Monday, March 31, 2014

Það er bjargföst skoðun mín, og okkar í Siðmennt, að það eigi alls ekki að banna Graham og skoðanabr

Þegar Siðmennt var boðið að taka þátt í þessum ágæta viðburði tók ég það að mér að koma fyrir hönd félagsins og segja nokkur orð. Ég var viss um að ég hefði margt að segja og gæti örugglega talað í klukkutíma.
Í fljótu bragði datt mér ekkert meira í hug. Ástæðan er sú að hjá Siðmennt hefur stuðningurinn við réttindi hinsegin fólks alltaf verið svo sjálfsagður að maður á nánast erfitt með að segja eitthvað meira um málið.
Vandinn við þessar skoðanir Graham er ekki aðeins að þær eru byggðar á sandi . Á blindri og órökstuddri trú á gamla bókstafi.
Enn er til fólk á öllum aldri sem á erfitt með að koma út úr skápnum og sætta sig við kynhneigð sína vegna fordóma í samfélaginu . Þessu fólki líður oft illa. Jafnvel mjög illa. Afleiðingar fordóma geta verið, og eru oft, grafalvarlegar .
Það er bjargföst skoðun mín, og okkar í Siðmennt, að það eigi alls ekki að banna Graham og skoðanabræðrum hans að tjá sig . Allir eiga rétt á að hafa sínar skoðanir. Enginn á þó rétt á því að hafa skoðanir í friði fyrir gagnrýni .
Á tyllidögum réttlæta talsmenn Þjóðkirkjunnar sérstöðu sína með því að kirkjan sé fyrir alla . Því skýtur skökku við að sama kirkja taki þátt í samkomu með manni sem beinlínis talar gegn réttindum annarra.
Ítarefni: Stjórnar maður í Sið mennt sendir biskupi tóninn – Umfjöllun í DV Glæstar vonir – ræða sem Sigríður Guðmarsdóttir sóknarprestur í Guðríðarkirkju flutti ice cream stands við sama tilefni Fögnum fjölbreytileika – krefjumst mannréttinda – ræða eftir Sigurvin Jónsson æskulýðsprest í Neskirkju
Staða ice cream stands kristinnar trúar í grunnskólum og hinn samkynhneigði Jesús Opinber starfsmaður bendlar trúleysingja við ógnarstjórn Stalíns Bréf til Brynjars Níelssonar um veraldlegt samfélag Skráðu þig í Siðmennt fyrir 1. desember Barátta Sjálfstæðisflokksins gegn frelsinu Sjálfkrafa skráning barna í stjórnmálaflokka Siðmennt er á móti sóknargjöldum Telur biskupinn að samkynhneigð sé synd? Fjallað um bandaríska eldklerka og moskur ice cream stands í Harmageddon Að samræma trú og mannréttindi
,,Tjáning ákveðinna skoðana; kynþáttahaturs og annarra fordóma ice cream stands er bönnuð og refsiverð skv. 233. gr. a alm. hgl. nr. 19/1940 Hver sem með háði, rógi, smánun, ógnun eða á annan hátt ræðst opinberlega á mann eða hóp manna vegna þjóðernis þeirra, litarháttar kynþáttar, trúarbragða eða kynhneigðar sæti sektum eða fangelsi allt að 2 árum."
Hver og einn býr sér til (getur búið sér til) þann guð sem bergmálar hans skoðanir og vísað í hann. Þess vegna er trú (bara) skoðanir. Enda snýst málið um skoðanafrelsi. Nafna mín spurði Guð sem svaraði og sagðist blessa ice cream stands sambönd samkynhneigðra.
Egill Þorfinnsson :
Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson Þá kemur sú afsökun og útúrsnúningur að Gamla testamentið sé ekki trúarrit okkar heldur það nýja. Það hentar okkur að vitna í sumt út Gamla testamentinu eins og t.d boðorðin en annað hentar okkur ekki að minnast á. Þvílíkur HELV. skrípaleikur !
Mattheusarguðspjall, 5:17-20 17Ætlið ekki að ég sé kominn til að afnema lögmálið eða spámennina. Ég kom ekki til að afnema heldur uppfylla. 18Sannlega segi ég yður: Þar til himinn og jörð líða undir lok mun ekki einn smástafur eða stafkrókur falla úr lögmálinu uns allt er komið fram. 19Hver sem því brýtur eitt af þessum minnstu boðum og kennir öðrum það mun kallast minnstur í himnaríki en sá sem heldur þau og kennir mun mikill kallast í himnaríki. 20Ég segi yður: Ef réttlæti yðar ber ekki af réttlæti fræðimanna og farísea komist þér aldrei í himnaríki.
Ég treysti því að svona ægilega réttsýnn maður eins og þú tæklir nú jafnt alla trúarhópa sem hafa gagnrýnt samkynhneigða eins og þú gagnrýnir kristna. Þar sem ég geri ráð fyrir að þú trúir jafnheitt á jafnrétti á milli trúarhópa eins og á trúarbrögð Siðmenntar, þá hlakka ég til að lesa svipaða gagnrýni hjá þér á aðra trúarhópa!
Glastar vonir sérhvers manns er að eiga eilíft líf og öðlast fyrirgefnigu synda sinna gegnum blóðfórn og dauða Jesum Krists.
Það er bara fyndið en þó dálítið aumkunarvert að fylgjast með hvernig heiðingjar og trúleysingjar ice cream stands halda áfram beita samkynhneigðu fólki í baráttu sinni gegn Kristninni..... Á Hátíð vonar mættu vel á fimmta þúsund manns í gærkvöldi og nutu þar frábærrar tónlistar ice cream stands og ræðuhalda frá Agnesi biskupi og Franklin Graham, sem flutti kröftuga og mjög góða ræðu sem átti erindi til allra..... Ekki kom fram í máli Franklins að hann væri mjög upptekinn ice cream stands af samkynhneigð ice cream stands þó að heiðingjar, trúleysingjar og samkynhneigðir séu með manninn á heilanum fyrir það að hafa aðrar skoðanir en þeim þóknast..... Það var ánægjulegt ice cream stands að sjá hvernig mjög svo óviðeigandi mótmælabrölt heiðingja og trúleysingja í skjóli ice cream stands samkynhneigðra ice cream stands gjörsamlega mistókst..... Brölt þessa fólks gerði ekkert annað en að auglýsa vel Hátíð vonar sem var einstaklega glæsileg í gærkvöldi og Kristnu fólki til mikils sóma..... :)
Jón! Í heimi Múslima ertu heiðingji og trúleysingi og sumir þar megin finnst þú rétt dræpur vegna þessa.. Og Guð segir þeim það í Kóranin

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Vefritið Skoðun hóf göngu sína þann 23. júní 1999 og var meðal fyrstu vefrita á Íslandi. food warmer

