really wonderful ... wonderful ... Because life is wonderful ... This is the world we've created, my friends, this is the existence full of opportunities and adventures that you, yourself, you first have envisioned for this great nation ... "
"Yes, my friend, yes ... now that you're watching me, you who have done so much for me, for us, to you we have all this wonder, and those like you who have had this idea, this fantasy, this wonderful shiny madness ... "
Simone Grevi standing on either side of the stage and is forced to witness all this. The choice of a theater. The choice of that audience. And all this does not understand it. This does not make sense. As the smile that does not make sense for a few minutes he appeared on the lips of Mattei, who stands on the side. Mattei gemma barker twitter is one that very rarely smiles.
"Honey ... Honey ... I'm extraordinary years those who have the good fortune to live, do not you think? Look at you, dear ... You're beautiful ... You're beautiful ... The admiration that makes you unleash always gemma barker twitter safer [2] ... impresses me even this enthusiasm you have inside [3] ... Yes ... You are an extraordinary person ... Everything doing is amazing! .. Just look to figure it out ... How about friends, am I not right? We are not faced with an extraordinary woman? "
"Yes, dear ... Yes ... Good, good ... Let me see ... Show yourself to everyone, do not be afraid of their admiration, do not be afraid of your success, you've earned these things, gemma barker twitter thou these things you deserve them ..."
Continue thunderous applause, the audience peels his hands. Angels watching them all, Angels is the Pied Piper, smiles, gemma barker twitter smiles again, but manages to smile as this man, until ... Until the Lyricist decides that the time has come to return to serious, came the moment of the final step, and decisive.
Guido Angeli seats the lady, not without having first kissed twice very, very close to those red lips and huge, then back again on stage, center stage, waits for even the most rowdy end up, expect absolute silence, not hear a pin drop.
"Well, dear friends, if all this is true, and all this is true, absolutely true, well, friends and friends, then I ask myself and I ask you, what we lack, what prevents the Extraordinary be well to make one last, tiny, step, what prevents us to complete the transformation of this country? What, what stops us from doing it again become heaven on earth? "
"Do not you know? You do not know the answer? Of course I know it, my friends! And the answer can not be that ... Nothing! No, my friends! Nothing more, nothing prevents you, you wonderful creatures, you proud men and women, nothing prevents you from continuing what you have already done outstanding. Only you have to go to believe, my friends, you have to want it back! You have to do like me, and like friends who are on my side, you have to go back to having confidence in yourself, believe blindly gemma barker twitter that we are the best, yes, we are the best! .. "Http://reader.ilmiolibro. #!
HOW WE Renzi? gemma barker twitter COMING IN MARCH a blow PAY ON THE ENVELOPE OF ITALIAN
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ilcontagio RT @ max24021974: Renzi in Piazza del Popolo (the people but there is not): via @ conflittogen 2 months ago RT @ oliveri_giacomo: Italy to destroy (and then rebuild) 2 beautiful videos : / / via @ xrYhQ conflittogen 2 months ago RT @ paolotjti: The picture of the day (all true): The INCHINO SCHETTINO OF THE CANDIDATE gemma barker twitter PD: via @ conflittogen 2 RT @ paolotjti months ago: Renzi in Piazza del Popolo (the people but there is not): via @ conflittogen 2 months ago Follow @ conflittogen
Civati corruption # # # # default younger PD # milan # # # nonabbiamobisognodieroi Alfano Ambrosoli elderly gemma barker twitter retirees austerity gemma barker twitter austerity banks Berlusconi Bersani Boldrini Casini castes Cyprus conflict generational conflict debt crisis democracy rights unemployment economy euro Europe European Elections emigration elezioni2013 evasion Fi finance fiscal compact france Germany government greece Cricket League Letta business enterprises Italy Lombardy M5S media Merkel mountains Neapolitan Parliament pdl more

