Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I. Franco about the prospects of being Franko Ukrainian language belongs to the founders and co-fou

Holloway Irina Ukrainian teacher, a graduate of the Center of Ukrainian Kyiv Taras Shevchenko. The article mentioned linguistic interests barker stonehouse IJ Franco - defender of Ukrainian language, which defended its right to existence in different sectors and areas of life Ukrainian. The author stresses that Mason wanted to Ukrainian barker stonehouse language became the language of education, science, the church opposed the oppression and persecution of native words, defending the absolute barker stonehouse equality of all languages in nature. Keywords: bilingualism, internal split personality, dialects, dualism, jargons, literary Ukrainian. IJ Franco prospects existence of Ukrainian language In Article opredelenы yazыkovedcheskye Interests IJ Frank - Defenders Ukrainian language, kotorыy borolsya for the right to existence in EE raznыh areas and industry barker stonehouse ukrayntsev life. Author podcherkyvaet, that Mason stremylsya, Avto Ukrainskaia word came Speech Education, Science, churches, vыstupal against presledovanyy and of pressure on rodnoy language, otstayval absolyutnoe equality vseh yazыkov in nature. Ivan Franko about Perspectives of Existence of Ukrainian Language In the article author described linguistic interests of Ivan Franko -fighter for Ukrainian language who defended its right to exist in different spheres of life of Ukrainians. An author barker stonehouse emphasized that Kamenyar wanted Ukrainian to become the language of education, science, church. He argued against oppressions and pursuits of native word and defended absolute barker stonehouse equality of all the languages of the world. Key words: bilingualism, internal dissociation of personality, barker stonehouse dialects, dualism, jargons, literary Ukrainian.
I. Franco about the prospects of being Franko Ukrainian language belongs to the founders and co-founders and creators of the Ukrainian language. Follower barker stonehouse of Kotlyarevskyi, Shevchenko, barker stonehouse he belongs to the circle of Ukrainian writers who decide fundamental barker stonehouse issues of language functioning native people in literature, writing, education, determine the criteria, principles and foundations of normativity Ukrainian literary language, defined stylistic possibilities of existence Ukrainian literary language, along with original works introduced barker stonehouse native people, with the world's masterpieces working on translations. Linguistic interests Franko is quite broad and multifaceted. There are more than 20 language papers, notes and reviews Franko Ukrainian, Polish, German, and almost 150 papers that have direct relevance to the issues of Ukrainian. Among the most famous and important linguistic works Franko can highlight the article: "The etymology and phonetics in yuzhnoruskiy Literature" (1894), "elementary war in Galicia 1869" (1912), "The literary language and dialects" (1907), "Causes to Ukrainian onomastics "(1906)," Two Remarks on the ancient text of the chronicle "(1908)," Dvoyazychnist and two-faced "(1905). "Issues of language Franko is one of the aspects of the research life of the people, its social organization, spiritual world, moral rod" [1]. Franko always defended Ukrainian as the language of the great people that will have their own spiritual, cultural, economic and public life. He sharply criticized the existence and establishment of Bilingualism by the Austrian authorities; stressed that bilingualism is the cause of human internal split. "Dvoyazychnist and two-faced" - is the title of the work Franko 1905 where he criticized Russophilism as a phenomenon, says: "Oteye internal split was also to say tragedy of our Galician Russophilism. People could be beneficial to become figures on home field, people barker stonehouse are talented barker stonehouse and hardworking, perenyavshysya unhappy mania - change their own language barker stonehouse to someone else, suddenly made like in the spiritual part sparalizovani, tratyly living sense of living of their people needs and requirements of our time "[2]. "And ninety-five years ago, and today is the urgent problem of dualism in the linguistic life of many Ukrainian barker stonehouse intellectuals. Ivan Franko then, in a bizarre patchwork distribution Tserkovschina, rosiyschyny polschyny barker stonehouse and diluted to the Galician-Ruthenian dialect seen in This yazychiyi destructive threat not only for Ukrainian language, which in itself was a great evil, but also for national spirituality "[3]. Franko barker stonehouse was a zealous defender of the Ukrainian language, defended its right to existence in different sectors and areas of life Ukrainian sought to Ukrainian language became the language of education, science, the church opposed the oppression and persecution of Ukrainian words. "Although Ukrainian about thirty million (with millions in Galicia and Bukovina, half a million in Hungary and about 27 million in Russia), they can only Galicia and Bukovina use their language in offices, courts, schools and the press, but there in their way are often obstacles barker stonehouse and limitations. Ukrainian in Russia (maloruska) it removed from schools - from elementary to university, from church sermons, institutions,

Monday, September 29, 2014

During the meeting in an expanded format with President Xi Jinping, President jobs in colonial heig

Eugene PUSCHIK: Oil expansion of China can bury the Customs Union | Politkom
During the meeting in an expanded format with President Xi Jinping, President jobs in colonial heights va of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the trade turnover between Kazakhstan and China over the years has reached $ 25 billion. jobs in colonial heights va By 2015, this figure, according jobs in colonial heights va to the agreements reached $ 40 billion.
Kazakhstan President also said that the main area of cooperation to date - energy. China produces 25 percent of Kazakhstan's oil. Over the years, through Kazakhstan build a gas pipeline for up to 40 billion cubic meters of gas. In the past year, the pipeline pumped about 10 million tons of oil. In the ongoing discussion about the expansion of the pipeline.
Statement Nazarbayev commented jobs in colonial heights va Ukrainian expert Eugene PUSCHIK: I remember your discussion six months ago .... I engaged in dialogue with the Kazakh analysts, it was about 25 to 30% oil which is controlled by the Chinese. Then the analysts wrote in Kazakhstan, it is not true, even makes reference to the KMG - that no more than 18%. Now Nazarbayev said that 25%
So, at a meeting in Moscow (April 2-3) to me softly - softly Kazakhs reported jobs in colonial heights va that China already controls - 45% of oil ....... I then wrote that China as a boa ... ..proglotit Kazakhstan and no vehicles jobs in colonial heights va with Russia will not help ... ..
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Financial sanctions, staantafel which the United States and the European Union have suggested they w