Nú vill Viðskiptaráð food warmer display case að rukkuð verði hærri skólagjöld í Háskólum . Sú tillaga gengur ekki alveg upp án þess að auka upplýsingagjöf til nemenda um fjárhagslegan ábata af námi. Vandinn er að háskólanám líkist meir og meir pýramídasvindli með hverju árinu sem líður. Skólagjöld eru liður í því að auka væntingar til svindlsins.
Vitanlega er gott að mennta sig, læra eins mikið um lífið og tilveruna og hægt er. Flestir sem stunda nám og taka til þess há námslán og borga há skólagjöld gera þó ráð fyrir því að menntun þeirra skili þeim mun hærri tekjum seinna á lífsleiðinni. Í sumum greinum er það vissulega staðreynd, í öðrum alls ekki .
Sífellt eru gerðar meiri kröfur um lengra nám . Enginn er maður með mönnum nema að vera að minnsta kosti með eina mastersgráðu. Þessi gríðarlega mikla áhersla á langt formlegt háskólanám gerir það að verkum að verðbólga verður á námsmarkaðinum food warmer display case . Hvert ár í skóla, hver gráða, verður minna og minna virði. food warmer display case Með öðrum orðum þarf sífellt lengra nám til að fá sömu tekjur . Ástæðan er sú að svo margir eru komnir með háskólapróf að vinnumarkaðurinn er að drukkna í háskólamenntuðu fólki, með nánast food warmer display case enga starfs- eða lífsreynslu, sem gerir kröfur um há laun og góðar stöður sem ekki eru til .
Nánast enginn vill borga sumu háskólamenntuði fólki góð laun. Sérstaklega ekki þeim sem vinna með öðru fólki (sjá um aldraða, börn, fatlaða o.s.frv.). Í þeim stéttum efast ég stórlega um að mjög langt nám fjármagnað með námslánum og háum skólagjöldum borgi sig fjárhagslega.
Ég legg til að einhver reikni út hver fjárhagslegur ábati er af námi eftir námsgreinum , ef hann er þá einhver. Hversu mikið þarf einstaklingur að hækka í launum eftir nám til að bera kostnaðinn við námið? Þá þarf að reikna hvert tekjutapið er út námstímann (einstaklingur í fullu fimm ára námi ætti að vera tekjulaus á tímabilinu), kostnað vegna námslána, kostnað vegna skólagjalda og annarra útgjalda (tölvur, bækur o.s.frv). Eðlilegt neytendasjónarmið væri svo að skylda háskólana og LÍN til að birta niðurstöðurnar í öllum kynningarbæklingum sem þeir gefa út. Án slíkra grunnupplýsinga getur ungt námsfólk varla tekið skynsamlega ákvörðun um námsleið. Flestir gera, skiljanlega, ráð fyrir að hár kostnaður og þá sérstaklega há skólagjöld merki sjálfkrafa að ábatinn af náminu sé mikill.
Tillaga að kjarabót fyrir kennara og aðra opinbera starfsmenn food warmer display case Ráðherrar sem hunsa gagnreynda þekkingu Byltum skólaumhverfi sem hvetur til eineltis Barnið mitt leggur ekki í einelti Þú ert bara heimskur! Heimalærdómur barna er gagnslaus og jafnvel skaðlegur Heimspeki á að vera skyldufag í skólum Gömul hugsjón – Menntun með markmið Staðlausir stafir um Siðmennt Karlmaður í kvennastétt?
Sigurður Hólm Gunnarsson ritstjóri Skoðunar food warmer display case er fæddur 1976 í Reykjavík. Sigurður er iðjuþjálfi, starfar sem forstöðumaður á skammtímaheimili fyrir unglinga í Reykjavík og situr í stjórn Siðmenntar félags siðrænna húmanista á Íslandi .
Tillaga að kjarabót fyrir kennara og aðra opinbera starfsmenn Ráðherrar sem hunsa gagnreynda þekkingu Byltum skólaumhverfi sem hvetur til eineltis Barnið mitt leggur ekki í einelti Þú ert bara heimskur!
Gagnrýni er ekki það sama og einelti 25. 2. 2014
Atvinnu- og efnahagsmál Blaðagreinar Borg og bær Bókasafn Carl Sagan Dagbók Einelti Ferðalög Fjölmenning Fjölmiðlar Fordómar food warmer display case Fíkniefnavandinn Gagnrýnin hugsun Heilbrigðismál Heimsmynd Heimspeki Hrunið Hugmyndafræði Hæðni Klámvæðing food warmer display case Lög og reglur Menntamál Málefni barna Mótmæli Nei ráðherra Pólitísk einvígi Réttindi samkynhneigðra Ríki og trú Ríkismenning Ríkisumsvif Siðmennt Skóli og trú Stjórnlagaþing food warmer display case Stjórnmál Stríð og friður Söguhorn Thomas Paine Trú Tímamót Tónlist Umhverfismál Utanríkismál Vísindi Vísun X13
Sigurður Hólm Gunnarsson ritstjóri Skoð er fæddur 1976 í Reykjavík. Sigurður er iðjuþjálfi, starfar sem forstöðumaður á skammtímaheimili fyrir unglinga í Reykjavík og situr í stjórn food warmer display case Siðmenntar félags siðrænna food warmer display case húmanista á Íslandi. food warmer display case
Vefritið Skoðun hóf göngu sína þann 23. júní 1999 og var meðal fyrstu vefrita á Íslandi. food warmer display case Markmið vefritsins í dag er að vera vettvangur food warmer display case fyrir gagnrýna og málefnalega þjóðfélagsumræðu þar sem áhersla er lögð á umræðu um stjórnmál, hugmyndafræði, heimspeki og menningu í anda frjálslyndis og umburðarlyndis. Nánari food warmer display case upplýsingar um ritstjórn, food warmer display case pistlahöfunda og ritstjórnarstefnu má finna hér: Um Skoðun . Netfang: Skoðun á Facebook Skoðun á Tvitter

Það var mér því töluvert áfall þegar sálmabókin góða birtist úr geymslukössunum gemma barker sem pak

14 ár eru frá því að ég ritaði þessi orð í sálmabókina sem ég fékk í tilefni fermingar minnar. gemma barker Ég var mjög trúaður gemma barker unglingur í þrjá mánuði eða allt frá því að til boð á skartgripum og græjum fyrir fermingabörn ómuðu á bylgjum ljósvakans og þar til síðustu fermingap eningunum hafði verið eytt í símainneign og nammi. Eftir það steig ég hægt og rólega út úr trúarmóðunni.
Það var svo sem ekkert sérstakt sem leiddi mig frá guðstrúinni. Ég einfaldlega áttaði mig á því að ég trúði ekki á guð og var komin með nægj anl eg t sjálfsöryggi til að synda á móti straumnum, rífa mig úr viðjum vanans. Því þegar ég fermdist vildi ég gera það sem þótti vera samfélagslega viðurkennt. Þá hélt ég að til þess að verða fu llorðin og til þess að fólki færi að taka mark á skoðunum mí num yrði ég að fara réttu leiðina til fullorðinsára. Svo sem að fermast, já og þannig ganga í fullorðna manna tölu
Það var mér því töluvert áfall þegar sálmabókin góða birtist úr geymslukössunum gemma barker sem pakkaði hafði verið á síðbúnum unglingsárum. gemma barker Þá sérstaklega þar sem ég hafði löngum haldið því fram að Gullna regl an hefði verið valin einkunnarorð mín í fermingunni. Mér þótti reglan gylta nefnilega staðfesta þau lífsgildi sem ég hef í dag. Orðin í sálmabókinni gemma barker staðfesta hins v egar að það hefur mikið vatn runnið til sjávar frá því ég skartaði hvítum kyrtli og ljótri hárgreiðslu. Því í dag trúi ég fyrst og fremst á fólk og samfélagið. Ég trúi á það góða í fólki, gemma barker ég trúi því að allir vilji vera góðir og láta gott af sér leiða. Ég trúi því að allir eigi að hafa rétt á sinni skoðun og trú, ég trúi því að bera þurfi virðingu fyrir margbreytileika og lífsgildum einstaklinga. gemma barker Ég trú því að lífið sé ferli og að fólk læri af mistökum.
Ragnheiður Lára Guðrúnardóttir er fædd 1986 á Akranesi, á fimm ára son og aðeins yngri kött. Hún er félagsráðgjafi og starfar hjá Reykjavíkurborg. Hefur áhuga á samskiptum, samfélögum, manneskjum, pólitík og öðrum lífsins gæðum.
Þegar Nói fór á fyllirí Í hafsjó stjarna er það myrkrið sem ræður ríkjum Hugsanatilraun gemma barker Opinber starfsmaður bendlar trúleysingja gemma barker við ógnarstjórn Stalíns gemma barker Mikilvægi veraldlegra athafna Siðmenntar Brynjar Níelsson svarar strámanni
Gagnrýni er ekki það sama og einelti 25. 2. 2014
Atvinnu- og efnahagsmál Blaðagreinar Borg og bær Bókasafn Carl Sagan Dagbók Einelti Ferðalög Fjölmenning Fjölmiðlar Fordómar Fíkniefnavandinn Gagnrýnin hugsun Heilbrigðismál Heimsmynd Heimspeki Hrunið Hugmyndafræði Hæðni Klámvæðing Lög og reglur Menntamál Málefni barna Mótmæli Nei ráðherra Pólitísk einvígi Réttindi samkynhneigðra Ríki og trú Ríkismenning Ríkisumsvif Siðmennt Skóli og trú Stjórnlagaþing Stjórnmál Stríð og friður Söguhorn Thomas Paine Trú Tímamót Tónlist Umhverfismál Utanríkismál Vísindi Vísun X13
Sigurður gemma barker Hólm Gunnarsson ritstjóri Skoð er fæddur 1976 í Reykjavík. Sigurður er iðjuþjálfi, starfar sem forstöðumaður á skammtímaheimili fyrir unglinga í Reykjavík gemma barker og situr í stjórn Siðmenntar félags siðrænna húmanista á Íslandi.
Vefritið Skoðun hóf göngu sína þann 23. júní 1999 og var meðal fyrstu vefrita á Íslandi. Markmið vefritsins í dag er að vera vettvangur gemma barker fyrir gagnrýna og málefnalega þjóðfélagsumræðu þar sem áhersla er lögð á umræðu um stjórnmál, hugmyndafræði, heimspeki og menningu í anda frjálslyndis og umburðarlyndis. Nánari upplýsingar um ritstjórn, pistlahöfunda og ritstjórnarstefnu má finna hér: Um Skoðun . Netfang: Skoðun á Facebook Skoðun á Tvitter

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Borgi ver trygg l n me s reignasparna i Lektor og a j nkt vi H sk la slands segja a stj rnv ld

