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Robert von Ranke Graves (Wimbledon, London, July 24, 1895 - Deiá, December 7, 1985) Poet, essayist and novelist who combined English irony, intellect and classicism, best known for his historical novels court. His father, Alfred Perceval Graves, was a leading figure of the Irish literary movement.
At the outbreak of World War enlisted in the army in the Royal Welch Fusiliers; sent to the front, the horrors he witnessed on the battlefield marked him deeply. His first volume of poetry was published in 1916, but later try to hide the poems written during the war. During sandwich cake the Battle of the Somme and precisely the day he turned twenty-one he is wounded by shrapnel from a Granada and is presumed dead. However, he recovered, although they were sequelae in the lungs, sandwich cake and spent the rest of the war in England, trying in vain to return to the front. In 1917, Graves played a leading role in saving his friend Siegfried Sassoon, also a poet and a member of the same regiment, the charge of desertion by a court martial after being AWOL and directed his commander a letter denouncing the war. The event was the subject of Pat Barker's novel Regeneration. Through Sassoon, Graves met Wilfred Owen, whose talent recognized, and he invited to his wedding to Nancy Nicholson in 1918. After his marriage, Graves enrolled at the University of Oxford as he opened a small shop to stay, but the business ended in failure. In 1926 he was appointed professor of English literature at the Egyptian University of Cairo, where he was accompanied by his wife, his children and the poet Laura Riding. In 1930 he moved to Mallorca where together sandwich cake with the poet and novelist, specializing in Hellenistic themes, Laura Riding, founded and directed the Seizin Press. Returns sandwich cake to England during the Spanish civil war where a relationship with Beryl Hodge began. In 1939 he published sandwich cake his first complete collection of poems. In 1946, after the parenthesis of World War II, he returned to Deia, Mallorca, a town where he married Beryl in 1950. Now his house is a museum Deiá. In 1961 he was appointed professor of poetry at the University of Oxford, a post he held until 1966. WORKS: Poetry Fairies and Fusiliers 1917 1939 Collected Poems Novels
I, Claudius 1934 Claudio, the god and his wife Messalina 1943 The Golden Fleece 1944 1946 King Jesus islands recklessness
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