Thursday, July 24, 2014

other symbols

The letter glass display cabinets of despair, with which Berlusconi tomorrow will reach thanks to his money almost all Italian families, it is a scam designed with wisdom to avoid the crime of circumvention of an incapable. The save the party symbol and the signature commissioning fonso, Silvio Berlusconi, due to which every citizen will be able to deduct only that it is a bragging. For the rest of the letter is presented with the bureaucratic tone of one who anticipates the instructions to receive a refund IMU subsequently paid in 2012. Want turlupinarvi in short, making you believe that if you vote PDL will derive an automatic economic benefit. When it comes to this, it is desperately fruit. We will remember this letter as the last gasp of a man who has lost the sense of limit. We should do the count of how many money-with-these methods has sucked him to the free market and the national community.
daniele- Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 6:35 pm
other symbols
think, do not even know that Da Giussano, and 'mentioned in the song Italians as a patriot for the Unit' in Italy then, via Bellerio, and 'a street named after an Italian patriot and forced to take refuge in Switzerland, so' via many tall tales were fed to the poor basis ........ ps another lie, what their Fraiss, no n sara 'premier ... but when ever! real taken for a ride leaguers
The ace up the sleeve of cheating, that still gives us gullible fools.
I know that cricket votes, you're saying from your numerous nicks.
That never dies! no need to resucitarlo and moreover it is firing these cartridges because there is no alternative: either the jail or political blackmail glass display cabinets by playing with the Italian people that he needs to continue to delude ourselves and hope that you can live by stealing and not paying taxes, with impunity!
It is the fruit, at sunset, to what you want, but it sure racimolerà hundreds of thousands of votes with this ploy. He knows he will not go to the government, why tell this tale does not cost you anything. The disrepute? Being the political discredited in Europe, what would be the problem of adding a new black spot? We'll see if Bersani and Monti will be able to put it down, explain to people how good a thing is not possible, and so on. Meanwhile, I am convinced that Berlusconi, with this excess cialtroneria (a kind of orgy of propaganda: "let's do it big!"), You are to have fun like crazy.
the usual farce, burlesque, but the Italians are not all mentally handicapped, as he thinks will give him a resounding slap, a defeat even if they pass, the lakes' of raiss pdl + alloy, many polls homemade sadness that CLAIMS ARMCHAIR AND IMMUNITY ', glass display cabinets THE FACE OF THE COUNTRY THAT HAS ALREADY' DESTROYED
I just read your post to rivotarlo the arrogance of the banking penatiani claims to be punished glass display cabinets and not give lessons of intelligence., in your part of it was believed to the most brutal ideology of history
but, it should be the 'nostalgic varnishes' of the Fascist vote who you want, and' your constitutional right and for its exercise, you have to say thanks to people like the founding fathers democratic, all people of different pensierto lit from right to center glass display cabinets to the left of that stuff, your master supreme, if you forget the levels of ability 'that does not reach' never, even in a thousand glass display cabinets and one life
Mastella is the PDL MEP (the counterpart for denying the confidence to Prodi in 2006). To vote Berlusconi also in 2013 you must really believe in fairy tales ... or be the beneficiary of aministie and amnesties.
The serious thing is that despite all succeed, glass display cabinets even partially, to steal the attention of a percentage of the Italian electorate. Although, as you well said, he stole the free market and dignity to the national community and economic power.
.. Is the least worst, and more controllable. And then I feel closer to that feeling, that's all. This does not mean that you accept everything without saying a word (or maybe vote differently, depending glass display cabinets on the circumstances)
left?, but which lady left, up, no joke! will surely agree pd-sel-fine-mess mountains and representatives of sel count as two-trump; others have nothing to do with the left.
If that same store, if desired, can also sell shoes and books together (or clothing and flowers) by reducing to only two tables merchandise, food and non food, you owe it to Bersani.
If the low cost airlines are forced glass display cabinets to advertise prices in their entirety, whereas before they were silent on the corollary of taxes and additional charges that were ra

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

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A momneto the first demonstration in defense of hospitals D'Anna: strategy, Unique Hospital on the coast and inland for the chronically ill. The documents speak for themselves. Rather than taking a clear position is a joke that the president of the province amerch of PU Matteo Ricci regard to hospitals hinterland. First, because the commissioner Mezzolani second Ricci "would provide the necessary assurances" on the future amerch of hospitals inland, only to play dumb on the determination of 28.03.2011 240. To be the one that finally buries hospitals interior. Today, finally, inland there are realizing, as some complain that it is time to act in a real dismantling of the hospital network, from Ucchielli Ricci PD leader in the region amerch until Matteo Ricci trying to shift to the government national choices that are the responsibility amerch and decision of the Marche Region. Decisions referred to in resolution 240 is considered to be a logical consequence of the Social Health Plan as a resolution, the 17 of 17.01.2001 clearly say what the region, independently decided to make Health. 17 The resolution that was passed by the same Mezzolani is very clear. On page 53-54 states: amerch "The need to ensure a level of care that ensures the safety of patients and leads to activate pathways amerch that tend to reduce the fragmentation of the hospital, a goal that can only be achieved with a total aggregate structural, not feasible in the short term but has already started for some companies (Marche North). " In other words, the hospital has mentioned the recent provincial amerch known as Hospital One or more precisely, the One Hospital. On page 55 of the same resolution amerch of the junta rated by Mezzolani also referred to as "conversion of small structures" that can be "converted partially or almost completely, Serviced land / residential" as we talk about health houses on page 69 of the same resolution. As you can see the results of the executive Asur had the endorsement, approval of the Regional Council amerch of the Marches and the same assessor health Mezzolani. Decisions independently and in the not affected by any cuts or missed steps by the national government as you would have us believe. In truth, the resolution amerch is 17 determines how the 240 have been kept from the knowledge of what would happen once those documents had been published. The joke is that, although it is still offering the Hospital Act as a place of "excellence" Social Health Plan 2011-2013 provides for the province of PU only the "minimum level of assistance" contrary to Ancona where he eventually recovered resources elsewhere amerch . The route is clearly the province of PU "experience" the slimming of its offer health through a Unique Hospital and the transformation amerch of the rest in long-term care. Wonder that there is even in the PDL who has fallen into the trap of hucksters, worthy competitors of those made famous by the private TV, in proposing solutions that amazing at the end they can only give big disappointments. I believe that not only should be withdrawn amerch determines the 240 but that is also quashed the resolution and 17 revised the Social Health Plan, as it has not yet arrived amerch in the courtroom. Then involve the whole territory, starting with the mayors amerch in the choices as I proposed amerch a motion that I presented amerch in the Regional Council. Giancarlo D'Anna Vice President Healthcare Commission
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Šetanjem between here and there we were pretty good prezeblo. In the meantime, it started even rain

