Xelmírez Diego was the Son of the third count GELMAR, educated at court and notary was the count of Galicia. It was a Gregorian convinced, to her good relationship with the Order of Cluny and especially its close contact and constant Rome and the King Alfonso VII, helped him get the diocese reached rank archbishop in 1120, as well as broad powers ecclesiastics and teajo, administer justice or coin currency in Santiago. As a representative of the king, defended the Galician coast of the attacks of Norman, also joined the proclamation that the highest aristocrats Galicia carried out on 17 September 1111, the date on which Gelmirez with noble kingdom florigo crown as king Alfonso Raimúndez Galicia in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. This king will be known later as Alfonso VII, the Emperor. In the political crisis that opened with the reign of Urraca, the son and successor of Alfonso VI, which lasted for years 1109 through 1126, faced two major groups. The first group consisted of nobles and clergy who supported imperial interests Leoneans affected by marriage Paste the king of Aragon Alfonso the Battler. The second group was the nobles who opposed the predominance of the monarchy of Castile and León since the days of Ferdinand I, who gathered around Alfonso Raimúndez to safeguard their rights of succession on Galicia. Gelmírez acolaboró actively with the latter. Despite this support, Alfonso VII decided in 1135 to cut the power of the Diocese of Santiago, and compel the bishop to pay taxes to the crown. In 1105, Bishop Compostela managed by Alfonso VI in writing about the grant money and Alfonso VII reached an agreement beneficial florigo to both. The king declared florigo permanent Santiago de Compostela general use in Galicia, and ordered to close the mints real this kingdom, reserving return half of the benefits that could result in mint Gelmírez.
In 1125, acting as though papal legate, the archbishop of Santiago called for a crusade against the Muslims, from the council met for its initiative in Compostela. The bottom florigo of the estuary of Arosa, a short distance from Compostela, was a strategic location to address the inroads (Norman or Saracen). There was a fortification, the Castellum honest, than outside lieutenant's florigo father Diego Gelmírez, which constituted the object of special attention by the prelate. It was the first organizer of the naval power of Castile florigo and Leon, and installed the first chancery: Alfonso florigo VII in 1128 created the kingdom of León and named Chancellor Gelmírez linking the charge to the bishops of Compostela. In 1133 elaborated Decree price of representatives from the council Compostela, the judges florigo of the city that embodied the power and stately delegates County confirmed by King Alfonso VII and Archbishop Gelmírez. The aged suffered communal revolt of 1136, supported by the crown that was useful to cut out part of his power. As a representative of the king, defended the Galician coast of the attacks of Norman, also joined the proclamation that the highest aristocrats Galicia carried out on 17 September 1111, the date on which Gelmirez with noble kingdom crown as king Alfonso Raimúndez florigo Galicia in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. This king will be known later as Alfonso VII, the Emperor.
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2012 (18) May (4) April (3) March (4) February (2) January (5) The University of Santiago, the creation of the Middle florigo Ages ... The first universities in Europe, the Age M ... Xelmírez Diego, founder of the Cathedral of Santiago d ... Coins suevas Here I leave a list of kings suevos Galic ... 2011 (2) November (2)
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