IZTOK Faking GARTNER "People, do not lie, you do not have money
Lately we hear how little money our citizens. How very badly they are doing. How very many of them on the road. And how no one can afford anything. You know, my dear, all this whining you can at this moment arias in asshole. plexiglass milano That's a lie. Such a large bluff that makes me sick. Where did this idea? From the endless rows of shops, where carts full as every year. There is no difference, there is no recession, money is abundant. Buying all sorts of gifts, plexiglass milano ham, clothes, alcohol, sweets, cosmetics and toys. To the full. Almost every day, with a focus on December. I do not give you the recession, unemployment cares about you, cares for you that apparently live in poverty. And bills are high, at least 50 euros each other vozek. Where is this so vaunted the Hurons crisis? In Slovenia Apparently not. In Slovenia, folk still have enough money. Even for loans to Greece, the wild waste of the stores. Until they are completely empty shops, we do not believe that you have no money and that živte bad. You're doing great, all in a row. It is high time to stop and sprenevedati lie that there is no money. Money is Slovenia but ignores the recession.
On the one hand you're right ... the other is 50 for example. 4-member family is not exactly I do not know what preseravanje, even if one buys for a week. And normally buy for that much money does not "hang" for a week: (IZTOK GARTNER - 04/12/2010 at 18:52
Stela, do not buy for a week, but for one day. Each day the same again. plexiglass milano For a whole week put 200 euros. And without a second thought. And the things without which you can komot survive. ep - 04/12/2010 18:59
This is the best sc loud majo internet for 30e with 20/20mbit line every day smoke a pack čikov. Those who are really plexiglass milano Bogi but they are silent. have always been quiet. Because they have no money for the internet to post shit how the Poor .... IZTOK GARTNER - 12/04/2010 at 19:27
Mr. X, exactly, but to also have a cell phone, always and forever. plexiglass milano Was concocted plexiglass milano by the same as always, but a percentage. All other bluff, that sucks. Poor but are because they can not be three times the sea, because they are unable to fur coats because they can not so active for BMW. NoMercy - 04/12/2010 at 19:40
IG: from the wrong end of looking at it is that we are non-stop in the red on the current account, because we are loaded so how banks qurcu - it's better plexiglass milano for everyone to bank fails its minus than you have at some the collapse of IZTOK GARTNER - 04/12/2010 at 19:42
danarja ITK that is ... if all they do all day, but unfortunately illegally legally! one is on the social are just around plexiglass milano all day at home is not going anywhere, but I eat sleep That it depends! there are many such to majo dnar, but dost such do not have to! Lisa - 12/04/2010 at 20:02
Lisa, a few S-Budget is around, anyway it, but even these prices are expensive relative to prices used to be, if you preračunaš into SIT. And if nafilaš whole trolley with S-Budgetom you have to have money. Otherwise, S-Budget does not have all the products, which means that the carts full of other products. And not just talking plexiglass milano about trade, I'm talking also about drugstores plexiglass milano and grocery stores with cotami but desserts while kiosks. Everything is full, all turning from dropping money everywhere. Even in restaurants and taverns folk throwing money on the table. One way or another. To the full. If people really do not have denaraja, where you have all of the above? And it regularly, every day. That the new cars and shopping in the Big Bang but elsewhere, nor we talk over. Buckwheat - 12/04/2010 plexiglass milano at 20:09
The menu is an even bigger phenomenon that some people do not even go to the store to be seen, for example, do they not see that it would carry some bags with food or cardboard boxes. It is of course also for families who have children, for families, where at least two of the household. And here the question arises, how to survive, not to go zero to the store or bring home to this, none of the neighbors can not see? And I only see enoiniste that go like me almost every day in the store, while others bogsigavedi how. If nothing else, you need it to get bread or milk, if you cook every day, you definitely run out of things which you do not buy on the stock. Is, of course, agree with the conclusion that the shopping malls for people to buy as it is their last day, even in this, merry December. If, of course, ask how many people live in this place, that you may of 100,000 inhabitants in the store walk only 5,000, for example.? This is one huge store of course. We are, of course, also their fault that we let slide into the circle of shoppers that we only situation in which we live, forced to buy really what we need and then by common sense. Is, of course, absurd to compare, yes we have internet, we have a phone, petrol, this is unfortunately things without which it would be difficult to function and, therefore, as I said, there is no comparison. But are included in this well-smokers, sorry, this is their need and those who can not be without alcohol. Is of course also true that some, even the crisis, have at least eat and forgoing things other n
Lately we hear how little money our citizens. How very badly they are doing. How very many of them on the road. And how no one can afford anything. You know, my dear, all this whining you can at this moment arias in asshole. plexiglass milano That's a lie. Such a large bluff that makes me sick. Where did this idea? From the endless rows of shops, where carts full as every year. There is no difference, there is no recession, money is abundant. Buying all sorts of gifts, plexiglass milano ham, clothes, alcohol, sweets, cosmetics and toys. To the full. Almost every day, with a focus on December. I do not give you the recession, unemployment cares about you, cares for you that apparently live in poverty. And bills are high, at least 50 euros each other vozek. Where is this so vaunted the Hurons crisis? In Slovenia Apparently not. In Slovenia, folk still have enough money. Even for loans to Greece, the wild waste of the stores. Until they are completely empty shops, we do not believe that you have no money and that živte bad. You're doing great, all in a row. It is high time to stop and sprenevedati lie that there is no money. Money is Slovenia but ignores the recession.