Винница +7 Днепропетровск +8 Донецк +6 Житомир +8 Запорожье +8 Ивано-Франковск +8 Киев +7 Кировоград +8 Луганск +7 Луцк +7 Львов +5 Николаев +10 Одесса +9 Полтава +7 Ровно +7 Севастополь +12 Симферополь +11 Сумы +6 Тернополь +4 Ужгород +7 Харьков +6 Херсон +8 Хмельницкий +8 Черкассы staantafel +5 Чернигов +5 Черновцы +10   
MOSCOW When Vladimir V. Putin returned to the Russian presidency in 2012, one of the first messages he sent to his political elite, many of them heads of banks and large corporations, was that the times had changed: Owning assets outside Russia makes you too vulnerable to moves by foreign governments, he told them. It is time to bring your wealth home.
Nearly two years later, those words seem almost prophetic. After a week of escalating tensions between Russia and the United States, it has become clear that the conflict over Ukraine will move to the battlefield of finance. Those same business titans are now contemplating the damage that the crisis could inflict on Russia s economy.
Twenty years into the project of integrating Russia into Western institutions, they now face the prospect that the process could slow, or even reverse. Continue reading the main story Related Coverage
Financial sanctions, staantafel which the United States and the European Union have suggested they will impose if the conflict escalates, are intended to test the cohesion of the political system. staantafel Mr. Putin demands complete loyalty from those who are allowed to lead Russia s business empires, and he has made it clear that he will punish those who undermine him. His tough stance in Crimea, meanwhile, has been enthusiastically welcomed by the general public, including, insiders say, many of those in business. No one is breaking staantafel ranks.
Still, the prospect of losing access to Western finance is a frightening thought for Russian business leaders, whose voice in foreign policy decision-making is muted compared with the tight circle of Mr. Putin s former K.G.B. colleagues, for whom economic factors staantafel may be secondary.
Anxiety over possible economic fallout staantafel has begun to radiate from business circles, and some wondered whether Mr. Putin had been warned clearly about the magnitude of the possible damage to the economy. One analyst described staantafel their mind-set as one of cognitive dissonance.
I ve seen 10 people from the Forbes list in the recent few days. They re pale; they don t understand, said Aleksandr Y. Lebedev, a prominent banker who sold most of his Russian assets after public disputes with Mr. Putin. But the oligarchs realize, he said, that their interests carry no weight in this situation, especially if they, like Mr. Lebedev himself, own property outside Russia. staantafel
Last week, days after Russia took control of Crimea, the United staantafel States announced a modest first round of sanctions, and the European Union indicated it would follow suit, with both making it clear that there may be further rounds. Officials have suggested that a range of measures is being considered, leaving open, by implication, the most extreme one: barring Russian companies and banks from access to the Western financial staantafel system, similar to sanctions adopted against Iran.
President Obama has broad executive powers to declare sanctions without approval from Congress, and he would most likely consider the next steps after Crimea votes in a referendum on separating from Ukraine, scheduled for Sunday, said Michael A. McFaul, until recently the American ambassador to Moscow. It needs to be spelled out as explicitly as possible, either staantafel directly to Putin or to the two or three people who could talk to him about this, he said.
Russia may be betting, as many analysts do, that the United States and its allies will not follow through staantafel with draconian sanctions, and has made it clear that it would respond harshly and asymmetrically. On Friday, Gazprom hinted that it might cut off gas exports to Ukraine over unpaid bills, as it did in 2009, and an unnamed Defense Ministry official told Russian news agencies that it would consider stopping international staantafel inspections of its nuclear weapons.
Russia s tycoons have been silent since the crisis began, apart from approving messages on social media. Many inside staantafel Russia s large corporations are no doubt supportive of Mr. Putin s moves in Crimea, which are widely seen here as correcting a historical error made by the Soviet leader Nikita S. Khrushchev, when he transferred Crimea to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Mr. Putin s approval ratings are at their highest point since he returned to the presidency in 2012. If corporate leaders are complaining, they are doing it quietly.
Of course they re upset, but it doesn t mean they are prepared to challenge Russia s foreign policy, said Mikhail E. Dmitriyev, an economist whose research group, the Center for Strategic Research, was originally founded to shape Mr. Putin s economic platform. This is a new reality. Even if so

Saturday, September 27, 2014

У вівторок 16 жовтня у Верховній Ради України у другому читанні perspe розглядатиметься законопроект

У вівторок 16 жовтня у Верховній Ради України у другому читанні perspe розглядатиметься законопроект 8282 Щодо обмежень у використанні допоміжних perspe репродуктивних технологій , який порушує репродуктивні права жінок та Конвенцію perspe ООН про ліквідацію дискримінації відносно жінок.
Законопроект 8282 пропонує обмежити вік жінок, що можуть скористатися медичними perspe послугами штучного запліднення, встановивши граничну межу у 51 рік. Дане положення носить дискримінаційний характер по відношенню до жінок, оскільки штучно обмежує репродуктивний вік жінки, який біологічно perspe не обмежується 51 роком .
Таке perspe положення повністю нівелює зобов язання взяті на себе Україною за статтею 16 Конвенції ООН про ліквідацію дискримінації відносно жінок, perspe відповідно до якої держави мають забезпечити право жінкам вільно вирішувати питання про кількість дітей, проміжки часу між їх народженням та доступу до засобів, які дозволяють їм здійснити це право.
Якщо ви також вважаєте цей закон ганебним: Відішліть факсом звернення до голів фракцій Верховної ради у понеділок 15 жовтня (бажано до обіду)! Це займе не більше 10 хвилин! Звернення вже готове, просимо надсилати його та всіляко поширювати: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4Lb3_vY3DJ9eGJBcDQxSm8tc1k/edit
Факси голів фракцій: (044) 253-06-53 (044) 255-32-17 (044) 226-28-06 (044) 254-08-92 perspe (044) 254-07-49 (044) 255-25-57 (044) 255-25-57 (044) 255-33-00 (044) 255-33-90 (044) 255-21-33 (044) 255-21-36 (044) 255-24-01 (044) 255-25-13 (044) 255-20-51 (044) 255-49-02 (044) 255-24-79
Natta says:
In a little-noticed perspe move, the leading body for US fertility clinics has given a green light to helping women over 50 to become pregnant. The former policy of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, formulated in 2004, was that just as fertility is the norm during reproductive years infertility should remain the natural characteristic of menopause . The physical and psychological risks were too great.
But now the ethics committee of the ASRM says that helping postmenopausal women especially those between 50 and 54 — to bear a child conceived with a donated egg is not such a significant departure from other currently perspe accepted fertility treatments perspe as to be considered ethically inappropriate.
What prompted the bracket creep? It was not more information about the health outcomes for mother and child. A report from the ethics committee frankly acknowledges that The medical risks associated with oocyte or embryo donation to women of advanced age are still largely undetermined because of the limited amount of available data. Perhaps it was a new-found disdain for the concept of naturalness a word which the new guidelines place in scare quotes.
The ethics committee supports the new policy by appealing to changing community standards, gender equality, and reproductive freedom. perspe Given the possibility that postmenopausal reproduction may satisfy the strong desire of a couple or individual for offspring, it would be wrong to deny women the use of donated oocytes or embryos perspe solely because of their age, it says.
What about the children? A woman who conceives at 50 could die when her child is a teenager. This, the ethics committee acknowledges, is one of the most stressful life events for children or adolescents . The statement leaves the question unanswered. perspe It simply says that this is a problem which parents will have to deal with. Источник http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10448
Appeared in BioNews 543 When Liz Buttle (then aged 60) became the UK’s oldest mother in 1997, she was subjected to a storm of media criticism. Since then, debate over appropriate age limits for fertility treatment has shown no signs of abatement, while a growing number of postmenopausal women seek treatment in the UK and abroad.
Advances in reproductive technology mean that – provided she has a uterus and money to spare for treatment – a woman can carry a child whatever her age. But has our society been so seduced by our clinical powers, that we can no longer perceive when we are transgressing the boundaries of well, of what? Nature? Ethics? Social perspe expectation? One of the difficulties is that, while there is undeniably lots of concern, it can be hard to pin down the problem. Viewed from one angle, postmenopausal motherhood perspe is unnatural. But then, so are insulin injections perspe for diabetes. So are heart transplants. It is hard to demonstrate that, while postmenopausal motherhood is unnatural, other aspects of modern medicine aren’t.
Perhaps it is the ethics of postmenopausal motherhood that is most worrying. We tend to think medicine should improve people’s health. But a postmenopausal pregnancy, with all the risks it entails, is surely a threat not an improvement to health. Offering treatment to such women might thus be seen as transgressing the ethical boundaries of medicine, rather than of nature per se.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Since Stalin is considered ice cream display freezer the chief architect of the man-made Holodomor f

