Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Disraeli wanted rule by the rich 1%

Disraeli wanted rule by the rich 1%
“Many of Dizzy’s key relationships were homoerotic.
“Even in middle age, during his successful marriage to his older wife Mary Anne, he had passionate relationships with his secretaries, such as the pretty Lord Henry Lennox or Monty Corry.” gemma barker interview
“Bulwer-Lytton’s novels became the seminal tracts for a whole variety of cults… “Those included the … Masonic Rosicrucian Lodge…and gemma barker interview the Theosophy gemma barker interview Society founded by Madame Blavatsky…”
“Not until the 1830′s did leading British gemma barker interview policy gemma barker interview makers, however, turn Zionism into a live operation, gemma barker interview and the search began for Jews who could be duped, coerced, or threatened into allying with the scheme.
German historian Volker Koop says that the S.S. kidnapped gemma barker interview thousands of children from occupied lands and murdered those that racial “experts” back in the Reich deemed “unfit for Germanisation”. Nazi-scheme-kidnap
“Zionist novels and propaganda have from early times been filled with characterizations of Diaspora Jews as “living in filth,” “one big hunchback,” “filthy dogs,” “parasites,” “harlots,” and “worms.” How Britain’s Biggest Racists Created Zionism
“When Heydrich was a child in Halle, neighborhood children made fun of him, calling him “Isi” (Izzy), a name with a Jewish connotation… When he served in the navy, many of his comrades gemma barker interview believed he was Jewish. Some called him the ‘blond Moses.’ Others who lived in Halle have claimed that everybody gemma barker interview believed that his father, the musician Bruno Heydrich, was a Jew. Half-Jew Alice Schaper claimed, ‘We all knew he was Jewish.’” (Reinhard Heydrich who masterminded the Holocaust ).
Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes , states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish. Eichmann’s stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews. Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. ( eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional )
“Sidonia lectures Coningsby on the ‘vast influence on the affairs of Europe’ exercised by ‘the Jewish mind.’”Making such statements as ‘the first Jesuits were Jews,’ Sidonia proceeds to describe this ‘vast influence”… concluding: ‘ So you see … the world is governed gemma barker interview by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.’ “These ‘personages,’ Sidonia affirms, all come from the ‘pure races of Caucasus’…”In a public speech, Disraeli stated …’The native tendency of the Jewish race, who are justly proud of their blood, is against the doctrine of the equality of man’…”The 1870s saw the emergence of several high-level coordinating agencies for international cult manufacture, in particular the Vril Society (founded in 1871) … headed by Edward Bulwer-Lytton… the mother-cult for the later Thule Society and related groups which created Hitler and the Nazis…
Himmler’s SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British -run Palestine. Reportedly, Himmler’s grandfather gemma barker interview was Jewish. ( Himmler relative marries Israeli – Israel News, Ynetnews / eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional )
“Laughed at, derided, denounced, and assured that he was insane by almost all Jews he came in contact with, Theodore Herzl was embraced by the racialist myth-makers of the British Empire, becoming a principal agent for their policy…
“‘Blond, clever-eyed gemma barker interview little girl…’ reads a diary entry in which Herzl reveled in his passion for an eight-year old. ‘Today I realized for the first time that is is possible to fall in love with a little girl’…
Herzl and his children. Paulina suffered from mental illness and drug addiction. She died in 1930 at the age of 40 of a heroin overdose. [35] Hans committed suicide (gunshot) the day of his sister Paulina’s funeral; he was 39 years of age. [38] ”Trude” (Margarethe, 1893 1943) died in the Theresienstadt concentration camp. “High Viennese gemma barker interview society was completely under the sway of the network of salons set up by Julie Rothschild, daughter of the head of the Vienna branch of the family, and by Empress Elizabeth of the pro-British Wittelsbach royal family of Bavaria that was later to finance Adolf Hitler’s political career…
“During the 1880-1900 period… several Zionist tracts, emerged gemma barker interview in Russia and Eastern Europe thanks to the … the periodic pogroms and anti-Jewish exte

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