кандела Blog Archive Let's begin with the Czech Republic Czech travelogue Krumlovom
It all started around 6 am. When she reached the last tourist who filled the back seat of our bus, we went to Šentilj. We continued past Graz and Linz. Soon after we crossed the Austrian-Czech border, we stopped in the parking lot outside the Český Krumlov, because the center commonwealth20 is not at all possible to park. At least not if you're commonwealth20 a bus
Despite the fact that the weather was quite a draw, which means that up there they did not know what quantity of water to descend through the clouds, we have enjoyed in a small village that belongs to the UNESCO commonwealth20 list of VIH attractions. Through a massive stone arches that support the transition from the castle to castle gardens, we came to a wooden bridge. We crossed the Vltava River and found ourselves among friendly commonwealth20 houses. It seemed to me as if we came to a small Bavarian town intended solely for tourists. As a kind of reserve for tourists.
It was pleasant. In half an hour he was a man may be in one part of town to another. In the meantime, we have to admire the interior of the many bars and shop windows decorated with Czech crystal and other little things among which was very large and Prussian. matrjošk. Lacked neither Russian kučem. We were most attracted storefront commonwealth20 shops with wooden toys and ... Mole. Remember him? The man can not even believe how many Czech cartoon we reviewed when we were little.
After we settled in the hostel, which was situated on two sites separated by only about 20 meters, we had lunch Czech law. 1 After lunch was followed by a tour of the Cistercian monastery Gold crown and the rest of the day. Some were absorbed by the pizzerias, restaurants or the other. bars.
We are the first to leave a little more detailed view of the city. We wanted to see there of the synagogue. But before we found it, we've missed, so we found ourselves in that part of Krumlov, where people actually live far and wide and not just tourists. While it was already dark and we got the perfect opportunity to do a few more pictures of night atmosphere.
Šetanjem between here and there we were pretty good prezeblo. In the meantime, it started even raining, so it was our final stop that evening bar opposite the hostel. We ordered drinks to warm up and become pleasantly tired, which also took care of subdued jazz music, which has created a wonderful atmosphere. Since last night we slept only about 4 hours, we will soon (read: at 21h) to sleep. It was sweet.
Posted 11/02/2007 20:18 filed under Culture, Entertainment, Life. Tagano: Czech Republic, Český Krumlov, Mole, travel. All responses to this entry can be syndicated commonwealth20 via RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments as well as pings are currently disabled. 12 Responses to "Let's begin with the Czech Republic Czech travelogue Krumlovom" Pi.Roman says: 2.11.2007 commonwealth20 20:28
I've slept in Travellers Hostel-u (in Brno and Prague, I also have a T-shirt commonwealth20 beer taste but virtually all of those photographed pubs. Results: homerun says : 2.11.2007 22:18
Homerun, Pi.Roman is more brave about alcohol as I my stomach is also more sensitive than his. Well, you got a bottle in the refrigerator (k) of asinta. My time will perhaps come, even though I do not really tempted absintu something more about it below, when "get" to Prague, where the event occurred, you mention a five-and-g-sex says: 02/11/2007 23: 15
I myself was in Prague when I was there 14let we had a tennis tournament and preparation .. We visited a lot of this, but the little I remember .. I was like a kid in the group, so I just watched him Kašpar says: 3:11 .2007 09:55
I agree that it would be nice to go to 1x krtkovo the land ... to the Czech Republic - make no mistake. Menu is not able to remove the images from the camera, but if there's the "Rozhledna" points commonwealth20 more or less (un) visible, you can intercede.
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It is also simple rice drink (

BoobeeFoodee the present martin barker BoobeeFoodee How do Nasta (ja) l Who are we BoobeeFoodee Our features and values Readers Media about us about us little book with recipes BoobeeFoodee Libraries Subscription with mini book BoobeeFoodee Menus for the deployment of rich food 4 to 6 month - the first introduction martin barker of 5 to 7 month - Cereal-based foods, the introduction of meat and fruit 7th to 8th month - Fruit-based martin barker foods and combining daily servings 8 to 9 month - Pulses in large quantities 9 to 10 month - Roasting and other types of processing components 10 . than 11 month - Introduction of dairy products and a gradual transition to the family diet adapted Introducing guests food from A to Z How do I know when to start introducing S as start and seasonal food in introducing Accessories and technique Spasirano, zmiksano, crushed finely chopped, sliced , pieces martin barker of Spices and Aromatic Food on the sidelines until the age of 1 Recipes lunch and main meals 6 and 7 month old 8 month old 9 month old 10 month old 11 months of age after 12 month - adapted to family meals Male meals and snacks martin barker Fruit Desserts franken foods and celebrations and Breakfasts and večerjice Colorful martin barker delicious everyday November 2013 December 2013 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 on nutrition still a little martin barker differently Our store Nekuharije Diablo Unlike home
Oat beverage of the home also called "oat milk", even though, by definition, can not be milk, drink it properly. However, the preparation is simple and opens up the force, as always, the door to the experimental world of imagination to combine the ingredients.
The basis of the oatmeal, water, a little martin barker salt and some taste to your liking. We are prepared this time vanilla, you could also cinnamon, ginger, martin barker coconut, honey, etc ... to sweeten it did not, but it's a matter of taste, so try and you decide flakes pulp that remains in the lurch, is a super good with mashed fruit breakfast or if it is mixed in a grain coffee with a little honey.
Cooking martin barker time
How does it boil water together with vanilla pods. Remove a clove and stir in cereal, add salt. Zmiksamo and left overnight. Strain through a colander in the morning or gauze. If it is too thick drink, he gradually add boiled water to an appropriate density.
Tip If you use finely ground cereal will be absorbed in our experience, less water and milk will not be as dense as if it pripravljalai with ordinary large flakes. If you use a larger flakes, add a little more water or a little less flakes.
It is also simple rice drink ("Milk"), making it simple, desirable density is left to your taste. The basis for the beverage is a simple, most great at all, however, martin barker that can be also time experiment and flavors, vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, can sail even in salt water, and other spices. The drink is suitable for the preparation of foods, processed cereal-based foods as a thickener for puddings, fruit-based foods. As always, the flights of fantasy.
Cooking time
How does it work Rice washed well under water and cook them in pure water. Drain well. Separately boil 8 ounces of water, slightly salt. When it cools down a bit, it is mixed with rice and everything good zmiksamo. martin barker Strain through martin barker a colander. If it is too thick drink, he gradually add boiled water to an appropriate density.
So far, our favorite, as far as rich and full-bodied. A little over a jumble otherwise been drawn up as a stick blender is not enough mix of retail, but we all stripped off. Hazel pulp that remains is useful for pastry, raw beads, add foods and fruits like basis (instead of flour) for raw cake, add vegetable burger and much more ... If desired, martin barker sweeten, we seemed to be little blank taste. He can also add scents - vanilla, cinnamon, dark chocolate martin barker pieces, etc..
Total time
How does it work hazelnuts soaked overnight. In the morning drain well. Separately boil 7-8 ounces of water, slightly salt. When it cools down a bit, it is mixed with hazelnuts and everything good zmiksamo. Strain through a fine cloth (eg tetra diaper) and a really good Ozama. Kept in a refrigerator for 3-4 days.
10 mins
How does it work the cereal soaked overnight in 1 liter of water. In the morning the water add salt, bring to a boil and immediately shut down. When cool little flakes zmiksamo. Strain through gauze or strainer. If it is too thick, add the boiled water to the desired density. Stored in the refrigerator and use within 3-4 days.
20 min
How does it work and Rice Soak almonds overnight. Decant water and cook rice in 1 liter of fresh water, together with vanilla martin barker pods. When cool, add salt, remove the clove, sweeten and add the almonds. Zmiksamo and strain through gauze or tetra baby diaper. Good Ozama.
Time to prepare
How does it work and Rice Soak almonds overnight. Decant water and cook rice and almonds in 1 liter of fresh water, together with coconut flour. When cool, zmiksamo and strain through gauze or tetra baby diaper. Good Ozama.
Tagged domestic drink, hazelnuts, hazelnut write