President Yanukovych has awakened the spirit of nationalism in Ukraine, writes Roman Kabachiy. In all probability, this was a deliberate operation, executed ice cream display freezer to allow the guarantor of the nation to triumphantly rid his countrymen of radical nationalism.
When the results of last October’s local elections brought victory to the nationalistic Svoboda party , forecasts varied. There were those that argued the influence of this political force could soon spread to the east of the country, to the more pessimistic: that the current government had simply “allowed” Svoboda to win because it wanted to enclose it in a West Ukrainian “Galician ghetto”, and set it against the remaining “normal” ice cream display freezer 22 regions. The former, “optimistic” scenario would only be feasible if Yanukovych really wanted to adhere to the ground rules of democracy. This is certainly unlikely. Much more probable is that Yanukovych is indeed looking to emulate Russian modes of government, by allowing the existence of a few agreed “hot spots” that his government can then demonstrably defenestrate. And as the Polish ice cream display freezer MEP, Pawel Kowal has said, the anti-presidential majority in municipal and regional councils in Lviv, Ternopol and Ivano-Frankovsk mean nothing: real power lies not in the hands of the locally elected councils, but the presidentially-appointed regional administrations. 
When Viktor Yushchenko signed the Stepan Bandera edict he wasn’t ice cream display freezer thinking ice cream display freezer about opinions in Moscow and Warsaw. Some people think that he was trying to frighten voters in the east and south with the spectre of his rival Yulia Tymoshenko’s nationalism
In ice cream display freezer carrying out what is a a far from simple task, the president was assisted by two figures from Soviet history: one — Stepan Bandera ,  the leader ice cream display freezer of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (more exactly, of its radical wing); the other — Joseph Stalin. The appearance of the first “helper” was facilitated ice cream display freezer by Yanukovych’s predecessor, Victor Yushchenko, who conferred the title “Ukrainian Hero” onto Bandera a year ago. He passed the supposedly poisoned chalice over to Yanukovych,  after recognising the surety of his impending defeat. Yet the affair has actually benefited the new President twice over. First, the possibility of posthumously decorating a Ukrainian nationalist scared potential liberal voters away from Yanukovych’s “neo-Orange” opponent, Yulia Tymoshenko (some cynics say that this is what exactly Yushchenko had intended). Second, Yanukovych’s judges managed to draw out any decision on the order just enough to keep Bandera’s supporters on the edge of their seats (thinking, no doubt, that “dear old Victor Fedororvych” would pardon Bandera and leave Yushchenko’s decree ice cream display freezer in effect), while leaving opponents of the decree in similar anticipation. For example, Yanukovych ice cream display freezer promised Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to overturn the decree by last year’s Victory Day (May 9), but did no such thing.
What did happen by Victory Day, however, was the unveiling of a new monument to Stalin. While kind-of-not-wanting-to, the authorities gave Communists the go-ahead to build it in the east Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye . Just like Kosovo for the Serbs, Zaporozhye is somewhere that is simply unreachable for Ukrainian nationalists: The majority of natives hold pro-Russian and neo-Soviet views, even though Zaporozhye, as the cradle ice cream display freezer of the Zaporozhe Sich , is in fact a celebrated symbol of Ukrainian Cossacks.
Since Stalin is considered ice cream display freezer the chief architect of the man-made Holodomor famine that killed millions, there was little chance of easy life awaiting this monument. It had already been covered with paint and decapitated by the time it was blown up, thirty minutes before New Year (1 January, by the way, was Bandera’s birthday). The decapitation operation (which took place two days before the explosion) was confirmed as the work of an organisation called Three Teeth (the Ukrainian flag features a prominent Trident), and it was on members of this organization ice cream display freezer and Svoboda ice cream display freezer that the majority of revenge arrests fell. Young men were arrested in Zaporozhye, Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk, and a number of searches were carried out in Kyiv. Soon, rumours began circulating ice cream display freezer that the authorities had engineered the explosions themselves a la Putin , in order to paralyse the nationalists ahead of a final decision on the Bandera edict.
Public meetings were held in Kyiv and other regional centres in support of the arrested. The Presidential Administration was picketed with posters such as “Love your country, not terrorism!”, “I detest Stalin — I’m a criminal too!” and “Only occupiers repress patriots”. The arrests of the nationalists coincided with the reading of a verdict of the Supreme Adm

As we have shown in previous articles, the past decade has seen a large discrepancy between the avai

Наведено детальний аналіз стану з постачанням та реальними потоками фізичного золота. Розглядається та аналізується реальний стан із залишками фізичного золота у сховищах (західних) центральних richard barker банків. Ілюстровано докладними графіками та таблицями. By: Eric Sprott & Etienne Bordeleau Tuesday, July 16, 2013 The recent decline in gold prices and the drain from physical ETFs have been interpreted by the media as signaling the end of the gold bull market. Conversely, our analysis of the supply and demand richard barker dynamics underlying the gold market does not support this interpretation. Many major buyers of gold are adding to their stocks, while at the same time supply is flat or even decreasing, compounding an already vast imbalance. For example, Non-Western Central Banks have been increasing their holdings of gold at a very rapid pace, going from 6,300 tonnes in Q1 2009 to more than 8,200 tonnes richard barker at the end of Q1 2013 (Figure 1a) while physical inventories are declining (Figure 1b) (or being raided, as we argued in the May 2013 Markets at a Glance) [1] and physical demand richard barker from large (Figure 1c) and small (Figure 1d) scale buyers remains richard barker solid.
As we have shown in previous articles, the past decade has seen a large discrepancy between the available gold supply and sales. [2] The conclusion we have reached is that this gold has been supplied by Central Banks, who have replaced their holdings of physical gold with claims on gold (paper gold). Many recent events suggest that the Central Banks are getting close to the end of their supplies and that the physical market for gold is becoming increasingly tight. FIGURE 1A: (NON-WESTERN) CENTRAL BANKS ARE ACCUMULATING GOLD AT A RAPID PACE CENTRAL BANKS REPORTED GOLD HOLDINGS (TONNES) FIGURE 1B: PHYSICAL GOLD INVENTORIES ARE DECLINING (TONNES) FIGURE 1C: CHINESE GOLD DEMAND IS STRONG 12-MONTH CUMULATIVE NET GOLD EXPORTS TO CHINA (TONNES) richard barker FIGURE 1D: SMALL SCALE PHYSICAL DEMAND REMAINS STRONG AVERAGE GOLD COIN PREMIUM OVER SPOT
Source: World Gold Council, Bloomberg, Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department. Average premium calculated as the average premium for the following 1 oz. coins, as reported by the Certified Coin Exchange (CCEX): American Eagle, Maple Leaf, Krugerrand, Philharmonic, Panda, Isle of Man and Kangaroo. Supply & Demand Factors
First, in January, the German Bundesbank (the second largest gold reserve in the world according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) data), announced that they would repatriate their gold from the New York Fed s vaults. [3] In total, 300 tonnes out of the 6,200 tonnes the New York Fed claims to hold should richard barker be relatively easy to transfer. [4] But the Bundesbank also announced that it would take about seven years to do so. If the gold is really there, it should not take much time to transfer a paltry 4.8% of the New York Fed s vault.
Next, in March, there was the leaked letter from ABN Amro (a large Dutch bank) telling its bullion customers that redemption of physical gold from their allocated accounts would now be impossible. [5] Then, in April, we heard reports that UBS and Scotiabank were experiencing a bullion depositor run , where customers were lining up to withdraw their gold. [6] Finally, a few days later, we heard from Jim Sinclair that allocated gold deposits held in Swiss banks could not be withdrawn on the basis of directives from the central bank. [7]
Lastly, on July 1st we learned that delivery times at the London Metals Exchange were as high as 100 days. [8] All these events strongly support the thesis that the strong richard barker physical demand we have seen over the past few years is putting ever increasing strains on the Central and bullion banks. Reaction from central richard barker planners
Against all odds, the price of gold has experienced a large decline over the past few months, only slightly recovering over the past two weeks or so. Given the strong richard barker physical demand and the lack of available supply, we think that this decline was engineered by central and bullion banks to increase available supply richard barker and decrease demand. They flooded the COMEX (paper market), only to then free-up physical gold from the various available sources richard barker at depressed prices (see our discussion of this topic in the May 2013 Markets at a Glance).
This has been manifested in the GLD trust and the COMEX inventories (see Figure 1b). Since the beginning of the year, and well before the April crash, one of the largest repositories of physical gold, the GLD trust, has seen redemptions richard barker of more than 300 tonnes of gold (Figure 2), while world mine production (excluding Russia and China) is approximately 2,300 tonnes a year. [9]
If our thesis is correct, the Central Banks are running out of gold. What would happen if the world found out? This can t be allowed, so the only option left for central planners is to try to tame the demand for gold.
First, in early April, the large commercial banks, who are also active participan

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The adoption of the law was preceded by a spectacular fight in the Parliament in May 2012

