Tuesday, July 29, 2014

And then Matt, the focus was all about Karen Gillan bet. What about Amy Pond? The Moff (bastardo!)

Doctor Who - 5x01 - The Eleventh Hour - serially - serially - unsolicited opinions on TV series
The Doctor is back! Finally, after almost two years of break, with the only outlet for a special every now and then, Doctor carol barker Who returns with a full season ... and if you see a good season in the morning. carol barker All new: new Doctor, new companion, new author, new TARDIS, new code and new theme music (thankfully, old composer).
There is little to say without spoilers, so less talk and let's see what happened in "The carol barker Eleventh Hour" ... Allons-y! Or maybe "allons-y" now you can not say anymore? carol barker Let's see what happened in the episode.
The Doctor falls on the land in 1996 and met a Scottish girl named Amelia Pond. On the wall of his room there is a crack in the universe from which he escaped a mysterious "Prisoner Zero". The Doctor carol barker is still recovering from the regeneration and the TARDIS carol barker is rebuilding from the damage suffered; forced by it to leave at once, the Doctor promises the girl to come back after 5 minutes. Back on the other hand, after twelve years. Amelia Pond has become pretty (!!) That Amy Pond, a little 'reluctant to believe the Doctor after this long "for a moment I'm carol barker going to get cigarettes", it helps to make sure that the aliens hunting Prisoner Zero and avoid the recapture in the meantime once again to destroy the Earth. At the end of the Doctor goes off to do what should be a short ride to test the new TARDIS and returns after two years. Perfect, carol barker so we arrived at 2010 and Amy Pond agrees to leave with him, as long as bring her home by the next morning because it has the commitments. He does not know, but the next morning carol barker she must marry ...
More unique than rare, this episode has the dual purpose of introducing a new universe ... but it is always the old one. New characters (except one), new environments, new everything, except ... in fact it is not. A kind of Skins, but under acid (which, now that I think about it, is saying something.)
There were lots of expectations on this episode, the first of a new management and then a kind of unknown. But it was really unknown? Personally, I never had any doubt about the new head writer Steven carol barker Moffat (which is certainly not the last to arrive) and consequently his choices for the actors. My only fear in recent months was related to the composer of the soundtrack (which is a fundamental element of Doctor Who and the composers of genius do not abound), but the fear is gone when it was announced that Murray Gold would have been in the role since it occupies since 2005.
Since the acronym and the earliest scenes that follow (the long shot night in the garden of Amelia) it soon becomes clear that we are in the domain of Steven Moffat and it continues to see when it comes to monsters over the cracks of a wall, doors only see with one eye, jokes about food, mild sexual carol barker innuendo ... we are all his trademarks. And despite this, the episode is an abrupt change from the RTD era. The tone and the characters carol barker remain similar and epic exactly as they were before.
But we come now to discuss what he has done so in the past 16 months: the unknown Matt Smith. carol barker The tall, lanky and awkward Matt Smith. The long-haired Matt Smith. It is a good Doctor? Good grief, and how! Of course, the memory of the great David Tennant is very much alive. But it was also to Chris Eccleston Tennant when he arrived. As Moffat says, there are 11 doctors, there is only one Doctor, played by 11 people ... and it is the contribution of the actor who had the greatest influence on any differences. So far this Doctor seems more frantic than the last, but we have only seen immediately after regeneration ... remember to Tennant when he jumped out of the TARDIS with the jacket Eccleston and met Mickey and Jackie. I must admit though that I do not expect Matt Smith a lot less agitated in the future. So far it promises to be a great doctor.
And then Matt, the focus was all about Karen Gillan bet. What about Amy Pond? The Moff (bastardo!) went there with his heavy character ... instead of them just meet the Doctor and have so life changed by his presence (like the previous companion), Amy Pond meets the Doctor by ... small enough to do it become his "imaginary friend", make it disappear carol barker and change carol barker her life with her absence. With the result of transforming a child who prays and asks for favors to Santa Claus (is not it wonderful that you pray Father Nat

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