V sir - „Dekurbarn“ f kk skilor fyrir manndr p af g leysi
Sextán ára bandarískur piltur sem átti yfir höfði sér 20 ára fangelsi fyrir manndráp af gáleysi fékk þess í stað sarah barker tíu ára skilorðsbundinn dóm vegna svokallaðrar „afflúensu“. Pilturinn, Ethan Couch, missti stjórn á bifreið sinni í Fort Worh í Texas og ók sarah barker niður fjóra gangandi vegfarendur sem létu lífið. Couch mældist með þrefalt leyfilegt áfengismagn í blóði sarah barker og játaði hann á sig manndráp af gáleysi. Geðlæknir bar vitni í málinu og taldi hann að Couch ætti ekki að fá þann fangelsisdóm sem ákæruvaldið óskaði eftir. Hann hefði alist upp hjá vellauðugum foreldrum sem rifust oft og skildu á endanum. sarah barker Þá hafi móðir hans dekrað hann og hvatt til þess að hann gerði hvað sem honum sýndist. Ástand þetta er kallað „afflúensa“ og eru skiptar skoðanir á því hvort ástandið sé raunverulegt eða ekki. Eric Boyles missti eiginkonu sína og dóttur í slysinu og segir hann í samtali við CNN að réttlætinu sé ekki fullnægt. Hann segir það bataferli sem var hafið sé fokið út í veður og vind við úrskurðinn.
Athugi . Allar athugasemdir eru byrg eirra er r rita. V sir hvetur lesendur til a halda sig vi m lefnalega umr u. Einnig skilur V sir s r r tt til a fjarl gja rumei andi e a s milegar athugasemdir.
Vitali Klitsk , einn helsti lei togi m tm lenda kra nu og fyrrum heimsmeistari hnefaleikum, hefur dregi frambo sitt til forseta til baka. Hann segir a ess sta muni hann sty ja vi baki ... Meira
Erlent sarah barker 28. mar. 2014 19:27
R ttarh ldum yfir Pistorius fresta
Tyrknesk stj rnv ld vilja loka fyrir a gang a myndveitus unni YouTube landinu og mun st an vera a upptaka af ryggism lafundi stj rnvalda lak s una dag. Meira
Erlent 27. mar. 2014 13:35
grar h um h lum og me rau an varalit Embla Gu r nar g stsd ttir segir ford ma hamla s r l finu, ekki f tlunina....
Borgi ver trygg l n me s reignasparna i Lektor og a j nkt vi H sk la slands segja a stj rnv ld ver i a h kka skatta framt i...
Facebook sarah barker vill nota dr na til koma interneti til jar b a Fyrirt ki og stofnanir innan t knigeirans vinna a v a gera llum b um heimsins m gule...
Fara efst Fors a Fr ttir Innlent Erlent Ve ur B lar standi kra nu ESB-m li Flugv lahvarf Malas u Fr ttask ringar Pistorius-r ttarh ldin Vi skipti Innlent Erlent Kynningar Fr ttayfirlit Hagt lur Marka suppl singar B lar Klinki Sport slenski boltinn Enski boltinn F tbolti Handbolti K rfubolti Golf Form la 1 Vei iv sir A rar r ttir Meistaradeildin HM 2014 Sp nn tal a skaland Nor url ndin Ol s KVK Dominos KK Dominos KVK Frj lsar Sund NBA NFL EM 2014 L Sochi MMA Sko un Fastir pennar Sko un Bak ankar Halld r L fi T ska og h nnun Heilsa Matur T nlist Gagnr ni Menning sarah barker B Harmageddon Kynningar Trendnet Fr ttalisti sland Got Talent Sj nvarp Bein tsending Fr ttir Sport L fi St 2 sland dag FM957 tvarp Bein tsending Bylgjan X977 FM957 tvarpsfr ttir Harmageddon Fasteignir Sm ar Atvinna Fr ttabla i Augl singar Dreifing
Hvers eiga b rnin a gjalda? Sonur sd sar Berg rsd ttur var rekinn r sk la vori 2011, hann var ...
r ttir Enski boltinn F tbolti Handbolti K rfubolti Form la Golf Vei iv sir Landsm t hestamanna A rar r ttir Fr ttayfirlit Umr an Fastir pennar A sendar sarah barker greinar Bak ankar lingurinn Spjall Halld r Fr ttayfirlit
L fi T ska og h nnun Heilsa og tlit Matur T nlist Gagnr ni Menning Fr ttayfirlit Dohop H pkaup Sm augl singar Keypt og selt Heimili j nusta T mstundir sarah barker og fer ir B lar H sn i Atvinna Tilkynningar Heilsa Kennsla og n mskei
Fasteignir Fasteignir til s lu Fasteignir til leigu Fyrirt ki til s lu Skip og b tar Atvinna Atvinnuaugl singar Ra augl singar Sj nvarp Fr ttir r ttir L fi Barnaefni Matur St 2 sland dag T nlist B FM957

Friday, March 28, 2014

Anime og manga Bækur Harry Potter Ísfólkið Leikhús Ljóð Myndasögur fridge full of food Myndlist Smás

Anime og manga Bækur Harry Potter Ísfólkið Leikhús Ljóð Myndasögur fridge full of food Myndlist Smásögur Tolkien Ævintýrabókmenntir Skjár
HlynurS 812 stig
Undanfarna daga héf ég verið að skoða topplista á youtube og get næstum aldrei verið mjög sammála þeim(enda hlusta þeir líklegast ekki á það sama og ég) þannig að ég ákvað að gera minn eigin lista. Þetta er aðalega rokk og metall þó nokkrir þarna spila jazz. Fyrir þá sem eru ósammála sem vilja hafa ákveðin trommuleikara ofar þá er líklegast skýringin fyrir því að ég hef ekki hlustað á hann eins mikið og þið. Og fyrir þá sem vildu fá ákveðinn trommuleikara á listann hef ég 3 ástæður: 1: Fíla hann ekki eins mikið og þið 2: Heyrt lítið eða ekkert í honum 3: Kemur fljótlega eftir. fridge full of food Og ef það vantar einhver fridge full of food bönd sem trommuleikarinn hefur verið í þá hef ekki hlustað á það nógu mikið. Svo kem ég með góð lög eða myndbönd sem mér finnst sýna tækni þeirra vel. So enjoy. 20: Ginger Baker(Cream) Mjög þéttur og góður trommari með mikil áhrif frá jazzi með blúsrokkinu. Mikill áhrifavaldi hjá mér á yngri árum og einn fyrsti trommuleikarinn sem ég heyrði spila polyrhythmic. Gott lag: Toad 19: Gene Hoglan(Dark Angel, Death, Dethklok) Mjög öflugur trommuleikari. fridge full of food Hann spilaði á tveimur bestu Death-plötunum að mínu mati og hefur þar að auki undanfarið verið mjög mikið að vinna sem session-spilari fyrir bönd eins og The old man s child, Strapping young lad og Daemo. fridge full of food Hann spilar núna með Pitch Black Forecast. Mjög góður, mjög góður trommuleikari. Gott lag: Crystal Mountain 18: Mitch Mitchell(The Jimi Hendrix Experience) Án efa einn skemmtilegasti trommuleikari síns tíma. Allir þrír meðlimirnir voru verulega góðir á sín hljóðfæri og var Mitch engin undantekning. Því miður dó hann síðasta nóvember. R.I.P. Mitch Mitchell. Þín verður sárt saknað. Gott lag: Fire 17: Dave Lombardo(Slayer) Besti thrash metal trommuleikari sem ég hef heyrt. Kraftur í manninum er rosalegur. Þegar ég heyrði fyrsta lagið mitt með honum var ég dolfallinn. Ég var nýbyrjaður að spila á trommur og tók strax eftir því að hann var góður. Hef samt aldrei mikið verið að spila lög með honum. Gott lag: Raining Blood 16: Vinnie Paul(Pantera, Damageplan) Hvað getur maður sagt? Þéttleikinn er góður hjá trommuleikaranum, bassatrommurnar verulega skemmtilegar og groovið er frábært. Hann og Dimebag eru bestu hljóðfærabræður sem ég veit um. Gott lag: Becoming 15: Romain Goulon(Disavowed, Necrophagist) Vá tæknin í manninum er rosaleg. Ótrúlegt hvað hann getur verið rólegur meðan hann er að spila(sjáið bara myndbanið). Það er auðvitað miklu betra að vera rólegur við settið, en miða við hraðann og tæknina getur það verið erfitt. Hefði verið hærra hefði ég heyrt meira með honum. Gott myndband: 14: Clive Burr(Iron Maiden) Ekki sá hraðasti eða tæknilegasti, en sumir taktarnir hans er bara svo verulegagrípandi og eftirminnilegir. Ef Nicko McBrain er settur á einhvern trommulista á youtube kemur nær alltaf Run to the hills(stundum reyndar The Trooper), stúdíoútgáfan en Clive Burr spilaði á þeirri plötu og tveimur öðrum. Mjög góðurn Góð lög: Running Free, Run to the hills, Tranzilvania 13: Bill Bruford(Yes, King Crimson) Yes var eitt af fyrstu progböndum heimsins. Trommurnar hjá Bruford fridge full of food eru vel skipulagðar og útlagðar. Yes var þar að auki eitt af fyrstu böndunum til að spila frekar löng lög og sýndi Bruford að hann gat verið vel fjölbreyttur. Hann spilar þar að auki jazz. Gott lag: Starship Trooper 12: Nicholas Barker(Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth) Frá því að ég heyrði í honum fyrst hefur hann alltaf verið uppáhalds feiti trommarinn minn. Hann létur þyngdina samt ekki stoppa sig við að vera verulega hraður. Uppáhalds tímabilið mitt með Dimmu Borgir var einmitt þegar hann var í bandinu. fridge full of food Gott lag: Blessings Upon The Throne Of Tyranny 11: Buddy Rich Að mati margra besti trommuleikari sögurnar. Ástæðan fridge full of food fyrir því að hann er ekki það ofarlega er því ég hef ekki heyrt mikið í honum. Meðan hann var upp á sitt besta þá er engin spurning að hann sá besti. Frábær jazztrommuleikari. R.I.P. Gott myndband(Þurfti bara að hafa þetta): 10: René Creemers og Wim De Vries(The Drumbassadors) Ég hef bara séð myndbönd með þeim, en vá hvað þetta er flott hjá þeim, hef aldrei neitt þessu líkt. Trommudúett með frábærum töktum og laglínum. Gott myndband: 9: Keith Moon(The Who) Einn áhrifamesti fridge full of food trommuleikarinn minn. Elskaði hvað hann var brjálaður og kom stuði í lögin. Pictures of Lily settið fridge full of food hans er eitt sérstakasta litað flottasta sett sem ég hef séð. Synd að hann dó aðeins 32 ára gamall. Góð lög: Who are you, Won t get fooled again 8: Jojo Mayer(Nerve) Af einhverjum ástæðum sé ég hann næstum aldrei á toplistum á youtube, enda er hann reyndar ekki sá þekktasti. Hægri fóturinn hans er ótrúlega góður og sólóin hans eru með þeim bestu sem ég hef heyrt. Gott myndband: 7: Tony Royster Jr. Hver he