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Ukraine's politicians rarely perform well outside the seemingly endless and rather populist pre-election stretches of the political racing circuit. Language politics is just one of the areas where their initiatives are often detached from reality and cause controversy, and where failures outnumber perpex successes.
In 2007, shortly before the parliamentary election , the Party of Regions was pushing for a referendum on granting Russian the status of a national language, perpex alongside Ukrainian. The referendum never took place, perpex but five years later, perpex in 2012, just in time for the next parliamentary vote , the Party of Regions’ MPs Vadym Kolesnichenko and Serhiy Kivalov authored the language law that would give Russian and other minority languages the status of regional languages in areas where 10 percent of the population or more spoke those languages.
The adoption of the law was preceded by a spectacular fight in the Parliament in May 2012 – and was followed by street perpex protests and hunger strikes in July. In early August, the language law entered perpex into force , and very soon afterwards the Donetsk perpex Regional Council declared Russian a regional language in the region, with a number of others doing the same later.
Ukrainian perpex politicians’ views on the language issue are well-known. There is also some scholarly research and expert opinion available out there (e.g., Tadeusz Olszański's May 2012 research paper [.pdf], published by the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW); a 2010 comparison of the situation in Ukraine perpex and Québec, Canada, perpex by Dominique Arel, of the University of Ottawa's Chair of Ukrainian Studies; an article by David Marples, of the University of Alberta, shared by Current Politics in Ukraine blog, in which the author argued that, more than anything else, the language law was “a perpex ploy to distract voters”).
But what do ordinary perpex Ukrainian citizens think of the language situation in their country? And what is the impact of the language issue on the lives of those who reside in the predominantly Russian-speaking areas like Donetsk region – those who are the target audience of the politicians who, in 2012, voted in favor of the language law?
On April 11, Pavel Kolesnik, a Donetsk-based blogger known as LJ user pauluskp, asked his readers [ru] whether the Ukrainian language was causing them any problems. He addressed this question primarily to Donbas region residents, on behalf of Piotr Pogorzelski , a Polish journalist who is writing a book about contemporary Ukraine. People from other Ukrainian regions have responded as well, and the discussion in the post's comments section has generated perpex over 350 comments.
[...] Once, a woman at the post office got angry at me for a form that I had filled in in Ukrainian, perpex because she didn't understand it (even though the form itself was in Ukrainian), perpex and since the [computer] program into which she had to enter the data from my form was in Russian, she had to translate everything. [...]
[...] I have no problems with the Ukrainian language – I'd say it's perpex my second mother tongue, because I learned it at school and read lots of works of fiction in Ukrainian. Moreover, my parents and close relatives, who had moved here from Russia and did not know Ukrainian perpex at all, understand everything perfectly now thanks to television, even though they wouldn't speak the language – they feel self-conscious because of their funny pronunciation (similar to [PM Mykola Azarov's]). In general, I think this issue [is being exploited] by politicians. I think there has to be some basic mutual politeness between perpex people – everyone should speak the language they are more comfortable speaking and should not act aggressively if their interlocutors speak the other language. And everyone understands both Ukrainian and Russian perfectly well. [...] When at work we were ordered to do our paperwork in Ukrainian, someone brought a dictionary, and those who needed it, consulted it. [...] If someone is having problems with Ukrainian, perpex it means that they are just unwilling to make an effort and switch their brains on, although the elderly people shouldn't be blamed for that.
[...] From what I've observed (and I, of course, perpex may be wrong), people aged 25 and less have no difficulties with Ukrainian. This is a problem of the older generation [...] – but it all depends on whether [one is willing to learn or not]. [...]
I've spent 14 years working at school. Six of them – at a [school with Ukrainian, not Russian, as t

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The Earth is crowded. juqua parker Number of inhabitants increases - they are almost 7 billion. Race, nation and religion juqua parker are mixed. The population is aging and consuming more and more goods. People are actively transported across the planet in search of promising places for self.
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Countries less fighting among themselves - in 2008 was only 16 armed conflicts. juqua parker For comparison, in 1999, fought on Earth in the 21st spot. However, this does not mean that mankind is becoming less aggressive. First, the decline has been mixed: in 2005 and 2008 saw an increase in the number of conflicts. juqua parker And secondly, the number of attacks and fatalities in these people over the last decade has increased more than 5 times.
Wars of the future will turn into real point "peace enforcement", "restore constitutional order". To combat terrorists and insurgents who dug in remote parts of the world, needs a "soldier of the future." This professional fighters participating in expeditionary campaigns - specifically studied, ready for non-standard tasks.
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The crisis that began in the United States 2.5 years ago, hit hard by the financial systems juqua parker of developed countries that they needed the intervention of a powerful player - state. In the United States, Britain, Russia and other countries, the state makes banks print money, part of the equity juqua parker of large companies. Bill Gross, head of investment company that controls the world's largest bond fund, said that "the juqua parker invisible hand of free enterprise is replaced by the visible fist of government."
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People grow old. According to UN data, the median age of the world's population is now 29 years old, and by 2050 will increase to 38 years. In the population over 65 will increase by 2030 to 27 million. Study conducted by scientists from the University of South of Denmark shows that more than half of children are now born in developed countries will live to 100 years.
Health of older people will improve, but on their own to cope with weakness and disease destined not for everyone. "As would increase the proportion of very old people, aged 80 years, which is difficult for them to care, increase juqua parker the demand juqua parker for their services," - said Anatoly Vishnevsky, director of the Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economics. Change the whole health care system: young and old suffering from various diseases. A daily care requires juqua parker a much larger number of employees. According to Danish researchers, only 30-40% of elderly people can live without assistance. Another need care. Imagine how many people will need to serve them?
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ukrainian experts are also worried about attempts by the ministry to compromise or abolish the syste

The Ukrainian ross records Ministry of Education’s recent proposals ross records and opinions suggest that its higher ross records education agenda is not centred on boosting academic quality. Instead, the sector is being undermined. News about higher education in Ukraine over the past few years has been mostly about whether or not the Ministry of Education has managed to undermine the high education system again. But Ukrainian higher education still needs fundamental reforms.
There is no demand in the job market ross records for some 20% of professions offered by the education system, and 18% of higher education graduates cannot find work. But some political analysts still claim that Western standards are harmful to Ukrainian education and that we should pay more attention to the Soviet experience .
Over the past two years, experts and the public have focused their attention on the proposed Law on Higher Education. On 12 June, the parliamentary committee on science and education decided by a majority of votes to recommend the passing of the Draft Law of the Zhurovsky working group , submitted by independent MP Viktor Baloha.
Although most members of the committee belong to opposition parties and there was another draft law submitted by opposition MPs, the committee supported the draft law from the Zhurovsky ross records working group which was based on expert views and not associated with any particular parliamentary faction.
The Ministry of Education, which supports a Soviet-style draft law devised by three rectors, was not happy with the decision and started a new, behind-the-scenes campaign to discredit the alternative draft laws. Its main plank of opposition is to anything that promotes university autonomy.
There is broad support among experts, politicians and journalists for the draft law devised by the Zhurovsky working ross records group , and this is a considerable achievement. The draft law has the full support of students, ross records except student organisations controlled by the ministry, and in most instances it has the support of the media.
The need for higher education reform is supported not only by independent experts and the political opposition for instance, the head of the committee on science ross records and education ross records Liliya Hrynevych but also by representatives of the left (ex-education minister Stanislav Nikolayenko), representatives of the Party of Regions (MP Serhiy Tyhipko) and even some communists.
The issue of cross-over admissions is an important indicator of Education Minister Dmytro Tabachnyk s attitude to Ukrainian higher education. The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (KMA), which I lead, has allowed cross-over admissions since 1996 the year it launched Ukraine’s first masters programmes.
The system of cross-over ross records admissions ross records is based on Western university practices and allows graduates of any bachelor programme to apply to any masters programme. Students must only ensure that they keep within particular university ross records requirements and take into account any exceptions established by national legislation. ross records
In the former Soviet Union there were no cross-over ross records admissions because students were not allowed to decide their own path of studies. Students had to follow a unified study plan depending on their specialisation.
The term cross-over admissions appeared in Ukraine as part of the debate on student mobility and interdisciplinarity. Post-Soviet countries like Russia and Belorussia allowed cross-over admissions even without revising laws; the change only required decrees of the Minister of Education and executive orders. ross records
But the situation in Ukraine is totally different; despite 17 years of positive experience ross records at KMA, the ministry has prohibited cross-over ross records admissions. ross records In court, the lawyer representing the ministry argued that cross-over admissions were illegal and would undermine professionalism.
The ministry ross records also launched a media campaign ross records against cross-over admissions. Honourable rectors told people such admissions ross records were impossible and harmed higher education and that Ukraine was not ready for such changes.
But, under pressure from experts and the media, the Ministry of Education announced a trial of cross-over admissions in June to see whether they could be useful. This experiment will start on 1 September 2013 in 12 Ukrainian universities. KMA, of course, has not been included in this list. So, the minister is now casting off any responsibility for blocking implementation of this progressive move.
Ukrainian experts are also worried about attempts by the ministry to compromise or abolish the system of independent external evaluation a centralised way of testing school students ross records knowledge before they are admitted to university.
As corruption in Ukrainian education is high, this testing is conducted independently of schools and universities. Independent external evaluation is the only planned innovation in the Ukrainian education system since the Soviet ross records Union collapsed. All Ukrainian so