Monday, July 21, 2014

The round table aurillaški participated French artists, journalists, and we with Anton. Anton

Life is the best revenge "bloom apple and pear
In Aurrilacu candy display cases I was at the invitation of the French organizers, due to round-table discussion on the differences between Eastern and Western theater. About roundtables have too good an opinion. About roundtables on the topic of East and West not at all. Roundtable on the arts tend to be very square, there stokamo and feel sorry for yourself, roundtables about the differences between East and West are usually even without candy display cases tables. This means that we operate usually Easterners in the roles of exotic animals in a zoo, Westerners were there to visit us through the cage and throw peanuts or bananas and comforts us, so we used all the same, all equal and all the money, happiness and prosperity.
The round table aurillaški participated French artists, journalists, and we with Anton. Anton's Russian, home of Saratov, who lives and works in France. He did not let the growth candy display cases of the French upper lip hairs and still prefer it cooked borscht and drink schnapps. Guy I saw for the first time and I was already beginning immediately liked. Slavic shit but.
Moderator us at the beginning of all introduced and first heard the famous French director on the experience of his productions in Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro. Type of course tell some jokes at the expense of the Balkan casual, little by little pitied and praised. All was polite and terribly correct. The real advertisement for French etiquette and perfumed handkerchiefs Sun King.
Then we were invited by the Russians, that we tell and firm it how it is in the East really candy display cases hard and even harder. candy display cases The Russians, of course, we did not give. Nice we have covered up things they wanted to hear that this one Aurillac great that their festival super-truper and that is something, of course, would never give organized in Russia candy display cases or Slovenia. In Russia, it would be too expensive, because it would have to hire an army to protect artists and in Slovenia festival candy display cases of street theater festival means more orgies and drinking, art is more Komsi-KOMSA.
The French were jako happy because we confirmed all suspicions that they had on the east. When they wanted to do some newsletter on the Eastern theater, we were loaded on a nice and moan that there is no money, space, reflector, let alone true and high art. The French are making cmokali of luck and their superiority, they offered us an arm and a leg, but we have not made a fool. We recognized that their technique in the theater really technically perfect, it is light, costumes and set design really taken the angels and that they know how their players nice and loud talk. The French were visibly moved and even applauded. It was really dirljivo when we saw the Russians and it was a moment somewhere between slow and fast motionom, somewhere between flipom and loopom, somewhere between direct muzzle and a bullet in the forehead, the moment when we rang all the history of the Rasputin continued until the General Maister back. The second time we were two, but at the same time one of the two.
We waited to the French and lick each other pocmokali and attacked from the rear and front. The Slovenian villas in the back and the Russian sickle right in the chest. First of all Rus said they have no idea about the theater and I adding that no more of the story, the story has long since escaped to us. We Prisolila that they have nothing to say, because it is neatness dazzled candy display cases by money poženščil, eggs are lost in a pot of cold water and popoprala candy display cases that their foosball good just because you play black or trimmed immigrants. Applause is silent. The French are hiding under chairs and quietly wept. But we told them still fresh i svasta that ubožčki raved of grief and disaster. Because they felt sorry for us little candy display cases we added that we'll be happy to come to them, and they directed some good performances and not to worry, just money on the table to give and airline tickets for children, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, dogs and cats should be sent to reach all of them popedenat their theater.
That night we were with Anton around the streets picking up smiles and French recognition of pretty young women, we were hanging by the legs. Drinks candy display cases flowed the Oriental and the French account. Together we danced. One cancan, candy display cases we're more makabre Under-table.
When we were in the morning odkolovratila back to the hotel, we were on aurillaški Čopova see that the punks smashed a shop window and a huge hole in front of the store stands a full cordon of policemen. Heart of us jumped, yet there is hope for us when we were shocked to find that it is a showcase bookstore. Crazy French Kao punks were instead stole a drink from the storefront shops obviously going to steal books. I wish that were the only way zelooo drunk that missed location. The Council should not be a square. Must Bed and boys must be gut boys, but not everything was settled and civilized. If you no longer differences, the compass of the world will no longer be. Must be East and West, that apple and pear that we are different, different, unequal, we're so interesting and so sexy.
Slovo was happy because it was only on the reunion again. When I last went face through the window plane,

