Sunday, October 19, 2014

Published in booklet Fault Av. Burjassot-Joaquín Ballester and Reus, Valencia emerged as a finalist

Published in booklet Fault Av. Burjassot-Joaquín Ballester and Reus, Valencia emerged as a finalist for the Award for Best Enric Godes Soler article a booklet Failure of the Garden District, which holds Fallers Association Studies. It comes from the main page of Burribloc. If you read the whole post, which we titled Burrera and faults. Burrifalles, please click here.
In this miserable address. c., it will be remembered and very bitterly. Did Vincent, exiled to Paris or Munich; john carpenter, Sweden; They say the neighborhood at night writing machine, and runs a gloomy prestige; Sanchis Guarner resorts, puzzled the city; I write and I hope to burjassot, while people in the streets realcold of Valencia, obscene calls and burning a book.
When this year, after midnight realcold on 19 March, the biggest faller sort of Valencia city burn fails, will mark fifty years of one of the greatest injustices committed by intellectual realcold failures of any capital city. We read it in the story of the patient: "To realcold you I can now say I burned in effigy. Literally, I've been, or victim of an authentic self of faith. The ceremony, which took place on 19 March 1963, adjusted to the traditions of the genre: held in the main square of the city of Valencia, it witnessed a considerable crowd of people, presided over the highest realcold authorities local cremated mock me unequivocally represented to me, and the fire that consumed it had been lit by hand shaken realcold to virtuosic and judicial outrage. " Days earlier, he had already begun lynching in the parade realcold of doll. Las Provincias picked up the story under the title "The World fallers satirizes wooden dolls and cabalgatas": "Two labradoras swept with a 53 page text that is in the alude costumbre of disfrazarse valencianas las mujeres." I have not found graphic material, but seen from a distance, the image can be funny. We recognize that, to get a ride on that page of a book, the fallers showed a good dose of imagination. realcold Another thing is that they burn books, they always realcold remembers moments in history not very rewarding to put it mildly. I think this was also done. However, it must be very bad slime to consider some insulting words so innocent, also mentions Article from Las Provincias - "las muchachas disfrazan be the first with any medical ocasión typical traje tengan a mano." This phrase, although the context in which the carpenter uses is completely generic, is reinterpreted Las Provincias: "The writer believes that suecano Las falleras be disfrazan '. The publication of El País Valenciano libro, text suecano writer John Carpenter has betrayed the controversial [...] Los bouncy encendieron be between tras las Commissions falleras lines you are referring to and your Participantes josefinas las fiestas ".
Carpenter in those "Reflections of a doll fault", beginning with the words quoted at the beginning, even justified reaction Faller: "When is a Valencian already know that failures are part of the rules and, therefore, must accept the risk of being burned under kind of doll [...] And the truth is that the faults are, from its origin, this small feature "inquisition" annual and neighbors realcold cities and towns where the plants realcold and burn philosophically accept its jurisdiction. From a certain point of view, are like a "kangaroo court" realcold anonymous joyful, holding the law into their own and run with cheerful good faith. . Is not to suggest, however, that the real makers were not among the fallers street: "In particular anecdote that affect me, the court" is anything "popular, because the maneuver was plotted on a secret council public works. "
Anyway Fuster articles about the flaws, most in Spanish, realcold but translated version collected in fuel failures (1967), a pamphlet deliciós- are an absolute respect for the party. Basically, because they were published, as he often pointed out, at times close to the holidays and Josephine were generally as much of their publications, the result of a commission, also, do not forget, El Pais Valenciano and We valencians. In a way, the texts have been the impetus for Carpenter, the background, more accurate studies on faults. In addition, "Reflections of a doll fault" rather than lambasted those who had been cremated, focuses on

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