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Marina Poroshenko called collect warm clothes for children Ukraine International education Rapid Tr

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Enthusiasts staged crash test iPhone 6: smartphone barely survived 421 | 26 | 18 | 26 | iPhone 6 broke all possible records: three days have bought more than 10 million smartphones 336 | 1 | 65 | 1 | Facebook deleted a group dedicated to the Russian "cargo 200 "3 | 19 | 114 | 19 | Ukraine Today can be viewed on Android and iOS 1 | 54 | 1 | 54 | Problems with" VKontakte "explained unscheduled engineering works 0 | 0 | 55 | 0 |
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Monday, September 22, 2014

Brilliant ideas come to several people at once. Despite the lack of common sense, gas for cars in H

09/23/2014 in My Vinnitsa // "gas deficiency cake sandwich partially replace fuel oil as part economize" - Vladimir Groisman 23/09/2014 in My // Vinnitsa Vinnitsa billboards in the streets "Motherland" and "Strong Ukraine" does not contain the source data 09/22/2014 News in Vinnitsa // Militants DNR and FSC are preparing for a new offensive and and despite the Minsk Agreement - Timchuk 09/22/2014 cake sandwich in News Vinnitsa // currently France finds it impossible to supply first "Mistral" in Russia 22/09/2014 in News Vinnitsa // Prydonbassya. For the fragile peace and the preservation of the territorial integrity of apparent Ukrainian government made concessions to the militants and Russia 22/09/2014 in News Vinnitsa // UN teach Ukrainian working with displaced 09/22/2014 in News Vinnitsa // Poland will buy weapons in the United States for half a billion dollars cake sandwich - Pentagon 09/22/2014 cake sandwich in News Vinnitsa // WHO delivered to Ukraine the first tranche of medical humanitarian assistance 2,4 млн 09/22/2014 in News Vinnitsa cake sandwich // Road safety above all else, both in Europe and in Ukraine! 22/09/2014 in My Vinnitsa // Clip Ukrainian group shot with Apple gadgets hit on Youtube 22.09.2014 cake sandwich News in Vinnitsa // September 23 Yatsenyuk Poroshenko will meet with representatives of the 15 largest Ukrainian banks 09/22/2014 in News Vinnitsa // Representatives FSC obratysya try the new Council - CVU 22/09/2014 in News Vinnitsa // 200 Lviv rescuers donated blood for soldiers and oblylysya ice water 22.09.2014 in News Vinnitsa // first 4 helicopters that previously seemed MIA rent already working in zone ATO - MIA 22/09/2014 in News Vinnitsa // What regulatory authorities, if "everyone gives something"? 22/09/2014 in News Vinnitsa // In Transcarpathia builder "thrown" University and immediately submitted to him in court 09/22/2014 in My Vinnitsa // for Vinnichiny provides subvention measuring 18 million cake sandwich for the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the News 09/22/2014 Vinnitsa // contractor refused to repair the western city detour 09/22/2014 cake sandwich in News Vinnitsa // from their experiences in the area of ATO divided Deputy Commander consolidated Carpathian squad Vasily Markovich 22/09/2014 cake sandwich in News Vinnitsa // In Transcarpathia VAZ pыtalsya putting the "Toyota" s trassы Kiev-Chop oboshlos no casualties
If the gas issue with Sergei Kurchenko solved more or less civilized, the oil auctions cake sandwich beard sticking known Dnepropetrovsk businessman. Coal is related with the resurgence of auctions failed "Coal of Ukraine".
Given the needs of the people was fixed social cost 2130 USD per tonne of LPG. State Enterprise "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" was to sell gas from the damage that the average person can buy it.
Of course, people never took away from the market all the liquefied gas. Demand of small - 70-80 thousand tons per year. The general market volume in 2013 amounted to 900 thousand tons. However, it seems no one noticed.
Brilliant ideas come to several people at once. Despite the lack of common sense, gas for cars in HAZS sold as household cake sandwich gas. Bought it for "social" price, and sold - for commercial.
This scheme existed before Kurchenko, but he decided to monopolize the market. Due to rapid regulatory manipulation was decided to sell resources "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" and "Ukrnafta" at special auctions through the "pocket" exchange, which later was located next to the office in the center of Kyiv Kurchenko.
To this was added custom lever: block liquefied natural gas revenues cake sandwich from abroad. Loads of other suppliers delayed at customs, through which gas imports more expensive. That is, companies that decide to buy LPG abroad have not received supply chain.
Unique cake sandwich situation when the market was monopolized on all sides. This approximately 80% of the liquefied gas formed by internal resources, cake sandwich which bought the "social" cake sandwich price and sold at market. It was a classic of the genre: country - damage itself - profits.
After fleeing the country representatives of the "family" and "the golden boy" there was another problem. Beneficiaries of the scheme are gone, and all documents cake sandwich were passed through a shredder. In February, they still managed to spend a few spetsauktsioniv in which the resources of public companies was sold to the "right" companies.
More vendors said that contractors are gone, and the only room "first independent exchange" zachynylasya forever. Vendors cake sandwich came from "draw" volume on agricultural exchanges that sell LPG to the emergence Kurchenko.
The government has already prepared a new algorithm trading. Now agrees draft resolution "On Amendments to the organization and conduct of exchange auctions of crude oil, gas condensing

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Іnformatsіyne agency GuildHall AMC will collaborate with experts nefterynka
Golovna Golovnі Novini regulatory polіtika Ukraine Companies Group News News News rinkіv Galuzevі commonwealth 20 midlothian va Agro Budіvnitstvo Energetics Zvyazok Maliy that serednіy bіznes receptionists Health Protection Services Promislovіst Torgіvlya Transport Fіnansi stock rinok Neuryadovі organіzatsії
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMC) has created a board of experts on the development and protection commonwealth 20 midlothian va of economic competition in the fuel and energy complex commonwealth 20 midlothian va (FEC). This is stated in the press service of the Ministry. The Council will make recommendations and proposals for the development and protection of economic competition in the markets of Energy, analyze commonwealth 20 midlothian va regulations. Established by the authorized state body headed by Sergei Netudykhata AMC. In general, the board came 21 specialists, including both government officials and experts from the energy industry. The group consisted of the director of "Consulting Group A-95" Sergey Kuiun, director of business development in CIS agency Argus Media Vyacheslav Mishchenko, commonwealth 20 midlothian va as well as editor commonwealth 20 midlothian va of Argus Motor fuel Ukraine" Yuri Nemov. "Ukrneftekhimpererabotka" delegated to the Board of three representatives, and in particular the manager of the Michael Mindresku. Also, the council includes representatives of STC "Psyche", of which the director Sergei Sapegin commonwealth 20 midlothian va and his deputy Gennady Ryabtsev; of the oil from the League of Ukraine commonwealth 20 midlothian va Alexander Shpak; by the European Business Association (EBA) - two representatives, in particular - the chairman of the Committee on Fuel and Energy EBA Irina Merlitsa. The committee also included the director of the department of general legal and contractual work, "TNK-BP Commerce" Anatoly commonwealth 20 midlothian va Dzhobolda, which is the only representative of the oil companies on the committee. Recall that in late April, AMC, "Association of operators of oil market of Ukraine" OORNU and largest oil market participants have signed an agreement to provide market participants operating information in electronic form. The director of "Consulting Group A-95" Sergey Kuyun in comments OilNews stressed its support for established authority and expressed the hope that his work will be effective, "We welcome this move and hope that the work will be efficient and thorough. We hope that the activities of the Council does not become commonwealth 20 midlothian va such a formality, as the work of the expert-analytical group on the functioning commonwealth 20 midlothian va of the market of oil and the development of the petroleum refining industry under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ", - he stressed. commonwealth 20 midlothian va Help OilNews Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine shall ensure state control for the protection of economic competition commonwealth 20 midlothian va in business, monitors commonwealth 20 midlothian va the concentration and concerted actions of economic entities.
FUE vistupaє for reform sovereign arrange
News mіnіsterstv that vіdomstv Mіzhvіdomchy koordinatsіyny headquarters povіdomlyaє Moє smut zavdannya - away implement the core of the robot s reformuvannya ekonomіki - patron Mіnіstra commonwealth 20 midlothian va ekonomіchnogo rozvitku i torgіvlі Oleksandr Shlapak: Ukraine zrobit all mozhlive for otrimannya Druha poziki Svіtovogo bank Ukraine - polіgon for vіdpratsyuvannya novih tehnologіy agresora - Oleksandr Sich Ukraine - polіgon for vіdpratsyuvannya novih tehnologіy agresora - Oleksandr Sich In Kiєvі vіdbulisya commonwealth 20 midlothian va ukraїnsko-moldovskі polіtichnі konsultatsії mіzh zovnіshnopolіtichnimi vіdomstvami pharmacist Volinі Nadali armії Relief on pіvmіlyona UAH
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Golovna Golovnі Novini regulatory polіtika Ukraine Companies Group News News News rinkіv commonwealth 20 midlothian va Galuzevі Agro Budіvnitstvo Energetics Zvyazok Maliy that serednіy bіznes receptionists Health Protection Services Promislovіst Torgіvlya Transport Fіnansi stock rinok Neuryadovі organіzatsії