On the one hand you're right ... the other is 50 for example. 4-member family is not exactly I do not know what preseravanje, even if one buys for a week. And normally buy for that much money does not "hang" for a week: (IZTOK GARTNER - 04/12/2010 at 18:52
Stela, do not buy for a week, but for one day. Each day the same again. plexiglass milano For a whole week put 200 euros. And without a second thought. And the things without which you can komot survive. ep - 04/12/2010 18:59
This is the best sc loud majo internet for 30e with 20/20mbit line every day smoke a pack čikov. Those who are really plexiglass milano Bogi but they are silent. have always been quiet. Because they have no money for the internet to post shit how the Poor .... IZTOK GARTNER - 12/04/2010 at 19:27
Mr. X, exactly, but to also have a cell phone, always and forever. plexiglass milano Was concocted plexiglass milano by the same as always, but a percentage. All other bluff, that sucks. Poor but are because they can not be three times the sea, because they are unable to fur coats because they can not so active for BMW. NoMercy - 04/12/2010 at 19:40
IG: from the wrong end of looking at it is that we are non-stop in the red on the current account, because we are loaded so how banks qurcu - it's better plexiglass milano for everyone to bank fails its minus than you have at some the collapse of IZTOK GARTNER - 04/12/2010 at 19:42
danarja ITK that is ... if all they do all day, but unfortunately illegally legally! one is on the social are just around plexiglass milano all day at home is not going anywhere, but I eat sleep That it depends! there are many such to majo dnar, but dost such do not have to! Lisa - 12/04/2010 at 20:02
Lisa, a few S-Budget is around, anyway it, but even these prices are expensive relative to prices used to be, if you preračunaš into SIT. And if nafilaš whole trolley with S-Budgetom you have to have money. Otherwise, S-Budget does not have all the products, which means that the carts full of other products. And not just talking plexiglass milano about trade, I'm talking also about drugstores plexiglass milano and grocery stores with cotami but desserts while kiosks. Everything is full, all turning from dropping money everywhere. Even in restaurants and taverns folk throwing money on the table. One way or another. To the full. If people really do not have denaraja, where you have all of the above? And it regularly, every day. That the new cars and shopping in the Big Bang but elsewhere, nor we talk over. Buckwheat - 12/04/2010 plexiglass milano at 20:09
The menu is an even bigger phenomenon that some people do not even go to the store to be seen, for example, do they not see that it would carry some bags with food or cardboard boxes. It is of course also for families who have children, for families, where at least two of the household. And here the question arises, how to survive, not to go zero to the store or bring home to this, none of the neighbors can not see? And I only see enoiniste that go like me almost every day in the store, while others bogsigavedi how. If nothing else, you need it to get bread or milk, if you cook every day, you definitely run out of things which you do not buy on the stock. Is, of course, agree with the conclusion that the shopping malls for people to buy as it is their last day, even in this, merry December. If, of course, ask how many people live in this place, that you may of 100,000 inhabitants in the store walk only 5,000, for example.? This is one huge store of course. We are, of course, also their fault that we let slide into the circle of shoppers that we only situation in which we live, forced to buy really what we need and then by common sense. Is, of course, absurd to compare, yes we have internet, we have a phone, petrol, this is unfortunately things without which it would be difficult to function and, therefore, as I said, there is no comparison. But are included in this well-smokers, sorry, this is their need and those who can not be without alcohol. Is of course also true that some, even the crisis, have at least eat and forgoing things other n
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