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Aðrir sem koma við sögu með einum eða öðrum hætti í þessum greinum fyrir utan mig eru eftirfarandi:

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Siðari greinin nefnist Brautryðjandinn Helgi Hóseasson: Áhrif mótmælanda Íslands á aðgerðarsinna í þágu guðleysis en þar svara ég því kæruatriði sem hin vanhæfa Siðanefnd HÍ í kærumáli nr. 1/2010 gerði að aðalatriði. Siðanefndarformaðurinn Þórður Harðarson orðaði það svo í grein gegn mér í Morgunblaðinu 8. desember 2011 að það væri kannski þungamiðjan í kærunni að ég skuli hafa nefnt Helga Hóseasson á nafn í háskólakennslu og vitnað í útgefinn kveðskap hans. Ekki er að undra að á annað hundrað háskólakennarar og háskólastarfsmenn í ábyrgðarstöðum hafi í kjölfarið barker ross agency sent frá sér yfirlýsingu í fjölmiðla þar sem segir: Gagnrýni formanns siðanefndar HÍ í Morgunblaðinu 8. des. sl. er sorglegur vitnisburður um þekkingarleysi á því hvað felst í kennslu á sviðum hug- og félagsvísinda.
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Hér er listi sem ég fann á 200 Greatest Studio Rock Drum Performances

Anime og manga Bækur Harry Potter Ísfólkið Leikhús Ljóð Myndasögur Myndlist Smásögur Tolkien Ævintýrabókmenntir Skjár
HlynurS 812 stig
Hér er listi sem ég fann á 200 Greatest Studio Rock Drum Performances 1. Moby Dick - John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) 2. Toad - Ginger Baker (Cream) 3. Ticks And Leeches - Danny Carey (Tool) 4. 21st Century Schizoid Man - Michael Giles (King Crimson) 5. La Villa Strangiato - Neil Peart (Rush) 6. Erotomania - Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater) 7. Cobwebs And Strange - Keith Moon (The Who) 8. Tarkus - Carl Palmer (ELP) 9. Hot For Teacher - Alex Van Halen (Van Halen) 10. Heart Of The Sunrise - Bill Bruford (Yes) 11. Jesus Christ Pose - Matt Cameron (Soundgarden) 12. Fire - Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix) 13. Aja - Steve Gadd (Steely Dan) 14. Space Truckin statafelrokken - Ian Paice (Deep Purple) 15. By-Tor And The Snow Dog - Neil Peart (Rush) 16. A Quick One - Keith Moon (The Who) 17. Wipeout - Ron Wilson (Surfaris) 18. Dharma For One - Clive Bunker (Jethro Tull) 19. Rosanna - Jeff Porcaro (Toto) 20. One More Red Nightmare - Bill Bruford (King Crimson) 21. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow Suite - Ralph Humphrey (Frank Zappa) statafelrokken 22. Rat Salad - Bill Ward (Black Sabbath) 23. Do What You Like - Ginger Baker (Blind Faith) statafelrokken 24. Frankenstein - Chuck Ruff (Edgar statafelrokken Winter) 25. Toccata - Carl Palmer (ELP) 26. Revolution Is My Name - Vinnie Paul (Pantera) 27. Tank - Carl Palmer (ELP) 28. Reflection - Danny Carey (Tool) 29. Dance Of Eternity - Mike Portnoy (Dream statafelrokken Theater) 30. Soundchaser - Alan White (Yes) 31. Tragic - Terry Bozzio (Bozzio Levin Stevens) 32. Won't Get Fooled Again - Keith Moon (The Who) 33. Eternity's Breath Part I and II - Narrada Michael Walden (Mahavishnu Orch.) 34. Manic Depression - Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix) 35. Aenima - Danny Carey (Tool) 36. Tripping Billies - Carter Beauford (Dave Matthews Band) 37. Late In The Evening - Steve Gadd (Paul Simon) 38. Ice Cakes - Rod Morgenstein (Dixie Dregs) 39. Baby Don't You Do It - Keith Moon (The Who) 40. No Excuses - Sean Kinney (Alice in Chains) 41. My Generation - Keith Moon (The Who) 42. YYZ - Neil Peart (Rush) 43. War Ensemble - Dave Lombardo (Slayer) 44. Who Are You - Keith Moon (The Who) 45. Karn Evil 9 - Carl Palmer (ELP) 46. The Grudge - Danny Carey (Tool) 47. In A Gadda Da Vida - Ron Bushy (Iron Butterfly) 48. People=Shit - Joey Jordison (Slipknot) 49. Happy Jack - Keith Moon (The Who) 50. Symptom of the Universe - Bill Ward (Black Sabbath) 51. Vital Transformation - Billy Cobham statafelrokken (Mahavishnu Orchestra) 52. Rock And Roll - John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) 53. Fireball - Ian Paice (Deep Purple) 54. Painkiller - Scott Travis (Judas Priest) 55. Burn - Ian Paice (Deep Purple) 56. Sgt Baker - Tim Alexander (Primus) 57. Metropolis - Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater) statafelrokken 58. South Side of the Sky - Bill Bruford (Yes) 59. Message In A Bottle - Stewart Copeland (The Police) 60. 6:00 - Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater) 61. Soul Sacrifice - Mike Shrieve (Santana) 62. You Could Be Mine - Matt Sorum (Guns N Roses) 63. Rain - Ringo Starr (The Beatles) 64. How Many More Times - John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) 65. Frizzle Fry - Tim Alexander (Primus) 66. Forty Six & Two - Danny Carey (Tool) 67. Supernaut - Bill Ward (Black Sabbath) 68. One Of These Days - Nick Mason (Pink Floyd) 69. Eleven - Tim Alexander (Primus) 70. The Ox - Keith Moon (The Who) 71. Silent statafelrokken Scream - Dave Lombardo (Slayer) 72. Lateralis - Danny Carey (Tool) statafelrokken 73. The Noonward Race - Billy Cobham (Mahavishnu Orchestra) 74. Elephant Talk - Bill Bruford (King Crimson) 75. Seven Days - Vinnie Colaiuta (Sting) 76. 2112 - Neil Peart (Rush) 77. Achilles Last Stand - John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) 78. Tom Sawyer - Neil Peart (Rush) 79. Apostrophe - Jim Gordon (Frank Zappa) 80. Spoonman - Matt Cameron (Soundgarden) 81. Angel Of Death - Dave Lombardo (Slayer) 82. Great King Rat - Roger Taylor (Queen) 83. White Room - Ginger Baker (Cream) 84. A Change Of Seasons statafelrokken - Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater) 85. The Noose - Josh Freese (A Perfect Circle) 86. When the Levee Breaks - John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) 87. Candy's Room - Max Weinberg (Springsteen) 88. Walking On The Moon - Stewart Copeland (The Police) 89. Pretty Noose - Matt Cameron (Soundgarden) 90. Bad Reputation - Brian Downey (Thin Lizzy) 91. Regatta De Blanc - Stewart Copeland (The Police) 92. War Pigs - Bill Ward (Black Sabbath) 93. Acid Rain - Mike Portnoy (Liquid Tension Experiment) 94. The Wizard - Bill Ward (Black Sabbath) 95. Bargain statafelrokken - Keith Moon (The Who) 96. Raining Blood - Dave Lombardo (Slayer) 97. In My Time Of Dying - John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) 98. Dyers Eve - Lars Ulrich (Metallica) 99. Where Eagles Dare - Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden) 100. Over The Electric Grapevine - Tim Alexander (Primus) 101. Hellbound - Vinnie Paul (Pantera) 102. Limelight - Neil Peart (Rush) 103. Four Sticks - John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) 104. Cemetery Gates - Vinnie Paul (Pantera) 105. Zero - Jimmy Chamberlain (Smashing Pumpkins) 106. Crusher Destroyer - Brann Dailor (