Sunday, September 21, 2014

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Have you ever go to a seminar or business conference, during breaks or at the time of the exchange perspek of ideas and network over commercial became desolate (alone?) You are not alone, many people perspek wajisikii well as domestic and non-usual suspects / zoeana nao.Lakini events to make commercial networks (networking business events) very yanasaida make your business grow further and also lets you you make instant taifi for above market lako.Kujifunza nakufuatilia communication perspek apprehension that a refuge exchanged for commercial events is very important for business success Your very own as self-employed person. The following is an extract that will help you better connect you with others:
Be prepared for the occasion by making a business card are available, a pen, a small book (note-book) perspek .Hakikisha you eat before you go we o.Kama is a celebration of cocktail or food kinatolew / a dumiwa there, time to exchange ideas and create your network , is the best and only drink kabeba only, rather perspek than around the plate of food each section.
Know your goal: What was your intention to attend the event? Meet certain people? Find your new prospective clients? Find the resources you need? Meet new friends? Promote uhusihano where you and others?
For example send business card 20 to make sure you made for all men before they leave. Ask also for other people if they have a business card if you definitely want to keep contact nao.Sio every person you ever meet will have resources for you.
Talk to the organizer of the event on the day's garment (dress code) Other events require a person perspek to wear formal clothing business virtually over as other suti.Matukio need to wear informal garments (usually), and the other is a mix of all styles from the requirements of individual.
First arrived early for the event. Arrived there very early in the group being small and more easily kuongozeka.Ingia for dinning hall / theater for tabasamu.Hata if you feel uncomfortable / angry that day acting just like you happy to put a smile to your face will be appeared in others it accessible, is friendly to everyone, you are interested of familiarity with wengine.Hakikisha you mingle with others. Isolate yourself and stay with your friends or your partner's special you know, use a traveling no more than 5-6 minutes to talk to each mtu.Wafikie different people and Introduce yourself to everyone (if not one of the children group, first ask them liable to such abominable You can be one of them, then salute and identify with them, it gives you the opportunity perspek to open their doors)
When you meet people and salute to kuwashikana hands and repeat their names, this does isadii only remember their names, but suggests putting perspek effort to hear better names yao.Vaa perspek card that shows your name and you put it in front of your shirt so everyone can read well your name, placed on the right side of your shoulder to make it easy to see when you shana in each mikono.Jifunze how to identify them yourself, in seconds under thirty explain your work.
Listen more than you talk Remember people nothing better to kusikila more careful and show the spirit of accepting people wengine.Uliza question and listen to the answers very careful so that you can understand mtu.Hii itakusaidi discover a good client to work with your service or product. Take memory so you can remember what people have said.
After getting the business card of their, perspek has the track within perspek 24 hours after we o.Kama you can kutengene mergers are beneficial for both commercial and people perspek who have met them for the event, phone them and welcome them to the meal of the day for developing more Your muunganikao commercial.
When you look at future events trade with the intention of forming plaques between merchants, doing market research (market research) and know customers do you expect to meet them, can be a lump of joy instead of zuni.Kupangilia something makes you you do better.
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

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Well written drama Death and thaka of Beria. The first edition of this book in 2001 ililikuwa with many brands to reach deep in 2009.kimechapishwa and Marimba Publications Ltd.
This address also denotes the death of Wanabutangi after running water there is kisimani.Hii after the conquest of new regulations amabazo denied release water rights store window displays to draw water. Water is life so given three days to draw water is deprived store window displays of life that is death.
Cover is a hard paper covers the book where the name of the book is andikwa.Katika this drama is a picture of someone with a zuni.Mtu this is as is in the hole. This suggests that Wanabutangi pit of suffering have been the worst of Bokono administration and its agents.
There are pictures which reflect machea.Hii shows hope for Wanabutangi store window displays after Mwelusi and colleagues start mabadiliko.Rangi movements are used to image the ground, marking the fertility of Butangi.
The game begins where the chairs organized morning ready for the meeting is Jan Bokono.Mwelusi who enters his uwanjani.Mawazo manifested through the sound we hear .Yanamkejeli Bokono store window displays for his selfishness and abusing butangi.
Kaloo he entered the arena to prepare, he saw Mwelusi and thinks it is one of those who attended store window displays but Mwelusi he said he was going through just a thought yaliyomshika mguu.Kaloo is happy to be Mwelusi he thought about Butangi not like other boys they think about luxury. Mwelusi agrees with him and adding that it was during the war. Kaloo disagrees with him and he asked amfafanulie his remarks. Mwelusi tells him that he will tell the other day to be attending the meeting and leaving.
Batu is apoondoka Atega enters accompanied by Mwelusi. You are suspected to be lovers always seem to pamoja.Naye as Mwelusi, he informed not staying away mkutano.Batu again entered the field and command waitwe.Gege people entered the field as she breathed musical instrument. Batu musical tells is fascinating, he says he commends the wise leadership of Butangi. Kaloo is mhakikishai that he and his family are patriots and will complete six to attend the meeting. store window displays
Bokono he arrived he had no people in the field is very angry. His puppets are promised that there is a problem but are They spread. Zigu argues that people are motivated by Mwelusi.Hata Batu says it will abolish the things that motivates watu.Baada settling all started praising Bokono, will guide you Butangi for one hundred years.
Events are at the residence of Emperor Bokono who is the part of the Administration store window displays buildings Butangi.Bokono standing here watching things on the wall and occasionally he touches this and Nyalwe kile.mkewe store window displays sitting comfortably seat, akjipepea.punde Magezi comes up and told him he Nyalwe that food is ready.
Nyalwe she told him about her dream .Bokono Bokono store window displays admits that he has fear of confiscation will wala.Nyalwe asks to change his behavior and he warned against its agents wanoandanganya be loved and Wanabutangi.
Bokono Nyalwe gives information about the village of Mama Cole who would like to share with you zuni.Hii are having their field of children playing has given mkuu.Mama Cole promised to soldiers rose again and again to defend their rights.
Mwelusi store window displays she cried over the pain Batu tells him that he will receive a good drug coming store window displays out of prison after he leaves mwelusi apply msamaha.Batu alone as he claimed that the human mind works well alone. And when it comes to getting welusi has made a decision.
This scene occurs before store window displays the gereza.Andua he brought his brother chakula.Askari forbid seen by 111 soldiers trying store window displays kumdhurumu.Askari store window displays plan to eat prison food but one soldier is forbidden to give her the urge to open his chake.anawaambia food that is walafi.wanazungumza about the rule of the Emperor Bokono as you reach the top or not.
11 soldier tells how they tried to stop turning a certain Used to be binadamu.Walimng'oa stone clawed hand and foot, they turn it into a bat and later turned up between his legs and camping there po.badaye killed and buried forest. store window displays
This scene is home to Tanyauani.Tanya Extract grain was sitting store window displays in another part of the courtyard uteo.Kwenye Gege has been ukaguakagua.punde kaakaribu fence is spare and start engaging in the manufacture of musical instruments.
In his memory, he returned and asked Mwelusi conditions uwnaja store window displays of dance. Talking about the state of his brother butangi.Gege a caring store window displays community mshuritisha always forgetting his own life. Mwelusi asks mercy aieonee Butangi be mzalendao.
This scene is out of prison too. Tanya amamletea Mwelusi food and also wants to see naye.Askari wanchukua food and promised store window displays that they will be sent. Tanya a call on soldiers to see his son Troops 11 and 111 are mkazata. Soldier 1 is muhurumia Tanya and urge colleagues