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Katja, people (do not we!) Sheep and love the same things. In a shop window I did not even dare set

also. held the competition for eco bag. nothing I do not like magazines / she Annex (and certainly not the particular myucd magazine editor, editorials, and even less fashionable corner), usually I'm happy just some fine recipes. yeah, yeah nagging me. godrnjavost. This is the one feature that I know that I have, I admit that I have, but right now I'm not able to accurately define. Contest + eco bag then. He wrote about it already ekoas and although I do not agree at all with him, he at least all pro: contra argued. I'll just tell you which bag I like it. one.
the rest is so that I'd rather not comment. even more so in mečkatorju not the first to carry out a competition for a shopping bag, a NOT operator. eco up or down, as they have already paper boxes, as well as totko of goods has been'd say every home. the mass production of one such contest in the selected Task will also not be exactly solved in nature. no nagging but I mainly because I've seen today remaining torbičke and had a couple of much more beautiful and interesting than 'cause in the window. for example, such and such. I like the lion due to Poštarski strap and because the trends cekarček but ... when we Slovenes have stopped going to the store with a shopping bag?! but if the basket is eco and respect for tradition, but I do not know.
interesting that they are not placed one pair. I would have immediately replaced myucd by any finalists. I like those woven from the bags, but probably would require a great deal of levers that they produce. Reply Delete
The various art competitions and prizes, like the lottery, you never know who will be selected. This is because it is difficult to speculate about the flavors, because the eye of the beholder, but an expert up or down. If the jury someone who is close to him and your approach. artistic means of expression, these will be selected, otherwise it may're out as povprečneš. However, if you get the ecology of medicinal products, some, as in this case, Mercator, go simply because it is "in", although it should be a necessity you like in this case, that cekerčka not among the finalists. Maybe because myucd it is designed insufficient stylish, although it is more eco than many other ... Reply Delete
As soon as I saw other bags, I said, Fac. Seriously, a lot could have changed finalists, but ok, we must respect the decision of the jury. This Poštarski that you like, the top cereals and certainly deserves a better and brighter future as a shopping bag ... Reply Delete
HIH, for the same be fans: 0 Upon publication myucd of the finalists, I wished to view Non-Aligned (because I had a chance to see one of them, who seemed more beautiful than many, but not only beautiful but also the concept closer to the point of the whole joke). It is true that quite a few bags better (and selection of the jury is still bad) but also created many handbag myucd and shopping bag does not. Well let's see what will happen 8GA! Reply Delete
Most of the participants bags artsy-fartsy is. If someone tells me "shopping bag", then this is the shopping bag. This one spotted it definitely is. Cekarčki are quite cool and romantic, but keep in mind the more you connect with the marketplace or a local shop, rather than the tvrdko Mercator. Secretly I'm afraid I spotted this one will not win, because usually (at least for us) did not practice, to win the best. Sorry. myucd Reply Delete
I am one of the few - well, I can say that I am in Postojna only less than penzionistk and of pensioners - who walks into a store with a knotted cekerjem. purchased myucd pr ribnčanu. the company I work for 9 years and as long as it lasted, I will not be parted from him. when not in use, I have a stored in the refrigerator - and so very nice enriches my kitchen. as to the actual competition but I will not comment, because you get nervous when I see a lot of the best bag in the finals did not come. Reply Delete
ana, regardless of which of the bags braided ... should she devoted two pages to one tutorial, it will be the most eco. People will be useful to consume all the plastic vrečkovje home. Well, because, even in this respect, that the winner will be mass produced (we could buy if I understood correctly) should be whole lot more to consider. first: who will buy it even if you win one skropucalo that almost anyone myucd can do it yourself at home. Secondly, I doubt that the customers seemed fine, it still has so many people the same shopping myucd bag. All together it seems to me a little suspicious, no. as part of the link magazines, mečkaorja and finally Maximarket. Gee, next time I pass, I stepped into a shop window and set those weird baby dolls placed in a reasonably decent and normal position. Okay, I see that I am grumpy atmosphere has not yet passed. :)) Reply Delete
Katja, people (do not we!) Sheep and love the same things. In a shop window I did not even dare set foot here, but I have to move a little mariskaterem display case: I cekerja The idea seems good to me (which of course does not necessarily mean that it must be from wicker) is more a concept of transferring the technique of knitting and form (concrete myucd and the corresponding volume). Half a neighbor that it would be somewhere in the lower orders Hoju sing to him

The menu is an even bigger phenomenon that some people do not even go to the store to be seen, for