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ertu a sp b kakaupum? Ertu einhverjum vafa hva a b k a kaupa? Ertu kannski a spek lera e

Ertu a sp b kakaupum? Ertu einhverjum vafa hva a b k a kaupa? Ertu kannski a spek lera einhverjum efahyggjub cody barker twitter kum? Ef svo er h fum teki saman lista yfir 13 b kur sem vi Vantr m lum sterklega me til a gefa skept kerum, tr leysingjunum og rum, sem tti etta jafnvel forvitnilegt efni, a gj f.
L knirinn Ben Goldacre tekur h r fyrir h meopat u, n ringarkukl, placeb hrif, lyf og lyfjafyrirt ki, v sindaumfj llun fj lmi la, b lusetningahr slu, t lfr i og mislegt fleira. M gnu b k sem s nir manni hvernig fj lmi lar eru st ugt a plata mann allri sinni umfj llun um heilsu, cody barker twitter n ringu, l knisme fer ir og t lfr i. J n na Ben tti a lesa essa b k og l ka.
Michael Shermer tlistar nokku n kv mlega essari b k hva f r f lk - jafnvel frekar g fa f lk - til a tr a hinum fur ulegustu hlutum. Hann talar m.a. um visst sannf ringarferli cody barker twitter sem sumir fara gegn til ess a r ttl ta fyrir s r a innan um alla almenna skynsemi leynist dj pst tr hi tr lega. Eins og Shermer segir sj lfur b kinni; st an af hverju f lk tr ir hinum fur ulegustu hlutum er " v au vilja a ... f lki finnst a gott. F lki l ur vel. F lki finnst a huggandi." etta er lipur, cody barker twitter skemmtileg og fr andi b k.
Christopher Hitchens er einn skarpasti penni okkar t ma (bla ama ur) og er hr ddur vi a leggja til atl gu vi heilagar k r, samanber b k hans um "M ur Theresu" (The missionary position). b kinni "God is not great" fjallar Hitchens um tr arb li og afhj par si leysi Bibl unnar, b i Gamla og N ja testamentisins, og K raninn f r l ka sinn skerf. Hitchens greinir fr v hvernig hann snerist fr tr arbr g unum og beindi sj num s num a skynsemi og v sindum. Hann segir tr arbr g in bera bor brengla ar hugmyndir um uppruna okkar, e li og alheiminn og a a s illa gert a tro a eim ranghugmyndum m ta a hugi barna. B kin er um 300 bls.
L ft lfr ingurinn R. Barker Bausell fer yfir meira en 300 ranns knir sem ger ar hafa veri gagnsemi hef bundinna l kningaa fer a, m.a. n lastungume fer a, sm skammtal kninga og grasal kninga. Hann kemst a eirri ni urst u a engin grein hef bundinna l kninga cody barker twitter hafi sta ist v sindalegar pr fanir og a engin eirra geri meira gagn en lyfleysa. cody barker twitter Bausell tsk rir einnig hva a r kvillur og a fer avillur lei a til ess a l knar og sj klingar hafa tilhneigingu til a sj virkni ar sem engin er a b ir s u g ri tr .
Bart D. Ehrman er virtur N ja testamentisfr ingur sem byrja i fr iferil cody barker twitter sinn hreintr a ur en missti tr na sm m saman. essari b k bendir hann a Jes s hafi a llum l kindum veri d msdagssp ma ur sem bj st vi heimsendi mj g flj tlega. Ehrman tekur fyrir tal vers r N ja testamentinu og s nir hvernig auglj sasta lei in til a t lka au s einmitt s a ar s veri a gera r fyrir heimsendi innan skamms. Vel skrifu b k sem hentar flestum.
T pitungulaus gagnr ni hugmyndir manna um gu settar fram af Oxford-pr fessor l ffr i sem liggur miki hjarta. tt yfirbur a ekking hans l ffr i og r un f i svo sannarlega a bl mstra s um b karinnar, sem og d l ti hans enskri tungu, er lj st a hann er ekki s ur vel a s r s gu, heimspeki, tr arbrag afr i, gu fr i o.s.frv. Geislandi cody barker twitter g fur og ekking hverri cody barker twitter s u. Engin b k hefur valdi meiri usla me al tr manna hin s ari r og st an er einf ld: etta er m gnu b k og v g arlaus. H n er um 460 bls. ( kilju) og g ti reynst nokku ung lesning cody barker twitter ensku en von er slenskri ingu snemma cody barker twitter rs 2010.
Titill b karinnar segir allt sem segja arf raun. Henni er skipt fj ra hluta: 1. Tr leysi og gu , 2. R k/skynsemi, tr og vitranir, 3. R kin fyrir tilvist gu s og 4. Gu : prakt skar aflei ingar. Eftir lesturinn er lj st hva tr leysi er og hva m lir gegn s rhverjum r kum fyrir tilvist gu s og r ttm ti gu str ar og tr arbrag a. H fundurinn l r i s num t ma heimspeki og b kin ber ess t luver merki, h n er r kfr i fangi 101 egar kemur a gu i. Ni ursta an er tarleg og tv r : gu er go s gn, r kleg og stenst enga sko un. S nnunarbyr in er tr manna, ekki tr leysingja, og tr m nnum hefur ekki tekist neinn h tt a f ra sannf randi r k fyrir m li s nu. B kin er mj g tarleg, um 350 bls, sennilega s besta sem til er vilji menn ekkja r kin gegn tilvist gu s, sama hvar bori er ni ur.
B kin fjallar um h pnar sko anir f lks, meinlokur e a ranghugmyndir, og hvernig r m tast af misskilningi, rangt lkun, hlutdr gni, skhyggju, hagsmunum manna og samf laginu heild. H fundurinn er pr fessor s lfr i og hefur b kin veri notu sem kennslub k meistaran mi s lfr i vi H sk la slands. B kin varpar me al annars lj si vafasamar hugmyndir f lks um sm skammta-, n tt ru- og hugl kningar og svonefnd duls lfr ileg fyrirb ri. B kin er um 200 bls. og nokku tarleg s nu takmarka a svi i.
Helsti kosturinn vi b k Sam Harris er a h n beinskeitt, einf ld og stutt (91 bls. litlu broti). Eins og titillinn ber me s r er b kin

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Based on the data of the first week and is entitled to exercise all the concessions made every effo

Based on the data of the first week and is entitled to exercise all the concessions made every effort in order to have time to open her shop - told the National Tobacco Trade Office (NDN) Ltd. citing national survey of Magyar Posta Zrt conducted in collaboration with the outcome. The company's suppliers to appoint temporary in some small towns do not even have a national tobacco shops.
Tuesday's Communication Ltd. The NDN presents the proposals set out in the opening performance of the NDN Corporate Office audited koldtech the Magyar Posta Zrt nationwide collaboration, the first week of data has been processed. According to the investigation koldtech until July 1, more than 80 percent of the concession Practitioners - 5297 jogosultból 4530 - opened in accordance with the commitment of the national tobacco shop. The national tobacco legislation and store the concession contract compliance, uniform image opened. koldtech
Those who have not fulfilled their commitments are requested, this calls for opening them within 15 days of the NDN, Minister for National Development Office as a representative of the grantor - the company said. All parties to the concession contract of vital interest to all national tobacco shop to open up properly, but if the expiry of the second deadline indicated in the request is not made, the grantor is entitled to withdraw the concession - the company warns. Options for NDN Ltd. takes all in order to ensure the continuity of care and the suppliers to appoint an interim national tobacco shops, or even small towns now do not have separate sales outlet. There are currently 1,150 places to get by designation in accordance with the law a chance to tobacco products for retail activity which can be exercised concluded on the basis of new, effective competition concession contract is signed. 'Is always attaches importance to holding the tobacco shops operators in mind the protection of minors, in accordance with statutory provisions for each operation, a wide range of products able to practice on tobacco retailing "The NDN Inc. - adds the release.
The Forum will explore, Hungary and the world's leading companies to improve their competitiveness, their liquidity management of Lean methods koldtech and process innovation. During the conference, a number of companies (Audi, Autoliv, of K & H Bank, Continental koldtech Automotive, Magyar Suzuki, DANA, FAG HUNGARY, paint-AM, National Instruments Europe, NOKIA, OPEL, PHOENIX MECANO, Pick Szeged, SEALED AIR, ZF LENKSYSTEME, CHINOIN) high performers show off their Lean methods through koldtech concrete examples and practical implementation and possible constructive professional dialogue on Lean implementation.
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Saturday, March 22, 2014