Friday, September 19, 2014

There are times when one can sleep in bed being sick, being sick sometimes arthur doc barker quite

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There are times when one can sleep in bed being sick, being sick sometimes arthur doc barker quite helpless. He can go or taken to hospital, where he said that he has no problem. The next thing after such notice, it is assumed that the person has bewitched. Our bodies are greatly influenced by our thoughts. When in a state that gives us a lot of ideas, fear, anxiety arthur doc barker and agitation, changes arthur doc barker are happening in our bodies. Such changes tend to occur more in our intestines, muscles and small blood vessels. There is ample evidence about the impact of our thoughts in our bodies. Ailments such as back pain in the neck area, severe abdominal pain, stomach full of air, very kucheuwa, chest tightness, lack of toilet and other such ailments, arthur doc barker may be largely caused by our imagination and not something else is out our. Therefore, it is true that our own minds can be quite kutuuwa to throw a disease that can be more difficult to treat hospital. Despite illness, our thoughts can introduce us to make us despair or we enter into dangerous things which otherwise we would not enter or do. There is the fact that how we devises so how well we do. If we think well we do well and we think we did badly wrong. Never one to think favorably with the results of all he made were good, while also unprecedented someone thinking arthur doc barker well it yakaenda things wrong. Almost everything arthur doc barker here on earth as it is in due and thinking in humans. In the book Secret Rhonda Byrne author says that our thoughts are like magnets. Usually we have men surrounded arthur doc barker by forces that do not yet exist to observe it As we think these ideas are supposed to have the power that zinavuta everything we devises, whether good or bad, it should comes When they came out, where I will probably but you yourself. arthur doc barker Rhonda continues kuabinisha performance of our ideas to give an example arthur doc barker of working TV. As we all know that the center of the TV broadcast towers there and transporting waves and turn them in the form of pictures and so enable us to see if we broadcast television home for us. Most of us do not understand how such equipment works much, but we know that all channels has its waves where all we choose certain channels we get images in our television. We choose the waves by changing channels and then we get pictures of the ads from the same channels. If we want to see the difference in picture and broadcast television, arthur doc barker we changed our channels to find the waves of other channels. We as human beings arthur doc barker are the same as the pinnacle of television broadcasting and we are stronger than broadcasting towers ever existed arthur doc barker on earth. Our waves are yanayoratibu our lives and it is the atmosphere and other world as it is today, as we make waves with the way we devises. The picture we get or we find through our thoughts, arthur doc barker not the same as what we saw in our living room television to us, but it is a picture of our lives! Our thoughts and yanavuta arthur doc barker yanatengeneza waves whenever we chokiwaza and that is our real life. If we want to change arthur doc barker anything in our lives, then we must to change channels and waves to change our way of thinking. The author goes on to say, kinachosabisha many people from getting what they want in life because they think more about what they want instead of what they want. Let us examine arthur doc barker our thoughts and our statement, we will discover a big secret. For the power of ideas exists and operates. Disease enormously faced by mankind in this world for centuries is disease do not want or do not want to make clear her people have kept away from this disease continue to reign in their thoughts, their actions and their words, they continue to focus on what they want better or dislikes. He says the writer. So we need to consider our thoughts refresher of what we dislike more than what we should dislike or want them, and if we decide to seriously we can change lives and live lives we yoisha we want, and we yoyafurahia. Due to the way we think someone is being bad or good for us, something seems of value or of bullying arthur doc barker and the situation becomes favorable or highly offensive because of how we vyofkiri related to objects or things. Unable bytes

Thursday, September 18, 2014

There are many reasons a person usa preps tired, you tired because of too much thinking for a long

There are many reasons a person usa preps tired, you tired because of too much thinking for a long time without calming the mind (stress). Similarly fatigue may be the body caused by excessive or heavy work without rest. Fatigue is a symptom of showing and proving that your body needs rest. Relax your body and mind are healthy it is important to know how to relax when you are all tired and restore your body under normal conditions. Here are several ways to help relieve fatigue when you are tired. 1 Get a soft drink or eat food with superfluous to give you strength. Water or fresh fruit juice is very good, you drink soft drink your body gets a chance to reclaim the lost water kufiidia body and eventually return in good condition. You can also eat cakes, crips, biscuits or snacks anything good to increase your strength but remember not to eat foods disposal (chips eggs, spit, fried bribery etc.) especially foods are not reliable because usa preps their stalls (safety and hygiene) and also not good for creating your health. 2 relax for a clean and quiet place to sleep. The best time to sleep at night because there is no noise here and there and there is also a high standard of stability compared to the time of day. Health should sleep for 6-8 hours and not otherwise. Ukilala very common sleeping pass will supplement your body tired to have 'depression'. By the time of the day, you may relaxed in slumber usa preps for 10-15 minutes on the couch and will continue to work well kapojisikia your other. Remember the purpose of sleep is kuupumzisha body and brain to get stronger usa preps and increase its operational efficiency work. Reconsider sleep quality (Quality Sleep) for good health. You can read also: 8 Tips on How to Improve Your Sleep 3 will kaokufanya ujiliwaze Listen to music or other entertainment to get any kind of kukuchangamsha. Good instrumental music can take away stress and feel well happy. Listen to the song and play on your own is one way to kujichangamsha especially when you are tracking yanayoimbwa usa preps words in the song. The joy of music is when you sing and go along with what kinachoimbwa message. Do the same after you find yourself entertaining your situation has changed and become quite good. Find out more: Read how you can reduce stress by doing exercise to raise their 4 small (pushups, stand and sit for fast, etc.) can cause fatigue and other ingredients such jointi waist stretching. Remedy for this problem is doing stretching usa preps exercise. You know why I said to make the exercise of pushups? Pushup exercise routine is simply but effectively you shall make your body do the same. It is advisable every day the morning you can dial awaketh 60-100 pushups. This is because the pushup is an exercise that instructs the body quickly, improves muscle, lung and respiratory making a good blood circulation. 5 Search usa preps upunge usa preps place clean air wind. The fastest way to make you feel better is to stay or a place to rest for several minutes breeze. Maybe you prefer to place a good shade trees at the upper great clarity to stand and watch the beautiful ambiance of your location. Either way the goal is waving wind and calming the mind without thinking away or thinking thoughts that will continue to make you feel badly. Play games kukuburudisha 6 (Computer and mobile games) on mobile phones or computer games in favor of entertainment there. Why not use at least 8 minutes to play the game '' angry bird 'on iPhone, iPad or' cards' on the computer to relax the mind and keep your other things. Very Tusijichoshe usa preps for chat on messenger chatting like WhatsApp, Google Talk etc but the love we create is the amount and not too much to pass on. If you have anything to add regarding usa preps the article usa preps above, please do not hesitate to give your opinion!
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This is a special blog for memories of life (diaries), the brighton argus including stories, events