IZTOK Faking GARTNER "People, do not lie, you do not have money
Lately we hear how little money our citizens. How very badly they are doing. How very many of them on the road. And how no one can afford anything. You know, my dear, all this whining you can at this moment arias in asshole. plexiglass milano That's a lie. Such a large bluff that makes me sick. Where did this idea? From the endless rows of shops, where carts full as every year. There is no difference, there is no recession, money is abundant. Buying all sorts of gifts, plexiglass milano ham, clothes, alcohol, sweets, cosmetics and toys. To the full. Almost every day, with a focus on December. I do not give you the recession, unemployment cares about you, cares for you that apparently live in poverty. And bills are high, at least 50 euros each other vozek. Where is this so vaunted the Hurons crisis? In Slovenia Apparently not. In Slovenia, folk still have enough money. Even for loans to Greece, the wild waste of the stores. Until they are completely empty shops, we do not believe that you have no money and that živte bad. You're doing great, all in a row. It is high time to stop and sprenevedati lie that there is no money. Money is Slovenia but ignores the recession.
On the one hand you're right ... the other is 50 for example. 4-member family is not exactly I do not know what preseravanje, even if one buys for a week. And normally buy for that much money does not "hang" for a week: (IZTOK GARTNER - 04/12/2010 at 18:52
Stela, do not buy for a week, but for one day. Each day the same again. plexiglass milano For a whole week put 200 euros. And without a second thought. And the things without which you can komot survive. ep - 04/12/2010 18:59
This is the best sc loud majo internet for 30e with 20/20mbit line every day smoke a pack čikov. Those who are really plexiglass milano Bogi but they are silent. have always been quiet. Because they have no money for the internet to post shit how the Poor .... IZTOK GARTNER - 12/04/2010 at 19:27
Mr. X, exactly, but to also have a cell phone, always and forever. plexiglass milano Was concocted plexiglass milano by the same as always, but a percentage. All other bluff, that sucks. Poor but are because they can not be three times the sea, because they are unable to fur coats because they can not so active for BMW. NoMercy - 04/12/2010 at 19:40
IG: from the wrong end of looking at it is that we are non-stop in the red on the current account, because we are loaded so how banks qurcu - it's better plexiglass milano for everyone to bank fails its minus than you have at some the collapse of IZTOK GARTNER - 04/12/2010 at 19:42
danarja ITK that is ... if all they do all day, but unfortunately illegally legally! one is on the social are just around plexiglass milano all day at home is not going anywhere, but I eat sleep That it depends! there are many such to majo dnar, but dost such do not have to! Lisa - 12/04/2010 at 20:02
Lisa, a few S-Budget is around, anyway it, but even these prices are expensive relative to prices used to be, if you preračunaš into SIT. And if nafilaš whole trolley with S-Budgetom you have to have money. Otherwise, S-Budget does not have all the products, which means that the carts full of other products. And not just talking plexiglass milano about trade, I'm talking also about drugstores plexiglass milano and grocery stores with cotami but desserts while kiosks. Everything is full, all turning from dropping money everywhere. Even in restaurants and taverns folk throwing money on the table. One way or another. To the full. If people really do not have denaraja, where you have all of the above? And it regularly, every day. That the new cars and shopping in the Big Bang but elsewhere, nor we talk over. Buckwheat - 12/04/2010 plexiglass milano at 20:09
The menu is an even bigger phenomenon that some people do not even go to the store to be seen, for example, do they not see that it would carry some bags with food or cardboard boxes. It is of course also for families who have children, for families, where at least two of the household. And here the question arises, how to survive, not to go zero to the store or bring home to this, none of the neighbors can not see? And I only see enoiniste that go like me almost every day in the store, while others bogsigavedi how. If nothing else, you need it to get bread or milk, if you cook every day, you definitely run out of things which you do not buy on the stock. Is, of course, agree with the conclusion that the shopping malls for people to buy as it is their last day, even in this, merry December. If, of course, ask how many people live in this place, that you may of 100,000 inhabitants in the store walk only 5,000, for example.? This is one huge store of course. We are, of course, also their fault that we let slide into the circle of shoppers that we only situation in which we live, forced to buy really what we need and then by common sense. Is, of course, absurd to compare, yes we have internet, we have a phone, petrol, this is unfortunately things without which it would be difficult to function and, therefore, as I said, there is no comparison. But are included in this well-smokers, sorry, this is their need and those who can not be without alcohol. Is of course also true that some, even the crisis, have at least eat and forgoing things other n

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Even during the Slovenian films you can find one that will convince. Check it out!

