Saturday, December 7, 2013

Marketers also learn to overcome stonehouse construction the limitations caused by visitors using d

"Big Data" Santa Claus: how marketers learn what people are buying gifts
"We can no longer celebrate Christmas without a" big data "and marketers - says the executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy Jeff Chester. - Remember the song that Santa knows when you are sleeping and when awake? That's where he gets his information! "
The development of e-commerce and business intelligence made finding gifts this holiday season unprecedentedly easy. Marketers have developed many applications and schemes to attract buyers, but a whole range of services helps to find the right thing at the lowest price. The reverse side of this phenomenon is that the sellers are accumulating more data about customers. Even regardless of whether stonehouse construction they buy online or the old fashioned way.
Information about the clients begin to gather before they make a purchase. Internet shops have always used "cookies", but lately tracking buyer activity has long been a part of, and retail sales network. Stores are pushing all visitors to receive discount stonehouse construction cards in exchange for a completed application form with your personal data. Manufacturers offer registration of purchased goods in exchange for an extended warranty or personal discounts.
Consumer advocates say that more aggressive tracking and profiling of accumulated customer data opens the door to the world of price discrimination. Companies can deny individuals in buying goods at the usual price, based on information about the history of the site and visits made by them earlier orders.
Improving methods of parallel stonehouse construction gridding customers. Supermarkets exchange data about customers, online shopping analyze the frequency of use of different IP-addresses. In this way is possible to get a fairly clear image of the target group.
Major U.S. retail stores - such as Macy's, Best Buy and JCPenney - use mobile app Shopkick. If the buyer will start it when you visit the supermarket, you will receive various bonuses - from simple discounts on certain purchases to download free songs for fitting clothes and bar code scanning.
Location tracking customers and applied stonehouse construction in another application - Snapette. stonehouse construction In addition, stonehouse construction it uses the attachment of people to social networks. With this combination of the sellers have an opportunity to see what kind of clothes and shoes really are now in vogue, stonehouse construction exactly who gets it and who recommends.
Not all new technology tracking customers so obvious and based on their own free will. For example, stores experimented with heat sensors and recording levels of mobile phone signals for monitoring.
Now there are more simple methods. Shopperception system uses motion detection technology, similar to those used in the game console Xbox One. Shopperception registers movement of customers and defines the parameters of their activity. For example, how long they have chosen the product as purchased and brought back on the shelf. stonehouse construction
System developers Shopperception believe that this method of analyzing the behavior stonehouse construction of the background store visitors less intrusive than traditional video surveillance. Not least because that recognizable images of people in it are not stored. All clients stonehouse construction and their movements are represented as a set of formalized set of data points.
Marketers also learn to overcome stonehouse construction the limitations caused by visitors using different devices. One of the most promising technologies Drawbridge analyzes the behavior of people on the Internet. It allows you to determine the client's return visit, even if he was replaced by a smartphone or the last time he went to the site with the laptop.
High interest stonehouse construction in the topic of "big data" in marketing and by government authorities. U.S. Federal Trade Commission is currently engaged in the study of companies that collect and sell information about customers, integrating their online habits with other information - such as court records, information on taxes, regular payments and income level.
U.S. Government Accountability Office provides each November brief conclusion about the current situation on the market. A recent report stated that existing laws have lagged behind the pace of technological advances. Today, Big Data technologies allow companies to aggregate stonehouse construction large amounts of personal data without the knowledge of the people.
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