This is a special blog for memories of life (diaries), the brighton argus including stories, events, debates the brighton argus and what you would like included herein. You as an important member, you can contribute and colleagues to argue (comments). Pina can offer words of wisdom, expertise, or your concerns (your crying) for the community to be able to meet our requirements. READ, contribute, and give your story, or anything that we put a train into the air.
I turned slowly the brighton argus to respond to the search for the person who called me my name, it was a female voice, and a voice came there were mothers three other men, in the pilika pilika business, and these women were serving food, indicating that sold micro- the mother to take sufficiently.
"I call upon you pretend you twice what you hear come from my partner?" she asked me, I watched carefully as I had never met him before but I could Remembrance well I decided the brighton argus to ask before I answered his question;
"Sorry for you who you asked me that? ' I ask myself if I stood up and looked at the other women had continued their activities, regardless of what is going on between me and the woman who called me my name.
'Amazing completely you want to marry our daughter then you know, MHH, is really what I shawaambia colleagues that you do good to our daughter, and it nimalisema after conducting an investigation of my own, I realized that actually you are not worthy to marry into our family the brighton argus ... "he said
"I the brighton argus told them absolutely the brighton argus destroy wakufunge after our daughter to be a doctrine, opposed Kabinti kakajifanya Where kanakupenda exists ... and brother and he was pushing that he will use for his stuff ... and there is nothing here ...." he said showing me the finger on the ground.
'MHH you pretend to know me simply ... then for your information I am the aunt of your sweetheart .. "He said to me to niiname down in shame I reached down to greet him, but he ignored, he did not quite put their hand They looked aside and I said;
'Just tell me it means our daughter never tell you that here in is his aunt, and the poambaiwa so, if you really had a good intention to kill, I hope you seek .... "said
'Problems voluntary yourself the brighton argus ... you know you young people do you enter a town with greed you tuhribia peace, you come up with your habits dirty and start copying even inappropriate, ... to give you free advice, if you enter town let's try to ask your friends who passed away how much life there literally .... "he said and I settled hundreds, saw it, he said;
'Haloooh, colleague Oh ,, ... same could became a colleague, work and medicine the brighton argus are not, there hahaeeh, I nidanganyi thing, how you were you contain each other as you enter into the hotel, mankunywa, until you go beyond another day to sleep into it I have I see ... .'akasema.
'The work of the night Oh, mumekuwa lattice, yeah, hahaha, so you see a little child I eeh, these tell me what you plan to our daughter?' He asked me to finger touch the chest, and make me go back a bit, I said;
'Do you know the procedures and practices of kabilazetu, not our tribe only, is near many cultures in Africa, aunt and uncle are the most important people in matters of family especially marriage, .. I do not see what napika mother added here, and nizarau'm most businesses only, today I'm here tomorrow I am on other activities, I have people I hired, but even so, I can not stay with four folding, without to address, I do in practice to show my staff that every job I know about, so do not nizarau kabisaaah ... "he said
"I've been tracking your movements step by step, and that is why I warned my brother that we was wasting his time our daughter, and even today they asked me that you should be a good husband the brighton argus to our daughter, I say you should not, ask kwanini'akasema
"First, you do not have an attitude, a great hypocrite you, .... you are ignorant men manage their families, and is easy kurubuniwa ... and to prove it, see how you entered is epidemic in our family ...." said
'Hujanielewa, not that's why I say you are men stupid, without a position, you know you now have a great influence kuiharibia our family and our lives, including the brighton argus my brother devote attention the brighton argus and resources to help you kukutafutia work, let's the brighton argus see his payment, so What do you want ubebwe .... 'he said
"My brother is now suffering, is dying, kapatwa and sickness the brighton argus of strange, sudden kadondoka down, kapoteza know, once the entire body has no power at all, I told you it muumiani has come to drink the blood of our will tumaliza one after another, are now beginning to see, ... cause it's you and your team .. "he said
'Now listen as mumeamua do this, and we know we sleep, we struggled down and up, I Know How

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Yesterday I won here the kitchen, I grew up the second quarter from the kitchen here I give class f

Wise woman always looks for ways to hide the shame of the family yake.Pale something bad or difficult family lauren barker linapoikumba then, leads to shame the wise woman always lauren barker looks for ways to hide or cover shame.
One of the factors that could shameful many families are there appears visitor because then unfortunately you find that day things lauren barker complicate the home kifedha.Huna good food to give or sometimes things are not difficult, but you do not eat inside or curriculum then the day that the house did not japikwa lauren barker .Hali if this occurs mothers are very upset finding lauren barker anything good, even if I small for the stranger.
This situation often occurs homes for many blacks especially Tanzanians have no opium to provide lauren barker background information before we go home for people. So often people get sudden guests who do not grow on the food budget of the home that day.
One African guest how to impress and show its advent lauren barker patent has enjoyed the food and the guest often as official or special in one way or another, you must achinjiwe and processed meat. These traditions exist since the time of our ancestors.
Although the life of today is not like the past, this tradition is still being maintained and grows wengi.Ndio guest house meant for someone then you are allocated a drink or something to send kinywani.Na special guests is killed or upikiwa chicken, duck or animal yoyote.Wenzetu of English as it does totally gives you at least drink water.
Here yesterday yalitukuta kitchen complex and very little shame set it on the stove in front of our very special guest. This stranger gave preliminary information that would visit here to the kitchen, but a family member who has received the information, lauren barker he did not deliver them here kitchen.
Yesterday I won here the kitchen, I grew up the second quarter from the kitchen here I give class food processing in a group of mothers of the lamp. Timing seven hours I got a call from the Fee (family member) and was asked to return home soon as things grew damaged. did not tell me what the problem is but very stressed I go back nyumbani.Kwakua growing class grew closer to the brink, I made haste to return home.
When I walked lauren barker in to see a stranger, the first question I ask myself is what do we cook it? Kitchen there were no chakumpikia very important because this weekend we did not get time Wakwenda market. When I entered the kitchen to greet guest and think for a moment, I tried to find what nipike chakutuondolea this shame.
Prepared food in a very casual, but I give extra orientation kinukie which made the food very well and be tasty food sana.Na was separated in a different way and she used to.
Nilikaanga treats and cooking a combination of fresh vegetables which includes all fresh vegetable frijini formerly left. I added some ingredients that I know are pleasing to vegetables to give these vegetables taste good, I added garlic, tomato lauren barker sauce, chips and curry masala powder. After putting salt I tasted and it tasted ikunifurahisha, I added a little sugar and honey and the taste became very good.
Food allocated on a leaf of kale from my garden and using tomato sosi.Nilikua lauren barker kukiremba've never allocate treats on a leaf of kale, but I did so in search of unique muonekani lauren barker of chakula.Chakula grew very good and guest enjoyed lauren barker the food and commend the efforts of this stove.
Mothers, such yakiwakuta sit at home, you do not have reason to panic, there are two principles at how to deal with this See of material possessions and apply them to prepare a meal, develops creative in this. Separate food in a unique way
Precocity your kitchen can help you hide the shame, develops creative and do not let kuaibika.Naamini as yesterday architect would not grow, then our stove napengine guest lingetia shame that he jiuluza as we taught them the true recipe lauren barker lovers are being held here this kitchen stove.
June 21, 2013 at 06:11
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New AKIMALUZ pancakes August 8, 2014 Peanut butter in the middle of Annas and BEAT ROOT May 20, 2014 Macaroni tomatoes lauren barker and potatoes May 19, 2014 Do not wait Enabled March 31, 2014 Eggplant nuts March 17, 2014 Categories: Health and food (24) Food main (38) Dizeti (6) Reports-Camera Eye They stopped (9) Cakes and Kiz (14) meals in the morning (49) Come talk (48) Limit one kilogram (22) Food Science (3) Chat (3) The Tolly 'Z orders lauren barker (4) Storage and handling of food (8) Uncategorized (26) Purchase of food (1) Catering and vegetable intake (28) cooking of meat (17) Salon and Food (5) drinks (16) Page Papers Read more
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