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The Earth is crowded. juqua parker Number of inhabitants increases - they are almost 7 billion. Race, nation and religion juqua parker are mixed. The population is aging and consuming more and more goods. People are actively transported across the planet in search of promising places for self.
What does this mean for those who choose, what to do in life, or wants to change profession? Forbes analyzed global trends and tried to predict which occupations will be in demand in the next 10 years.
Countries less fighting among themselves - in 2008 was only 16 armed conflicts. juqua parker For comparison, in 1999, fought on Earth in the 21st spot. However, this does not mean that mankind is becoming less aggressive. First, the decline has been mixed: in 2005 and 2008 saw an increase in the number of conflicts. juqua parker And secondly, the number of attacks and fatalities in these people over the last decade has increased more than 5 times.
Wars of the future will turn into real point "peace enforcement", "restore constitutional order". To combat terrorists and insurgents who dug in remote parts of the world, needs a "soldier of the future." This professional fighters participating in expeditionary campaigns - specifically studied, ready for non-standard tasks.
"The trend is clear: almost all Western armies juqua parker begin to focus on driving protypartyzanskoyi war," - said Alexander Khramchikhin, head of the analytical department of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis. - In contrast to the massive juqua parker wars of the past armed conflicts will require very different competencies soldiers: Excellent knowledge of local conditions, psychology juqua parker locals, ability to dispense juqua parker with heavy weapons. "
The crisis that began in the United States 2.5 years ago, hit hard by the financial systems juqua parker of developed countries that they needed the intervention of a powerful player - state. In the United States, Britain, Russia and other countries, the state makes banks print money, part of the equity juqua parker of large companies. Bill Gross, head of investment company that controls the world's largest bond fund, said that "the juqua parker invisible hand of free enterprise is replaced by the visible fist of government."
Economists agree that the crisis will be overcome for many years. Hence, juqua parker the role of government in the economy is high. Companies need people who will talk to officials and punch preferences.
According to Paul Tolstoy, director of the Center for the Study of interaction between business and government, lobbying services market in the United States juqua parker has increased over last year by 10%, now it is estimated at $ 3.2 billion. To say nothing of Russia, which in the last decade importance of the state in the economy has increased many times over. "Professionals are engaged juqua parker in the work of state bodies, definitely will be in demand," - said Tolstoy.
People grow old. According to UN data, the median age of the world's population is now 29 years old, and by 2050 will increase to 38 years. In the population over 65 will increase by 2030 to 27 million. Study conducted by scientists from the University of South of Denmark shows that more than half of children are now born in developed countries will live to 100 years.
Health of older people will improve, but on their own to cope with weakness and disease destined not for everyone. "As would increase the proportion of very old people, aged 80 years, which is difficult for them to care, increase juqua parker the demand juqua parker for their services," - said Anatoly Vishnevsky, director of the Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economics. Change the whole health care system: young and old suffering from various diseases. A daily care requires juqua parker a much larger number of employees. According to Danish researchers, only 30-40% of elderly people can live without assistance. Another need care. Imagine how many people will need to serve them?
Hydrocarbon reserves in the world are large, but not unlimited. juqua parker The energy produced from other sources will displace "oil" and "coal". At the beginning of the XXI century the share of alternative energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal energy) accounted for about 3.4% of total electricity production in the world. This share will soon rise at times - dozens of countries are planning to replace oil and gas with alternative sources.
The European Union, juqua parker which in 2005 produced 6% of energy from renewable sources, set a goal by 2020 to increase the share of "green" energy juqua parker to 20%. American California also requires the largest juqua parker energy companies in 2020 to produce 20% of its electricity from alternative sources.
Mikhail Popov, Senior Expert of Corporate Communications "RUSNANO" confident that the near
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