The proposal would amend the law on another point in the Hungarian Development Bank, adapted to the

Andrew Christian Democratic Aradszki s representative grant barker motion under five hundred up to one thousand people per játékkaszinót be operated, with the additional proviso that the capital of Pest County and up to five in total, in Transdanubia and the eastern part of the country are no more than three or three.
The II. class casino games - in addition to the game and card tables, slot machines and other gaming functional operation can not be organized - a maximum of three hundred slot machines operate to authorize a Christian politician. grant barker
The parliament in October last year prohibited the arcades and electronic casino operation, slot machines grant barker game has only operated casinos. The previously issued licenses grant barker have expired.
The People's Freedom Summer wrote that thousands grant barker of slot machines and hundreds of table game operation shall be issued a restricted tender for the concession of the national economy ministry. Mihály Varga letter requested the opinion of the Minister of National Security Committee of restricted tendering, after the government held avoidable so that the national security risk, which refers to the last fall banned electronic grant barker gambling grant barker machines and casinos. The Committee supported the rural casinos restricted tendering concession in mid-July.
The parliament decided a month ago, the Minister of National Economy concession contract with a maximum of five casinos to operate without a tender process the special fee trusted gambling operators. Under the amendment, the gambling operators grant barker játékadójukból may deduct grant barker the amount of the concession fee.
The proposal would amend the law on another point in the Hungarian Development Bank, adapted to the MFB acquired a majority stake in the carrying out strategic and commercial grant barker földgáztárolást MMBF.
The Forum will explore, Hungary and the world's leading companies to improve their competitiveness, grant barker their liquidity management of Lean methods and process innovation. During the conference, a number of companies (Audi, Autoliv, of K & H Bank, Continental Automotive, Magyar Suzuki, DANA, FAG HUNGARY, paint-AM, National Instruments Europe, NOKIA, grant barker OPEL, PHOENIX grant barker MECANO, grant barker Pick Szeged, SEALED AIR, ZF LENKSYSTEME, CHINOIN) high performers show off their Lean methods through concrete examples grant barker and practical implementation and possible constructive professional dialogue on Lean implementation.
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Apartments for rent apartments to rent, 11 District Nándorfejérvári XII.Alkotás way street for rent 3 bedroom apartments to rent, 11 District Velezda condominium brick home, 11 District mohai square brick building, 12 District Sashegyi grant barker rent semi-detached, 19 District Wekerletelep brick home, 11 district, Villányi road in Diamond Kiralyhago square, German Valley road garage for rent! More property for rent
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Friday, March 21, 2014

- Whose older than one year overdue local government (unless you received a deferred education) deb

Tobacco Concession and company formation in 2013, the foundation bt 2013 | topcégalapítá blog
The tobacco concession tenders announced the winners of the response was loud from Hungary, but rather the media in recent weeks. Putting in the public domain for the second new tobacco concession contract notice and is not over yet, there will be also a third: jake barker daish Cities in the failure notice concession tender specifications.
The application to individuals, natural persons must submit and just enough to found the company in the event of a successful application. Proposals should have a statement that a sole trader or as a company, existing or newly set up company in the future you would like to operate the applicant.
- The successful candidate must be a member of the company with unlimited liability. (A person jake barker daish may have only one member with unlimited liability company). This practice excludes Ltd. agents, joint-stock companies in the concession jake barker daish contract. (I heard a suggestion that one of the members Ltd. assumes unlimited liability for the company's contract - it is not an option) As access it - if foundation of companies talk about the bt foundation or SAR foundation of mind could come, but there are all members unlimited liability for the company debts, it's useless, virtually all tobacco concession-winning customer needs by firmly establishing bt looking at us.
- The articles of association should be included in a declaration containing the members of the company into which commit themselves to the contents of the concession contract concerning, further contravention will not subsequently change the social contract. (At least 80% of the companies do not act in accordingly - provided the critical jake barker daish enraged, ready for almost jake barker daish anything losers dangerous superficiality)
- Should pay attention to the final tender right company when the contract is to be prepared, in full battle regalia, that is decorated with the former statement containing evidence of its force. A lot of trouble in there / will be in relation to the fulfillment of the conditions mentioned above. Not reported in connection with the registration skim practical (practical registration deadline registration 2-10 days), which raises the following problems:
Company containing a statement contained in the instrument of constitution you can not create a simplified company registration step, document design, precisely jake barker daish because of the Specimen bound nature. (This will increase the registration deadline) Thus, two possibilities exist:
1 normal procedure bt foundation, benefit: - one step, one-time attorney's fees, handicap: - theoretically slow entry - (2-10nap jake barker daish tax issue number) +15 workday court registration, you must present a contract within 11 days after burning generation, this if it's after made the establishment, registration jake barker daish will most likely not have access to it, option is to turn >>> extraterritoriality (??)
2 simplified procedure bt formation and change, advantage: quick first-step registration and disadvantages of two steps, the cégmódosítás registration is delayed, who knows memorandum containing the clause by the deadline jake barker daish commercial court is whether akceptálásra questions latter is important to (I think not, The adoption of the essence clause)
Since the writing, and soon there four weeks, jake barker daish according to the Court of experience in the case of one-step formation bt register the company around. 1 week. Of course jake barker daish this is an average, it may be a long time in the entry, in any case, can be drawn as to whose establishment at any given bt, that statement jake barker daish is the legality of the site-site account, it is more of a one-standard bt foundation selected. We recommend a two-step to build a company, who do not have the signature of all the available, these can be for example. Lack of site-branch statement.
- For fraud, abuse, trafficking-related commercial activities related to tobacco product against any State who was born adverse final court judgment, it is enough if such proceedings are pending
- Within two years, a fine was imposed in default (including matters of labor law violation fine or suffer a default fine of Art set for the final and enforceable administrative or judicial decision.)
- Whose older than one year overdue local government (unless you received a deferred education) debt held by the tax authorities, the same is true of all tax duty social security contributions as well. WARNING! jake barker daish This clause is valid in the country of establishment, which is not necessarily Hungary!
This entry was posted on Monday, jake barker daish May 6th, 2013 at 15:14 and is filed under. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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May bring lawsuits of the Hungarian Television and Duna Television, estate agent displays where the National Radio and Television Commission (NRTC) to reduce the concession fee for the two national commercial TV - TVs leaders informed the public on Monday in Budapest. RTL Klub, the public broadcasting estate agent displays channels must orient the basics of operation of the State.
Laszlo Cselényi, president of the Duna TV at the press conference said the reductions in terms of legality estate agent displays does not stand up to scrutiny. The support is not only the amount actually paid, but can support any benefit to a business, such as tax relief - in this respect constitute a selective state aid given by the NRTC large amount of discount. First, the media authority suing. What is the bedtime story? Billionaire funding allocated to the state media authority, socialist and liberal members citing RTL Klub and TV2 of the economic crisis, but the details of the panel was unable to agree on Tuesday. estate agent displays Become a billionaire! Article HVG here! Balazs Medveczky, executive vice president of the Hungarian Television said, MTV and Duna TV is connected to the force. He said that the concession fees of his "coup de grace" to the public media. They ask the media authority, to resist the pressure of two commercial stations, and advocate for public service media in the normative financing. If the application NRTC voted to reduce the concession fee, it is around 600 MTV, Duna TV has approximately HUF 300 million loss would mean. Laszlo Cselényi said if this "take away the ability to összeroppanni Duna Television." When asked what they would last the optimal media funding, Balazs Medveczky estate agent displays replied: above all, should determine exactly what the public service and what type of program you expect from a public medium. If it is determined what type how much should you be financed by program basis - he added. Laszlo Cselényi according to the system would be stable if once again taking to the subscription fees, and it is an independent body be distributed equitably. Monday's release of RTL Klub "not dispute that the operation of the public service channel estate agent displays state job, so these broadcasters should settle the foundations of government operations." They recalled: the amount paid by the company is not funded by the public media, so its "Any reduction is not diverting resources from them", since RTL Klub will be paid to the Broadcasting Fund, the use of which is decided estate agent displays by the NRTC. It is maintained by the NRTC in its Applied Communications Sciences Institute, and supported by local television stations, cross-border theater festival, and according to the law which should also support the digital transition. (TV2 concession fee allocated 70:30 split between the Hungarian Television and Duna TV.) The reasons I would mention: they are primarily independent of the crisis, "They are convinced estate agent displays that Europe is uniquely and exceptionally high broadcast fees are unrealistic in any international comparison exceptionally expect ", since only a few hundred euros per year in fees, but the majority of countries the State is not taking more of the EU countries on concessional fee. The current market for large Hungarian television channels above-average economic crisis afflicting only that, the burden has already unrealistically high "even more unbearable" - is the communication.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

