Eugene PUSCHIK: Oil expansion of China can bury the Customs Union | Politkom
During the meeting in an expanded format with President Xi Jinping, President jobs in colonial heights va of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the trade turnover between Kazakhstan and China over the years has reached $ 25 billion. jobs in colonial heights va By 2015, this figure, according jobs in colonial heights va to the agreements reached $ 40 billion.
Kazakhstan President also said that the main area of cooperation to date - energy. China produces 25 percent of Kazakhstan's oil. Over the years, through Kazakhstan build a gas pipeline for up to 40 billion cubic meters of gas. In the past year, the pipeline pumped about 10 million tons of oil. In the ongoing discussion about the expansion of the pipeline.
Statement Nazarbayev commented jobs in colonial heights va Ukrainian expert Eugene PUSCHIK: I remember your discussion six months ago .... I engaged in dialogue with the Kazakh analysts, it was about 25 to 30% oil which is controlled by the Chinese. Then the analysts wrote in Kazakhstan, it is not true, even makes reference to the KMG - that no more than 18%. Now Nazarbayev said that 25%
So, at a meeting in Moscow (April 2-3) to me softly - softly Kazakhs reported jobs in colonial heights va that China already controls - 45% of oil ....... I then wrote that China as a boa ... ..proglotit Kazakhstan and no vehicles jobs in colonial heights va with Russia will not help ... ..
More on the topic: The UN predicts a record decline in the population of Ukraine in Europe jobs in colonial heights va neighbors, and the Atlantic in the dreams of 40 years of "fascism with a human face." Valkyrie flew away Osnovnі jobs in colonial heights va its aspect of "reform Kontseptsії bankіvskoї system in the Ukraїnі to 2020 year" KSU vіdmovivsya vіdkriti konstitutsіyne provadzhennya in spravі about dates viborіv from troubled districts
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During the meeting in an expanded format with President Xi Jinping, President jobs in colonial heights va of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the trade turnover between Kazakhstan and China over the years has reached $ 25 billion. jobs in colonial heights va By 2015, this figure, according jobs in colonial heights va to the agreements reached $ 40 billion.
Kazakhstan President also said that the main area of cooperation to date - energy. China produces 25 percent of Kazakhstan's oil. Over the years, through Kazakhstan build a gas pipeline for up to 40 billion cubic meters of gas. In the past year, the pipeline pumped about 10 million tons of oil. In the ongoing discussion about the expansion of the pipeline.
Statement Nazarbayev commented jobs in colonial heights va Ukrainian expert Eugene PUSCHIK: I remember your discussion six months ago .... I engaged in dialogue with the Kazakh analysts, it was about 25 to 30% oil which is controlled by the Chinese. Then the analysts wrote in Kazakhstan, it is not true, even makes reference to the KMG - that no more than 18%. Now Nazarbayev said that 25%
So, at a meeting in Moscow (April 2-3) to me softly - softly Kazakhs reported jobs in colonial heights va that China already controls - 45% of oil ....... I then wrote that China as a boa ... ..proglotit Kazakhstan and no vehicles jobs in colonial heights va with Russia will not help ... ..
More on the topic: The UN predicts a record decline in the population of Ukraine in Europe jobs in colonial heights va neighbors, and the Atlantic in the dreams of 40 years of "fascism with a human face." Valkyrie flew away Osnovnі jobs in colonial heights va its aspect of "reform Kontseptsії bankіvskoї system in the Ukraїnі to 2020 year" KSU vіdmovivsya vіdkriti konstitutsіyne provadzhennya in spravі about dates viborіv from troubled districts
Dmytro SHIMKІV: In Ukraїnі neobhіdno jobs in colonial heights va stvoriti Natsіonalnu Rada reforms
Recent Posts Foreign EU Federica MOGERINI: EU ripped strategic partnership with Russia, The New York Times: Putіn zaklikaє jobs in colonial heights va to peregovorіv about "derzhavnіst" Shіdnoї of Ukraine Vitaliy PORTNYKOV: Putin does not need the New Russia, he needs a federalization of Ukraine NBU intends to prohibit the issuance of currency jobs in colonial heights va cards and transfers Companies that have stopped working as a result of war
"Polіt.kom" - º-services Internet Vidanov, stvorenim spіlnimi zusillyami Center doslіdzhen problems Gromadyanska jobs in colonial heights va suspіlstva that Іnstitutu jobs in colonial heights va praktichnoї polіtiki. Mіsієyu "Polіt.komu" º formuvannya Marketplace for ekspertnoї jobs in colonial heights va diskusії Navkolo viroblennya Strategії rozvitku of Ukraine and takozh Actual Food vnutrіshnoї polіtiki, mіzhnarodnih vіdnosin i bezpeka, jobs in colonial heights va ekonomіki that geopolіtiki, gumanіtrnih strategіy i tehnologіy Visoko. "Polіt.kom" vіdkrity to spіvpratsі s frіlansterami, zhurnalіstami, expert that vsіma who do not bayduzhe mabutnє of Ukraine.
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