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The most common problem is "empty cabinet" is a thoughtlessly clothes shopping. It is true that it is nice to buy a piece of clothing that you see in the store and you most like to top it all it is cheap, but what you will find this piece of clothing, if you will not be able to bear? Therefore, the next addition to purses and shopping baskets take with them our advice and your "empty cupboard" and a bad mood because "Oh, I have nothing to wear!" Guy but you weird looks, because it's a closet full of clothes will evaporate. Read about our four keys to the full cabinet on Their opinion but can also be expressed in the forum.
300 every month for clothes? I'd rather save up and go to some nice vacation where you enjoy 100 per hour, the relaksiraš, disengage cake display fridge from everyday ritual, you get some rest and everything that comes to mind! The few clothes more or less anyone really noticed (unless I can be). Considers it certainly seems throwing money away. You are alone supplemented periodically wardrobe with any piece of clothing may sometimes 2-3 pieces at a time - it's quite spontaneously. Dedicated chasing the shops that you have to buy something or. to this Constitution, each showcase, etc. - damage cake display fridge of time and even more money.
Yes you zapravla in 2000 tut ... what do you have some for whole family nabavt Cuneo to EUR 400. Js if I biu alternate you would zamislu. Already 300 a month is great. These will not meu one more love because I'll mela ful clothes. Blek all communities .... if too much material repent djte since ck pametnga invest Alpa help someone .... lp
HAHAHA JS ALWAYS when I BUY THE DRESS .... Bolsa If you make .... AHA ... SO THESE JEANS be combined ... that ... well I'll cake display fridge buy SHIRT BY can be combined in many ways! ! Otherwise it is SO GONE .... shopping every month .... a month and POW .... AND NO USAKIC uzamem with you 300 EWROW and NC MORE!!!! Probit PA UGOTOWTWEDA THIS IS COOOOOOOOL because prices SEM ZAPRAWLJALA after 2.OOO EWROW
Jeeej, go capitalism .... See, ks are happy girl when they buy new clothes ... So glad you pics VI!! His wallet into the open, and shopping ... Whooooppppiiiiijjjjaaaaaaaa .... wasting money on worthless crap can ravish cake display fridge each. If it is not, do you loser who can not nabavt matters that you do not use. Jao, jao, where is this world. cake display fridge
punca08 not blouses, these are facts. 25,000 cake display fridge people live with 400 euros per month. but do you think that may have overflowing closets. but tell me then why do we Caritas and humane, cake display fridge etc.? if you have something smart to say I will be happy to read it. until then ..
ah dejte on. This is his obsession with materialism! js moms pics kr lot of things in the closet, but from my middle school mostly, that is 8 years old Cuneo .. if you wanna have more mal dnarja would you pics js replace these old cases with new ones .. but not an obsession .. of course :) the mod is the best bit in the coach but my undies :)
Even during the Slovenian films you can find one that will convince. Check it out!
26 C
I do not care 1040
Mom was invited to dinner with many guests. When they sit down to a fine table, a woman 6-year-old daughter of the host asked if she might pray before eating. "But you do not know what to say," says the girl. "Yeah, cake display fridge tell me what usually before dinner says your mother," says the woman. The girl idea is After the crisis, decides hands and said, "Dear God, what I was, I invited all these people?!"
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Friday, July 18, 2014

The new European Directive requires that you obtain the consent for the installation of cookies on

The new European Directive requires that you obtain the consent for the installation of cookies on your computer and allows you to manage them. Log dd uses cookies, which are indispensable for the operation of the site, analytic cookies, which facilitate us to improve the user experience and cookies external partners, such as advertising cookies to offer you relevant ads. By clicking the button below, you consent to the use of cookies.
Cookies are small text files that are stored by your computer mark barker when you first visit the website. With their help you remember your website and device settings that you have selected. Change cookie settings "
When I was seven years ago produced a record of a young cvetličarju Alan highland of lithium, boyfriend mark barker surprised me with some insights that are still completely agree. My question, how overlooks the fact that many buyers in the florist about how long will they stay fresh bouquet, mark barker he replied: "It is important only moment mark barker when the donee accepts a bouquet, because then the impression of flowers. At that moment the donee realizes you proved him attention, you remember him, you bring him something nice, then admires a bouquet - everything else is irrelevant. "
Loading gallery (Photo: mark barker Jeff Adamic) most representative of Ljubljana florist Emporio. mark barker (Photo: Jaka Adamic) Two Ljubljana features: spring bouquets telohov to predict Plečnikov Three Bridges. (Photo: mark barker Jaka Adamic) (Photo: Jaka Adamic) (Photo: Jaka Adamic)
Today, Marjan Planinšek mark barker successful businessman with five Florist in as many Slovenian towns, but still work primarily from the joy felt by the flowers. "The plant was a pot plant or cut flower does not look like a live thing, but rather as a design element. Their mission was to me, and enhances the life of the party."
Like many other young florists he's grateful for the knowledge and support, which were always mark barker found in the master cvetličarju John Seliškar, pillar known Ljubljana florist Flowers Eli in the bridge. In four decades of professional work in botany Janez Seliškar has not exhausted his optimism. He's always smiling, polite, friendly and accommodating. Flowers has devoted his life, so he knows about them the most.
"With flowers adorned in all historical periods, styles and cultures. Flowers has its own message, and whoever is not able to understand the deprived. Always been an integral part of certain practices. Flowers are a kind of spiritual food you need from birth to death, but in between there are a multitude of events that can not be separated without flowers. bouquet is never intrusive, yet no one refused. " Once under the seat, now with trucks
Because of the history of floriculture in Slovenian is not a lot of resources, I resorted to anecdote from the rich "archive" John Seliškarja: "existent some 40 years ago in Munich I saw in the window of orchids: I was standing for an hour in the flower shop and just watched them buy We then ... it was not possible to buy a single orchid, all we had to sneak in Austria or Trieste. Nowadays we are driven by trucks from abroad, more than a million annually grown in Prekmurje. Glad that orchids have become so accessible , you can afford to everyone, are implemented mark barker as a gift. " mark barker
Orchids, especially Phalaenopsis hybrids species mark barker are now the best-selling ornamental potted mark barker plants in Slovenia, but also in Europe not far behind. Of course, the popularity difficult to overtake roses, which for decades remained the most popular cut flowers. In Slovenia roses with customers followed chrysanthemums mark barker and tulips.
With flowers mark barker is associated with the Slovenes kind of incomprehensible duality. Sales figures are already mark barker at the time of the previous state argued that the cut flowers and potted plants expend so much that we rank in the top third of European countries - surprising, considering what was then the purchasing power of the Slovenes. This unexplained attachment to the flowers can be placed mark barker opposite the dismissive attitude to flowers in general. "If nothing else will, for the gardener mark barker will have a good," they say sometimes. "Can you, when you constantly between the flowers," I hear often. Even more typical mark barker witty I received when someone meets me (again) with a bouquet on the way to the Flower Market: "Who has a birthday? But what it blow up?" As it is not possible that someone could buy flowers for themselves, for the beauty! mark barker
Netherlands Flower Chamber of Commerce (BBL), which carefully collects data on how many cut flowers and potted plants are exported to us, has announced that every Slovenian in 2006 spent 17 euros for cut flowers and 20 euros for ornamental plants, therefore the total EUR 37 per capita. If you multiply this by the number of people we will be really surprised by the product. mark barker What is the imports, we may easily accounted for, if we know that in the Netherlands every day driving big trucks refrigerators flowers and potted plants in Slovenia. Our biggest carrier specializing in such services, has about 20 trucks refrigerators.
A little bit of

