2010. 1 March. 12:02
Independence, celebrating its 20th anniversary of Lithuania selfridges window display - a country of its target of one occupation to another, of hearing the call to fight for freedom again, forgetting the Nazi concentration camps and of the Soviet welfare selfridges window display neįveikianti extreme poverty level, and the victory over Nazi Germany planned the annual gay parade. Such a story to your viewers from Vilnius recently brought the channel "TV Center" analytical program "Post Scriptum" journalists.
"We are tautinininkai, although now on some of the historical facts and hostile propaganda nationalism often compared with Nazism. The main difference - a nationalist for his people, and Nazi - before other "- reportage starts Lithuanian National Center Maris Kundroto words.
According to journalist Julia Grabovskajos, nationalist slogan "For a decent, for the people selfridges window display wind speed swing through Lithuania. "These gentlemen stops against Russia and pretends to have a significant influence on policy in Lithuania, for example, plans to march on March 11 th.
"Now in Gediminas Avenue local residents agree to NATO troops and the press writes with admiration selfridges window display about it. With admiration, because that NATO must defend Lithuania from Russia "- the sound of these words appear on the screen archival images from the military parade held in 2004. on the occasion of the accession to the Alliance.
Journalist interviewed selfridges window display MP William Aleknaitė-Abramikienė recalled that in 1938. were a great friend of the Soviet Union. and then they came to us with bloody consequences. selfridges window display " Today, the situation in different Lithuania as part of the European Union (EU) and NATO, the creation of our defense plans.
"Interests scratching selfridges window display past V.Aleknaitė-Abramikienė himself could never overcome. Half a year ago, it proposed planting in prison for denial of Soviet aggression. It was scandalous Vilnius Declaration, adopted last year by EBSO, inciatorė. Declaration equated USSR Nazi Germany "- marveled on compulsive obsession with a huge scare Lithuanians and insidious Russia" tells the reporter. Screen - Führer Adolf Hitler's photo. selfridges window display
"It appears that the majority of the Lithuanian political elite really stuck in the past. The new President Dalia Grybauskaite in the European breathes fresh air - it is not afraid glėbesčiuotis with the Kremlin, President Dmitry Medvedev invited to the Independence anniversary, telephone argued term. But Lithuania rusofobai exploded indignation: The Parliament immediately prepared his spoonful of tar - claims to Russia for the introduction of tanks in 1991 in Vilnius. selfridges window display 11-13 January. selfridges window display "- tells a reporter, the display tanks rausiant grass at the Press Centre.
Distinguished interviewed "Lithuanian morning chief. deputy editor Rimvydas Valatka explains that hinder the two countries friendship, for example, the tragic events of January. According to him, we can not simply bow his head and say that everything is forgotten. According to the journalist, one of the leaders of the influential daily would rather not remember, once the Soviet Union received selfridges window display free education, and something else. This is to be a general attitude of the political elite: West - well, and Russia - badly.
According to reports, residents recently began to think differently: Russians in the Soviet era was looked soberly, and now - on the contrary, they are welcomed. Reporter went to a small loader Old Town. It opened its doors in three months - the hostess Rita was not intimidated nor crisis selfridges window display than higher electricity selfridges window display prices, for he was left without a job.
The question of whether selfridges window display fear of Russia, businesswoman replies, "No, I am not afraid." It would be changing attitudes towards the EU membership because, unlike promised, did not become a panacea for all ills Lithuania, and during the crisis, and especially did not help. These words accompanied last year's riots in front of the Parliament selfridges window display images.
"Lithuania is especially proud that 20 years ago became independent. Former Gestapo and KGB palace courts, and the town square was taken from the Lenin monument - switched in Gediminas Avenue Lukiškės Square gestures towards Mr Grabovskaja. - But now a free Vilnius increasingly sounds familiar selfridges window display word "occupation", selfridges window display it only being used in the EU. "
Reporter claims that until recently talking about the exit from the EU would be set equal to neįsivaizduojamam absurd, but today people about it openly, once stood to the new Lithuanian origins. These people represent the signatory Romualdas Ozolas I to the state, which is called the Republic of Lithuania, and not the EU which is now known as the Republic of Lithuania. The whole process of the EU is based on the fact that the first destroys selfridges window display their economic infrastructure, selfridges window display and then pull yourself towards the entire nation. "
Such ideas are popular among local and nationalists: Lithuania - a nation-state. "It is true that such national humor creates a strange atmosphere in the country, which can be called a black and white, where the fascists can be heroes, which deletes the criteria selfridges window display of good and evil, and history rewritten by political demand," - says the reporter, selfridges window display screen sharing Nazi and shot people shots.
M. Kundrotas recalls that what is most r
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