Holloway Irina Ukrainian teacher, a graduate of the Center of Ukrainian Kyiv Taras Shevchenko. The article mentioned linguistic interests barker stonehouse IJ Franco - defender of Ukrainian language, which defended its right to existence in different sectors and areas of life Ukrainian. The author stresses that Mason wanted to Ukrainian barker stonehouse language became the language of education, science, the church opposed the oppression and persecution of native words, defending the absolute barker stonehouse equality of all languages in nature. Keywords: bilingualism, internal split personality, dialects, dualism, jargons, literary Ukrainian. IJ Franco prospects existence of Ukrainian language In Article opredelenы yazыkovedcheskye Interests IJ Frank - Defenders Ukrainian language, kotorыy borolsya for the right to existence in EE raznыh areas and industry barker stonehouse ukrayntsev life. Author podcherkyvaet, that Mason stremylsya, Avto Ukrainskaia word came Speech Education, Science, churches, vыstupal against presledovanyy and of pressure on rodnoy language, otstayval absolyutnoe equality vseh yazыkov in nature. Ivan Franko about Perspectives of Existence of Ukrainian Language In the article author described linguistic interests of Ivan Franko -fighter for Ukrainian language who defended its right to exist in different spheres of life of Ukrainians. An author barker stonehouse emphasized that Kamenyar wanted Ukrainian to become the language of education, science, church. He argued against oppressions and pursuits of native word and defended absolute barker stonehouse equality of all the languages of the world. Key words: bilingualism, internal dissociation of personality, barker stonehouse dialects, dualism, jargons, literary Ukrainian.
I. Franco about the prospects of being Franko Ukrainian language belongs to the founders and co-founders and creators of the Ukrainian language. Follower barker stonehouse of Kotlyarevskyi, Shevchenko, barker stonehouse he belongs to the circle of Ukrainian writers who decide fundamental barker stonehouse issues of language functioning native people in literature, writing, education, determine the criteria, principles and foundations of normativity Ukrainian literary language, defined stylistic possibilities of existence Ukrainian literary language, along with original works introduced barker stonehouse native people, with the world's masterpieces working on translations. Linguistic interests Franko is quite broad and multifaceted. There are more than 20 language papers, notes and reviews Franko Ukrainian, Polish, German, and almost 150 papers that have direct relevance to the issues of Ukrainian. Among the most famous and important linguistic works Franko can highlight the article: "The etymology and phonetics in yuzhnoruskiy Literature" (1894), "elementary war in Galicia 1869" (1912), "The literary language and dialects" (1907), "Causes to Ukrainian onomastics "(1906)," Two Remarks on the ancient text of the chronicle "(1908)," Dvoyazychnist and two-faced "(1905). "Issues of language Franko is one of the aspects of the research life of the people, its social organization, spiritual world, moral rod" [1]. Franko always defended Ukrainian as the language of the great people that will have their own spiritual, cultural, economic and public life. He sharply criticized the existence and establishment of Bilingualism by the Austrian authorities; stressed that bilingualism is the cause of human internal split. "Dvoyazychnist and two-faced" - is the title of the work Franko 1905 where he criticized Russophilism as a phenomenon, says: "Oteye internal split was also to say tragedy of our Galician Russophilism. People could be beneficial to become figures on home field, people barker stonehouse are talented barker stonehouse and hardworking, perenyavshysya unhappy mania - change their own language barker stonehouse to someone else, suddenly made like in the spiritual part sparalizovani, tratyly living sense of living of their people needs and requirements of our time "[2]. "And ninety-five years ago, and today is the urgent problem of dualism in the linguistic life of many Ukrainian barker stonehouse intellectuals. Ivan Franko then, in a bizarre patchwork distribution Tserkovschina, rosiyschyny polschyny barker stonehouse and diluted to the Galician-Ruthenian dialect seen in This yazychiyi destructive threat not only for Ukrainian language, which in itself was a great evil, but also for national spirituality "[3]. Franko barker stonehouse was a zealous defender of the Ukrainian language, defended its right to existence in different sectors and areas of life Ukrainian sought to Ukrainian language became the language of education, science, the church opposed the oppression and persecution of Ukrainian words. "Although Ukrainian about thirty million (with millions in Galicia and Bukovina, half a million in Hungary and about 27 million in Russia), they can only Galicia and Bukovina use their language in offices, courts, schools and the press, but there in their way are often obstacles barker stonehouse and limitations. Ukrainian in Russia (maloruska) it removed from schools - from elementary to university, from church sermons, institutions,
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