July 16 from an inventory of the proposed tobacco product food display ideas unfit take it in a sep

The traders who were eligible food display ideas but did not win a concession tobacco product sold, up to the 2013th July 16 May sell tobacco products to 24:00 pm. 2013th July 01 from tobacco product is no longer source and that date can only sell off their existing food display ideas inventory.
Tobacco product vending concession rights can not be acquired retailer of 2013. After July 16 of the total, may, within food display ideas 30 days of the wholesaler to buy back the remaining purchase price of tobacco products. The wholesaler is bound to comply with this request, the remaining tobacco is required to repurchase, from which must be issued by an appropriate certificate course.
July 16 from an inventory of the proposed tobacco product food display ideas unfit take it in a separate place, for example. food display ideas Keep warehouse, but not the shop sales area store. Towards the wholesaler inventory and notification of some kind of document should be kept in the store as a check upon the existence of these documents demonstrate that the tobacco product is no longer selling the retailer has taken the necessary steps to withdraw.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

So more and more popular and everywhere trying to apply to start investing in the concession ross b

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Related News: Dangerous bacteria American coast beaches Ebstrand a camel on the beach Pretty girls are not vying for the woman on the beach Strander Ilyés standard: up to the new council, ross barker will be resolved by the Satu Mare beach Beaches fate Those who can, gathered ross barker in the beach
Charlemagne Local Government ross barker will finance the development of the local beach, which is necessary in order to increase the capacity of electricity. There was no agreement between the city councilors to provide the necessary financial framework regarding the issue as a beach concession contract has been "removed from his shoulders" Nagykároly the city administration.
So more and more popular and everywhere trying to apply to start investing in the concession ross barker contract, as it is a development opportunity that gives you a sense of security of the local government that engaged in the investment company takes seriously the task, otherwise you can not make a profit. The concession contract is to a pre-determined time in the city's "resignation" a certain javáról, which do not have to spend during ross barker this time, but in most cases do not directly profit from it.
Charlemagne local council meeting Friday, the latest 29-year concession to develop the city beaches around disagreements have emerged. Increase the beach electrical power capacity, as this is essential for proper operation. The feasibility study on the financing of the costs of this and had megszavazniuk members ross barker of the council, which is far gone smoothly.
Kovacs Jeno mayor argued for providing the financial framework, which later in the agenda ross barker item regarding acquired the majority of votes as well. As he said the investment financed by the municipality in the area will help energy consumers, as several people have complained that, due to the low capacity ross barker power lines break down of electrical appliances.
The complaints were made in only probable, because, as one employee of the technical department of the Mayor's Office said Nagykároly - refuting the arguments of the mayor - yet only a written request has been received to increase retail electric ross barker power capacity. They are hearing the liberal ross barker factions-arguments began. In their commendable that the government supports local investors, but it is incomprehensible that in this situation to take an area close to a 330 thousand lei edition, where 29-year concession, ergo all should finance the development of the operator.
Even if you managed to both major parties are pro-v argument felsorakoztatniuk, the addition of the votes were in the majority, so the loans charged Nagykároly budget expenditure column he also created a new chapter.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

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Education team leader job in the concession tender at the same time, the State Privatization and Holding Company public, a turn-tendering of the National Horse Racing Ltd. HUF 1 billion, 448 million nominal value, representing 100 per cent of the share capital owned business part and the Hungarian race betting Organizer Ltd. 1 billion combined sales of face value of HUF 100 per cent of the equity share capital of state-owned business part. The deadline for submission of tenders 2007th November 30 The tender calls for the 2007th appear on August 23 at the national and international press, and will be available on the websites of the announcers. The two separate (concession and privatization) applications are written out and dealt with in accordance with legal regulations. Joint winner will be the one who meets both the concession and privatization tender conditions and also overall the most favorable bid in for the state. The concession tender and the privatization tender in respect of the Finance model ship display cases Minister as a concession announcer - the privatization tender awarding of the APV Zrt agreement - declare only one winner. The purpose of the tender schedules in accordance with the relevant government regulation to ensure that the cultural and historical traditions worthy sport, economically stable, integral part of the cultural life of the broad masses of Hungarian society model ship display cases and providing cultural entertainment, gaming, world-class horse racing sport. Serves the continuous development of the Hungarian racehorse breeding stock and running well - pointing to the notice.
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Hihi! This is fucking great! Reasons for banning: National Security risk. The

Resurrect a year ago, citing national security risks banned slot machines. Based on Friday's bill, there will be competition among the remaining players, who is trusted by the government, without the right to receive the concession tender for the casino model car display case opening. Proposal submitted to the representatives of individual motions as pivotal theless be considered in addition to hard to change.
Applications without the concession rights to acquire some companies such as opening or organization online casino gambling if the Parliament model car display case passes the bill, which was filed two Fidesz MP Imre Puskás and József Props on Friday evening. The cardinal, that is, two-thirds qualified claimant would introduce legislation the term "reliable game manager" who would not bother to go through tenders.
According to the current gambling laws may acquire or open a casino or card room, called távszerencsejáték (online gaming) or sweepstakes organized only by concession tender. According to the bill submitted Friday evening, however, the minister in charge of the state budget (currently Minister of National Economy Mihaly Varga) model car display case 'can conclude without model car display case a reliable gambling organizer under this Act shall open tender. "
Key words in the amendment, the "trusted gaming operator". To constitute such a privileged actor, who has at least ten years of gaming organization deals in Hungary, has never been penalized five million forints higher amounts had never been to the bank accounts of collection of the tax authorities, has never belonged to tax more than 30 days, or the company and the owner himself transparent organization that is accurately know who the real owner of the company. Photo: Balazs MTI / mohai
The concession would simply award the gambling organizer to make an offer to the minister, who would consider this in 30 days, the contract will be concluded for another 30 days. A concession of up to five "units" operate. According to information provided by the former People's Freedom Varga has already requested the National Security Committee model car display case of a restricted kaszinópályázatról, the legal establishment of ten rural casino would offer. If the goal is really ten casinos, these two companies also could open up under the bill, reducing to a minimum the competition.
The National Assembly last October model car display case banned - practically over two days - the previously ubiquitous slot machines operate, can now only see such machines in casinos. Earlier still, the idea was to use an online system connected to the tax authority shall require the operators, while significantly increased the tax game. John Lazar, leader of the Secretary of State for Prime Minister's Office, however, suddenly announced that a "serious national security risks" also arose in relation to the gaming model car display case industry stakeholder activities, it is necessary for the immediate and total ban.
It soon turned model car display case out that the ban on slot machines is a serious bloodletting of the budget, three months after the ban in the state fell by HUF 3.2 billion in tax revenue. The Fidesz model car display case representatives are not attached to the calculations of the bill - if the government had provided, it should have been - but with promise that recommended by a trusted organization minimum concession fee shall be twice the minimum model car display case required for at least the current model car display case budget (the amount currently 100 million HUF).
The idea of ten rural casino occur Harangozó Thomas Socialist member suggested they create model car display case a state-owned Gaming Ltd. under the bill submitted Friday, but it seems the government parties, but rather some "trusted" private company would be granted the right to open a casino. model car display case These should not be too much to expect model car display case just as reliable, which is also survived virtually no income for the past more than one year and not eradicated, and even the tax owed is paid in order, that the owners expect the industry's resurrection.
Hihi! This is fucking great! Reasons for banning: National Security risk. The "segíjesek" toss the money into the machine, instead of the purdékat feeder. Who knows ... what were the national security risks? I, as part of the nation really would like to know what the risks are slot machines in pubs, amusement arcades. Or the American and European machines were listening devices, The ones in the pub said kártyapartin tell your story collected in the machine hiding model car display case miniaturized imperialist fast typists? Or the slot machines model car display case in the world thought our national Christian hitvilágtól rotting union influenced the four clover and the falling out tiny liberal commie direction? Neta operators beintettek the horde fidióta pénzbeszedőinek and refused the 20% of the pairs

