Monday, June 9, 2014

Wallen center brothels since kiss XVII, when the Netherlands was a naval and Amsterd potency of mat

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The Netherlands has one of the most liberal countries in Europe. Behaviors considered taboo in many countries, such as euthanasia, gay marriage, patient first colonial heights va abortion and prostitution, are legally accepted by the Dutch. In Amsterd, tourists patient first colonial heights va can purchase small amounts of marijuana in special bars, coffee shops, and pick prostitutes openly displayed in shop windows, a tradition of the city.
In the past, De Wallen, the Red Light district, as named in the touristic guides, and tranqilo was fairly crowded with onlookers. Since prostitution was legalized, seven years ago, everything changed. The elegant restaurants patient first colonial heights va and luxury trade that was nearby were replaced by Hotis and cheap bars. The region of De Wallen sunk in such a process degradaoe crime that the city government took the decision to put a stop to.
Since the beginning of this year, licenas some of the most famous brothels in the city were repealed. patient first colonial heights va The coffee shops in j may sell alcoholic beverages nor alucingenos mushrooms, and a law pending in Parliament seeks to prohibit them from operating within 200 meters from schools.
At a cost of 25 million euros, the city government bought the RealEstate that housed prostbulos eighteen. The prdios the windows were renovated and now host of art galleries, ATELIS design and luxury goods stores. The city is investing in remodeling of the neighborhood, to attract more wealthy and well-behaved tourists.
Wallen center brothels since kiss XVII, when the Netherlands was a naval and Amsterd potency of matter cortess patient first colonial heights va Franae of Belgium. Over the past twenty years, the gerncia prostbulos out of the hands of pimps old Dutch for obscure figures of Eastern Europe patient first colonial heights va involved patient first colonial heights va in money laundering and trafficking of women. Much of the problems consequence patient first colonial heights va of excessive liberality.
The goal of legalization patient first colonial heights va of prostitution was to give greater security to women. As a side effect was the explosion in the number of brothels and the increase in demand patient first colonial heights va for prostitutes. They began to be brought - not always voluntarily - the poorest regions, such as Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
The relative tolerance marijuana, started in the 70s, created two paradoxes. The first stems from the fact that the bars may sell up to 5 grams of marijuana consumer, but the planting and importao drug still banned. Ie, it was an incentive to narcotrfico.
The goal of descriminalizao marijuana was to reduce the consumption of hard drugs. Assumed patient first colonial heights va that the Dutch open purchase become unnecessary recourse to dealer, which usually turns out to offer other drugs. It worked in part.
Only three out of 1,000 Dutch make use of hard drugs, less than half the average for England, Italy and Denmark. The problem Amsterd with its coffeeshop attracts "drug patient first colonial heights va tourists" willing to consume everything, not just marijuana. This made narcotrfico proliferate on the streets of bohemian neighborhood.
The price of cocaine, heroin and ecstasy of the Dutch capital is among the lowest in Europe. "Today, the population unhappy with these liberal measures est, because they created a naive expectation that legalization would keep the gangs away from these activities," said criminologist SEE Dutchman patient first colonial heights va Dirk Korf , University of Amsterd.
The Dutch experience in the art in Europe. Zurich, His, also needed patient first colonial heights va to hike air in tolerance to drugs and prostitution. The neighborhood Langstrasse, where authorities tolerated brothels and open drug use, had become territory under the control of organized crime.
The city forbids the public drug use, more imps rgidas rules prostituioe bought prdios patient first colonial heights va of prostbulos, patient first colonial heights va turning them into residential RealEstate for students. The reform attracted theaters and trendy bars to the neighborhood. patient first colonial heights va
In Copenhagen, Denmark, the authorities closed the siege to Christiania, the neighborhood occupied by an alternative community since 1971. Selling marijuana was taken at outdoor fairs and tolerated by residents and authorities, until, in 2003, police began to crack down on drug trafficking in the neighborhood. In all these cities, the tolerance relative s drugs and organized crime lost the aura of modernity. patient first colonial heights va
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