Sunday, March 1, 2015

Table meetings on a large white candy

2009. April 17. 12:16
Dalia Grybauskaite on gnash teeth probably not alone in its criticism of politicians, but also some of its former students. Eighties, teaching randy barker Vilnius Higher Party School, it a few times įraitė sixty doubles.
European Commissioner school randy barker itself was not diligent vengeance - with pleasure, studied only favorite things started to study again bitch math formulas, and English language skills later deepened with multiple randy barker dictionaries reading international randy barker treaties. Belgian roads sometimes presses the gas pedal Grybauskaite career started SSR State Philharmonic and fur factory in Leningrad, now is one of the highest in the European Union officials responsible for Financial Programming and Budget. After a few hours delay in the European Commission (EC) meeting she invites you to her office. Spacious, bright room walls are decorated with several colorful paintings and a disabled boy from Kaunas painted picture. On the desktop - only the computer screen, keyboard, telephone, stationery few tidbits and green bamboo. Grybauskaite has told reporters randy barker that nuklojusios table shows a stack of documents at the head of employment and skills, and the fact that he is a poor leader, because he himself performs many functions, rather than some believed subordinates.
Table meetings on a large white candy "Vilnius", which is called one of the finest commissioner fairings from Lithuania. Popular selection of Belgian Chocolates hide under Lithuanian sweets. "I randy barker would like coffee - properly" - asks Secretary Grybauskaite. When asked whether this means "strong," she shakes her head: "No - just my cup." Commissioner - lark, so often opens the door to the cabinet before seven, and requests that the team members up to 8.30. to the workplace. Does not translate - laughs Grybauskaite. - They come sincerely, gets coffee and sweets. "" In the morning, I feel great, in the afternoon - already complicated. When you have to sit in Strasbourg to 21-22 hrs., Is in every way. Sometimes a slow tongue when it comes to how to read the paper. Not very much energy remains. But the coffee randy barker drink. Temporarily triggers adrenaline, "- said Grybauskaite. From the first working EK months for it to work and goes home itself, so stayed only one driver, whose assistance needed during randy barker the day. "I like to drive. randy barker What kind of machines randy barker like? All that is in motion. Drive itself "machine." A machine-friendly city. I got used to the US, where I worked diplomatic work. The drive started in Brussels in 1994. When I first worked here "- tells the commissioner. She confesses not to be very disciplined and sometimes driver paspaudžianti the gas pedal harder than authorized: "Everything happens. During randy barker the first couple of years had to pay fines (laughs). Lithuania politely I ride. But there are better ways, sometimes to forget ... "The randy barker present regime presidential chauffeur drivers:" It is - already a problem. When I hear how the requirements are - live, where you belong by security requirements, driving, sometimes even phones can not be used ... Of course, it would be a major limitation of life. "We went to Charleroi basketball Grybauskaite support grew in the center of Vilnius, just studied a few minutes from the house in the S.Nėries high school. Vengeance was not, although well studied. More focused only close to the heart disciplines: history, geography, physics. "The social sciences have been very interesting, others - more of a sense of duty. When I finished school, I realized that will build the foundations of mathematics, what you have done in school. Political economy for five years, I had to learn different types of math - modeling, probability theory ", - says commissioner. However, even eleven years she spent their evenings and weekends basketball hall. Not only science, but also the collective extracurricular activities, other activities remained less time. Perhaps because Grybauskaite consisted of modest apprentice impression, though now it says that it stands out from the peer. "Kurdavosi various groups. Most often it was wealthy, special children's parents, a little loft, with everything - what to wear, jeans and chewing gum, what I did not have those days. Apparently, it's also worth to fight for yourself, express randy barker your individuality. Early on I started to read, and reading a lot - in addition to sports. But everything randy barker did not learn equally well in time and effort. "A teenage girl was išstypusi, but her height classes last caught up with most of their peers. At the age of 15-16 years Grybauskaite decided to choose randy barker to study, and that was her goal, and parents' dream. But basketball has not forgotten so far - having the time willingly plunged into the most exciting race passions. Twice commissioner with members of the Cabinet was held in Charleroi (Belgium) to monitor the Lithuanian basketball game. She always sick for selection, but asked that Lithuanian team to the heart, neatvirauja to lack something criticism from S

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