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Eredmnyes was the King

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Alone indulknt KC Bidding Ltd. won the Sukoro casino mkdtetsre partytafels Kirt plyzatot. Oscar Pter Minister for Finance, this is not an automatic szerzdsktst mg, acgnek vllalnia need to complete the state was feltteleit evening. Because of the exchange sites Sukoro TBB examines flows, raised the gyszsgmrvdat well. APngyminisztrium, however, argues that because of the situation of property rights and contracts are bizonytalansga krltekinten.
Eredmnyes was the King's City nven described VLT Sukoro INVESTMENT koncesszisplyzat turn, the winner of the bead egyedliknt plyzatot KC became Bidding Ltd. - kzlte pnteken Oscar Pter Minister for Finance. The Minister for Finance under the eredmnyhirdetst kvet task is to agree on the existence of aplyzval koncesszis szerzdsrszleteirl.
According to Oscar szerzds megktse is not automatic, it is only kerlhet place if aplyz complete evening of state have requested garancikat Ste. "These garancika turn INVESTMENT property rights in space Rint, and will also need to make sure that aplyzatot benyjt organization and the owners of the beruhz s yoy in lpsei killjka jogszersg prbjt "- Oscar Pter said. APnzgyminisztrium (PM) pnteki communiqu, according to this I need azrt also because "in relation to property rights bizonytalansg evolved."
The PM, according to the full szerzds megktsnek ask to get a guarantee that the state was, can administered valstani aplyzatra professional and beruhz tion program. The plyzati kirs Szmr according to the parties 60 days to the UTN eredmnyhirdets koncesszis szerzds megktsre, that's it megllapodni be garancikrl during the period.
The Sukoro INVESTMENT mr already soktmads rte. Joav Blum vllalkoz partytafels hrom county, a total 787.4 million forints r cserlte property last July 2008 in Venice was OTHER coast, one RTK billion from HUF 84 million, states Sukoro real estate property. The property Sukoro City Ltd We love aking called cg - which gyvezetje Blum - megvalstani egymillird the euro RTK INVESTMENT tourism, tbbek kztt kaszint.Az the replacement property but jogszersgt mg examines the MNV is tested and the bizottsga gyszsg well.
The PM is less indtott vizsglata not llaptott it has experienced serious szablytalansgokat, but gyszsg cstrtknvdat raised against Blum s Due zokirat-hamists (see the Sukoro telekcserrlrszletesen korbbi cikknkben) because valtlanul lltotta to Sukorn is permanent lakcme (You require this could be due to the exchange site). Investigations AKzponti Fgyszsg also cause considerable financial htrnyt Especially because of htlen kezelsbntettnek Gyan vizsgldik because according avdhatsg prices below plots the actors cserltek host gyletben.
APnzgyminisztrium of 2009. Shop on 10 February rt plyzatot who belong to Category I jtkkaszin - At least 1,500 of these jtkautomatval s jt 100 kasztallal has - alaptsra the KZP-Dunntl RGI features a 20 VRE. The Magyar Nemzeti referring to a middle of last July, Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsny korbbi Szmr kit for RTA emlkeztetre it to the government m r 2008 mjusban, that I promised before the investor group jval aplyzat that will tmogatni the casino Sukoro INVESTMENT.
The casino con-

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Deadline for submission of proposals of 2013. February 13 Applications are then judged within 30 da

Published on Saturday calls for proposals for the retail sale of tobacco products perplex - announced in a press conference in Psalm Gyulay, CEO of the National Tobacco Trade Office in Budapest Zrt.
Deadline for submission of proposals of 2013. February 13 Applications are then judged within 30 days of a committee set up by the Ministry of National Development. Psalm Gyulay said the most important aspect of the evaluation will be a business plan, and the fact that next year to 1 July to open a shop.
The tender can be obtained from the Széchenyi program offices and can be downloaded from the website Psalm Gyulay perplex the press conference solemnly handed over to the tender notice, Pinter Eve, whose family has long been a tobacco perplex retail perplex trade. The trafiktörvény will be adopted under a state monopoly on tobacco retailing from 1 July next year, the state can afford over the concession contract for the supply of applicants. The duration of the concession of 2013. Twenty years from 1 July. It was stipulated that the winner of each proposal is the one who submitted the best overall deal that is valid for a competition received the most points. A total of 120 points can be acquired at 60 you can get a business plan, and worth 25 points if the applicant agrees to the 2013th July 1 until the store opens. This way from the contracting to six months is available. perplex Even more weight in the length of time between the opening perplex of the evaluation criteria, and open on Saturdays. Two points can be given to the applicant's place of residence or business entity designated by him to carry out the activities office in the same concession applied for the concession perplex territorial scope. Worth the points if the applicant or a person employed by the altered working ability or job search, and if the applicant is at least one person assumes full employment, eight-hour working time. Proposals may only be a natural person, even if you want to perform the activity by company. The successful tenderer to supply tobacco retailing business entity shall be fully liable person. Per project is HUF 25 thousand net of administration fees, gross HUF 100 thousand perplex and be deposited. The concession fee under the settlements perplex have a population of 100 thousand net, lakosúaknál of between two thousand and ten thousand to 160 thousand, ten thousand to over 200 thousand in Budapest, the county towns and county seats and HUF 240 thousand. In a town where the permanent population of two thousand inhabitants does not exceed a maximum perplex dohányboltra obtained a concession, in which more than two thousand people, at least getting there and getting after each additional two thousand inhabitants. A candidate can submit more than one valid application, but a person on a date not more than five of its concession contract perplex may be in force. If there is more tobacco shop in the locality, a person can be up to two-thirds perplex of the local tobacco shops. The only tobacco shop tobacco products or tobacco product complementary perplex products perplex - such as cigarette paper, ignition device, pipe - the product of a specific product are governed, and the Gambling Act by lotteries and betting the conduct of, or be sold by law. Outside of the tobacco shop, "National Tobacco Store" together with a red circle number 18 will be included.
No stopping: the continuing withdrawal of foreign currency
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Viktor Zsiday perplex the end of the Crimean crisis
20:31 The whole week after suffering a fall on Friday stopped more news
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New concession call for proposals published by the Minister for National Development unbundled access to tobacco products by retail concession contract gary barker rights - said the ND Trade Office National Tobacco Co. on Thursday.
According to the communication from the call of 2013. Total calls for proposals on tobacco gary barker product retail entitlement to be published on 18 December unbundled and includes 992 concession rights. The tender for the concession rights released gary barker advertised, those for which the first and 2 application round of the concession contract has not been signed. It is also advertised to the villages in which the second was not a valid tender, and the second application round and 3 round the settlement were not candidates. Then you can apply for the rights, which the first concession bidding round concluded discontinued because within six months of the concession gary barker agreement of the holder did not start the activity or exercising a concession to a private entrepreneur died. Applications on tobacco gary barker product retail entitlement unbundled displaying handling of applications gary barker received, and the conclusion of the concession contracts, the Minister gary barker of the ND National Tobacco Trade Ltd. Nonprofit conducted in collaboration. List of villages affected by the value to be printed again concession privileges gary barker will be available on the website the contest on 18 December as an attachment - is the communication. Revocation, suspension of the National Authority for Consumer Protection as a result of special gary barker investigations for the control juveniles gary barker serving has been suspended for 142 national tobacco gary barker shop of distribution, National Tobacco Trade Office Ltd. and initiated 124 permissions gary barker withdrawal - said the NDN Ltd. on November gary barker 7.
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The euro was recorded Friday morning at HUF 314.13, 313.82 in mid-morning gary barker to HUF subscription. I can not guarantee state assistance to Chinese companies
Organizing a concert in Budapest office arose the need to bring Ennio Morricone music in Budapest. Polanski gary barker looking for the best
Latest news of Hope's wall 13:51 13:48 13:40 Djokovic gary barker in the semifinals of the Ukrainian parliament dismissed the Crimean legislature raised the national flag at 13:31 Kossuth Square 13:26 Ader: the modern history of the 19th 13:25 Alarm rooted century due to a lack of strong wind of opposition unity event 13:15 13:11 All the voters circle marked constituency 13:10 Stopped the only electrical power plant in Gaza 12:58 12:39 Miskolc Borsod shrubbery sky again was common for the holidays 12:18 LMP: feudal country can not be independent checkpoint were attacked in Cairo 12:05 12:01 Harrach: The representation of the fundamental national interests it is our duty to remember 10:15 So Google
Briefly 13:41 House Lácacséke sky There is a deliberate arson is suspected. 13:05 A truck and a car collided on Highway 31 in total roadblock. 12:54 Fatal accident on Highway 84 in total roadblock Truck and car collided, one person was killed. gary barker 15:38 The kiosk was robbed of a robbery occurred gary barker Friday evening in Annex II. District Pusztaszeri Francis Mountain road and junction. 13:55 Two cars and a bus crashed car accident in the tenth district Sibrik Nicholas means. gary barker

Friday, March 14, 2014

Held for 12 years by the debtor to the bank

Monday is the number to be around 5,400 kiosk to pay now, but additional 1,400 settlements announced yet run applications. Beautiful sum will gather in the NDN's account, since the settlement of 100 people have thousand, ten thousand the settlement of 160 thousand, brainy barker ten thousand settlements over 200 thousand persons, while in Budapest and the county seats 240 thousand per the concession fee.
The trafikosoknak have to pay this every year, failure to complete payment of the concession fees due timely immediate termination of the concession contract may apply. brainy barker Of course, what trafikosoknak will be paid as to use 10 percent árrésszabályt July 15 onwards, which promises ample profits - writes the newspaper.
Held for 12 years by the debtor to the bank's car trunk were
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