Imports from the command line mysql> load data local infile 'W: \\ WEBServers \\ root \\ backup \\ dump.csv' into table databasename.tablename fields terminated by '- | -' lines terminated by '| -' ( n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6); '- | -' - Field separator '| -' - line separator (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6) - enumeration table columns File Example: 103238704- | - | | -r4Vp5iL2VbM = - | -maiden name | - 103238705-|--||-BB4e6X+b2xLioxG6CatHBw==-|-boyfriend|-- 103238706-|--| - | -Cm8mAzxAiwzioxG6CatHBw == - | -Flamengo | - 103238707-|--||-n+TZlu41zyHioxG6CatHBw==-|-|-- bakery display case 103238708- | - | -isolon08 @ | -FAniAwP + U13ioxG6CatHBw == - | - | - 103238709-|--||-kxiV+a47bSlf+E5Ulu/AzA==-|-newest|-- 103238710- |--||-UimSy9NunUU=-|-reg|-- 103238711-|--||-sKZcDAyegNzioxG6CatHBw==-|-muacacias|-- 103238712- | --||-7EdrqFiVnE8=-|-scream|-- 103238713-|--||-mvOh9x97N02evXXgSB9QHg==-|-mobile|-- import file larger than 9 GB. This file can not be opened notepad and other software to view its contents, the number of lines, dividers, and check whether bakery display case this CSV file. To resolve this issue written a php script to read any number of rows (for example, 50 first lines) bakery display case script system to retrieve and display the contents of the file "readdump.php": <? PHP $ filename = "dump.csv"; if (file_exists ($ filename) && is_readable ($ filename)) {$ fh = fopen ($ filename, "r"); bakery display case # Processing // Installed counter to zero $ counter = 0; Launched // loop while ($ counter ++ <= 50) {$ line = fgets ($ fh); echo $ line; } Fclose ($ fh); } PHP script to read CSV file and write to the database MySQL <? Php set_time_limit (0); $ Link = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'usbw'); if (! $ link) {die ('Error connecting:'. mysql_error ()); } Echo 'successfully connected'; mysql_select_db bakery display case ('adobe') or die ('Could not select database.'); error_reporting (E_ALL | E_STRICT); ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); $ Filename = "W: /WEBServers/root/sxd/backup/1.csv"; if (file_exists ($ filename) && is_readable ($ filename)) {$ fh = fopen ($ filename, "r"); # Processing // Installed counter to zero $ counter = 202629; bakery display case Launched // loop while ($ counter ++ <= 150000000) {// Read line by 150 million rows)) $ line = fgets ($ fh); $ Line = str_replace bakery display case ("- | -", "','", $ line); // Replace the delimiters in the file $ line = str_replace ("| -", "'", $ line); // Echo $ counter. "INSERT INTO` adobe`.`stuffs` (`id`,` n1`, `n2`,` n3`, `n4`,` n5`) VALUES ($ counter, '". $ line. ')'. "\ n"; mysql_query ("INSERT INTO` adobe`.`stuffs` (`id`,` n1`, `n2`,` n3`, `n4`,` n5`) VALUES ($ counter, '". $ line.') '. "\ n"); // Or die (mysql_error ()); } Fclose ($ fh); } Else echo 'eror'; mysql_close ($ link); What feature bakery display case of the script! We explicitly specify the column id (that is specified bakery display case in the table as an int and autoincrement) and give it a value equal to the variable $ counter - ie equal to the line number in the file. When you try to write a string that already exists, the string will not be recorded, protection takes and re-record the line. This script allows you to continue to read / write to any desired us a line.
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