Tuesday, March 10, 2015

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Send and receive messages from your mobile phone most of which we do not have a lot of restrictions in time and space! However, in certain situations, such as walking or even watching TV, typing an SMS text and send it to the person's job is not easy and will experience problems.
Much of the above application form is what you see when you type text and camera phones and visual appeal maiduru so "SMS glass" of how the depends on the amount! Items that should be checked for Android applications, including input fields, tabs and windows floated. Transparent or opaque color coordinated with the possibility of becoming a regular component's layout, icons rational, appropriate maiduru to the ability to change font color, size and type, including those who can take the strengths of the program, however, is expected to be more careful They went to.
Other features of "SMS glass", to move quickly between different parts, easy to use features not mentioned. The main reason of this specification, the application performance is simple yet sophisticated user interface implementation is also a good rating.
This Android application allows you to send an SMS text when typing, the phone will see it. In fact, the program, the camera will be working and thus it is possible. Then we will see the "SMS glass" What better facilities for up to the task of providing the users.
Allows you to select a contact number from the phonebook and the ability to stay on a mobile phone, the only things that can make the program features. Regarding the application, does not feel the need for another special feature, although ideas for the success of any program that will help considerably.
"SMS maiduru glass" has a major flaw with the opening of the keypad will appear. This defect causes the camera to see you less space and this is the main idea of the program affected. However, in general, the performance of the application without error, it is a positive thing and expect the audience to meet.
User comments
You can use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> <acronym title = ""> <b> <blockquote cite = ""> <cite> <code> <del datetime = ""> <em> <i> maiduru <q cite = ""> <strike> <strong>
Computer science engineering ...
Mobile applications over the past few years have not been good growth in Dashtnh a site to check these applications are well felt. The launch of this site is a positive step in the development and introduction of mobile applications is in Iran.
2013 - 15 appreview.ir trial version

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