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Slovenian jokes men jokes verse love pictures shane barker of Valentine verses entertainment servic

Women and men: shane barker
Cats Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women are not looking, sometimes secretly kicks. If a woman driving direction and finds himself in an unfamiliar place, will stop at a gas station and ask for the right direction. shane barker For men it is a sign of weakness and they will only rarely stop and ask for directions. Instead, they prefer long hours driving in a circle.
Women's dress is edit for the store, watering flowers, removing trash, Answering shane barker the phone, read a book ... Male to arrange for a wedding, funeral and maybe midnight mass. Friends women in the "chickie the party" never run out even for a conversation that can last all night. Men will be boys at the party spoke an average of thirty words, of which the majority related to feeding bowls with chips and a questioning of the amount of beer in the fridge. Richard Gere Women like Richard Gera, because it is dangerous sexy. Men hate Richard Gera, because it is a bit similar to tipčku of fitness that "even-tempered" exclusively to married women. (The opposite applies to Sharon Stone.)
Troubleshooting shane barker out When a man says he's ready to go, it means that he is ready to go. In women, this means that it is probably ready to go, and as soon as they will find earrings, finished with make-up and verify whether exclude any electrical appliances.
Women shopping in the store will draw up a list of missing things, then will go to the store and followed the list. Men will put an end to the store once they have in the fridge only beer and lemonade. I bought it, everything looks nice and tasty.
Magazines Magazines for men are full of pictures of naked women. Men turned on view to undress a woman's body. Magazines shane barker for women and fro publish any photo to undress women, because most women look at naked male body cause an attack of laughter.
Mirrors Men are vain and want to look in the mirror. Women are ridiculous - your reflection will look at each smooth, shane barker level surface such as a mirror, shop windows, bucket, window and nearest bald.
Female children know all about their children. Know when they need to the dentist when the basketball game, he knows well the sympathy of their daughter, her best friend, favorite food, hidden fears, hopes and dreams. Men are usually only vaguely aware of the little people to live under the same roof.
For men phoning the phone is a communication tool. Phone used to carry short messages to other people. shane barker A woman can spend two weeks with a friend, you return home to call by phone - and you can talk for hours.
Male Toiletries by the six - toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving shane barker cream, razor, soap, and a towel from the hotel / motel / spa. The average number of women's shane barker toiletries is pivotable about 435 typical male figures probably would not be able to identify most of them.
Navigation: Send VIC verse or verses version of Love Women's shane barker Day verses Thoughts - proverbs - River - New Year's speeches Wedding verses verses verses Beautiful Balkan verses and thoughts Funny-Friendly Fun verses shane barker verses English verses, thoughts, and proverbs birthday verses verses verses Easter Mother's Day Verses Valentine's shane barker Day Sms verses confessional lyrics Christmas shane barker verses, verses Abraham sad-happy verses VICI old jokes Funny Games photos and jokes for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries Black humor Gorenjski Johnny jokes jokes jokes Funny Jokes step-mothers Male Female jokes jokes Animal jokes Sms jokes Mujo - Haso and Fata jokes Police jokes marital jokes Thus a tavern jokes Medical jokes English jokes family jokes Political jokes Computer jokes School jokes Military jokes Business jokes Montenegrins Mixed jokes jokes jokes Religious jokes Balkan Slovenian Student jokes jokes jokes Gypsy Statistics
Slovenian jokes men jokes verse love pictures shane barker of Valentine verses entertainment service animal jokes funny jokes about Chuck Norris jokes janezku version of jokes marriage jokes men jokes funny photos Gorenjsko jokes Women English verse narrative verses jokes about blondes women jokes thought shane barker love Christmas greetings love verses Johnny jokes verses confessions fun fun photos quotes official wedding jokes funny pictures verses for Christmas verse English narrative verse health jokes funny photos New Year SMS verses verses of English verse good school jokes beautiful verses shane barker speak of love verse funny photos blonde jokes female jokes Slovenian proverbs funny pictures of political shane barker jokes Angleščina verses gorenjska jokes funny photos of English thought Hervardi Johnny English verses jokes jokes jokes Mixed Marriage silly Christmas jokes verses male animal jokes narrative verse family jokes funny animal pictures funny verses love the old proverb jokes verse narratives jokes mixed jokes funny picture funny photos shane barker of animals Balkan mujo jokes jokes joke in Figure marriage joke jokes thoughts female river with English proverbs animal jokes jokes image