Thursday, April 30, 2015

The data written on the impact it had in shipbuilding moañesa increased fishing from the year 1756,

To address the evolving Moana in everything regarding shipbuilding, again have to resort to the register published in 1752. In it are found registered a total of sixteen carpenters in Moana eight, five in Meira, frielectric Domaio in two and a single in Tiran. Interestingly, the list does not appear any mention of the existence of carpenters, so presumably, some of the sixteen complemented their work in building houses, pictures, furniture, etc., with the assembly of vats that if they are registered in the aforementioned register.
Another fact to note is that the parishes were closest to the sea, and Domaio Tiran, which had fewer carpenters, which agrees with the little that indicate the older sailors, which refer to the construction of small boats, tubs and troughs from time immemorial in the yards of some houses and Vilela Domaio.
To perform these jobs in carpentry, preferably beams were used, pontoons and planks of oak and pines these hills, serrated cutters for boards, of which only appear registered two, both in the parish of Moana, frielectric so if the data from the register are true , it needed to be moved elsewhere cutters for this mission. frielectric
The data written on the impact it had in shipbuilding moañesa increased fishing from the year 1756, the implementation of a technique called "xávega" imported by Catalan promoters, are very scarce, which leads to suspect that was not too big the growth of the construction of boats or vats that were used to fish with this art with traditional techniques and, until the late nineteenth century.
The yards of greenery and Ferradás in Domaio and other Meira were already active in the last decades of the century said, building vats and troughs for the coastal fishing gear that used as fashion, xávega, or ox, bowling, etc. Assuming that the earliest that arose was that of Benito Gonzalez, taking advantage of an old factory of salting that already existed in the seventeenth century when the Turks stormed Cangas and Domaio, said Prof Luis Chapela in an article published in Journal of Pontevedra on 22 April 2005.
The boom in shipbuilding began across the county Moana when it was authorized so definitive fishing frielectric ardora in 1902. To use this new technique was needed to have enough vessels larger than those used previously, and to this end, taking as models which have already fished in the Cantabrian, the carpenters began to build Moana famous trainer.
Too late nineteenth century, the carpenter Joseph Riobó Street applied for a grant to conduct the first grounded was later executed in Moana Beach, in place called "The pill Firewood", and raised on a yard that was pasture flames in the year 1941, being replaced by a new one, built another landed nearby, which still stands dedicated to the trade of timber. This enterprising man built tubs and troughs above in smaller yards Domaio and Meira.
Although it is put into operation this yard when Moana already building boats in other factories of the aforementioned parishes of Meira and Domaio, this should not surprise, since until that time its inhabitants lived rather spread apart the sea, contrary to what happened with the other's parishes. So it also draws attention to until the forties of the twentieth century was not built in any Tiran yard. This was built by Marcelino Vazquez gates in place that occupied frielectric an old factory salting the district of Con.
According to the above in that Article headgear Luis Bermudez, in the fifties of the twentieth century were in full production frielectric seven yards in the parish of Domaio, in one of which, or Ferradás, frielectric which had three ships, was given employment to over one hundred carpenters riverside.
In Meira worked four shipyards: the Cabanelas, houses, pine and Rouco. In these last two built several mussel platforms, continuing Rouco with them and still manufactured small fishing frielectric boats in the home.
In the parish of Moana rose in the twentieth century two more yards, frielectric or Eusebio

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