Surely not all are lights, but will only concession to make hue. Not the home itself, in essence, not too doctrinally contributed to the left or to other historical figures represented in Latin America, from Martin or Bolivar until Allende and Che. It is what it represented in its historical height for a continent "without legs, but walking." On the continent of Videla, of Trujillo, carmike midlothian the "Contra", carmike midlothian Pinochet, the disappearances at sea and torture in criminal militarized, the slums and the "hills" infested slum in the suburbs of cities where not even light passes or water drinking in the Patria Grande perverse game of narcotics "illegal", the cold blood murder of dissidents and artists in the continent where children scavenge food from the trash or the service rifles rise guerrilla or paramilitary. Where people died from peritonitis or ingesting spoiled food. Where large sectors of the population is displaced from its territory by the advance of deforestation carmike midlothian or agrogandeiría extensive. Where are a few landowners and about many malviven to survive. Where women are violated daily and organized crime abrolla no hotbed of misery. Where rampant corrupt democracies cardboard presidents and white caste political difficulties to speak Spanish because they resided in the "home" of the "gringos". In the "backyard". On the continent of "maras" and where even today the mine workers are exploited by one or two euros a day, still dare to call him a "tyrant." There must be. Is it because the increased admission rates in primary education, secondary and university? Because they build 700,000 homes worth? carmike midlothian Because the FAO said Venezuela "territory free of hunger" and UNESCO "illiteracy free"? For extended and guaranteed access to universal health care and free to all Venezuelans to increase by 400% the number of doctors and built 8,000 health centers? Why increased life expectancy almost three years and reduced the mortality rate of childhood? carmike midlothian Why with Mission Miracle regained sight 1.5 million carmike midlothian people with cataracts and other eye problems? Because entered the category of countries with a human development index (HDI) high, according to the UN is also one of the countries that have better compliance with the Millennium Development Goals? Because before carmike midlothian its mandate 400,000 seniors enjoyed pension and currently do 2millóns? carmike midlothian Because the government has delivered over one million hectares of land to Aboriginal peoples? Because 5millóns school receive free food? Because carmike midlothian the calories in a medium Venezuela increased by 50%? Because created 50,000 cooperatives in all sectors of the economy? Because carmike midlothian the minimum wage increased by 2000%? Because adults of a certain age who could never join the labor market charge 60% said minimum wage and women by 80%? Why has satellites and is now sovereign in space technology? Because according to the World Happines is the second country "happier" in Latin America, behind Costa Rica, and 19 in the world ahead of Germany and Spain? Because donations and humanitarian aid donates 8,000 million dollars a year when the Bush Administration donated 3,000 around the office? Because if doblou per capita GDP? Because it reduced the external debt of a 45 to 25 percent and has a growth rate, during the global recession, 5.5?
Chavez had opened a new cycle for the continent. carmike midlothian A counter-hegemonic to that made possible the political instance, part of those who had dreamed Subcomandante Marcos in Chiapas in the mid-90's: break the cycle of predator Chicago Boys and their disastrous policies miltonfriedmanas applied relentlessly after Operation Condor. Historical figures of this influence and relevance can only be assessed in a manner fair to the view given time. Its democratic revolution, peaceful, carmike midlothian socialist and popular, too.
Chavez broke with it and managed to remove extreme poverty and literacy to millions in a country inequalities -nun continent inequalities forging the first piece of a path of sovereignty and independence. Just so worth it. At this point, one must look with respect and interest from Europe because it was what Chavez desencadenou a process carmike midlothian that extended to other South American countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Brazil ... continuing to experience the Cuban revolutionaries carmike midlothian and enlighten promised mid twentieth century, and making it possible for social justice, equality and freedom in Latin America united and integrated. Making just part of what we do here, saving the cultural differences and the determining factors and sociodemographic socipolíticos, before we "latinoamericanicemos" crack radically with neoliberalism, with the IMF, WTO, etc ... it was just what they did to start
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