Tuesday, May 19, 2015

9. The biggest burger in the world made in 2001 by the Germans. To Nama styty bread size 18 m 2 too

1. At all times, bread and tsinyvsya highly revered man. He put on a par with gold and the sun. In ancient Egypt the sun cursive, gold and grain designated by the same - a circle with a dot in the middle.
2. Just as the bread, the people of ancient times and refers to the work of those who rush: those who prepared the bread of poor quality, punished - sheared shaved, tied to a pole, whipped, and even sent into exile ; in honor of the great masters were building monuments. Until now preserved tombstone in Rome - a monument of 13 meters height baker Mark Virgil Yevrisaku, many bakeries founder, who lived two thousand years ago.
4. In Paris, the bread barn Old Mill, since 1972 has the Museum of bread. It more than 1,000 exhibits, telling about the development baking of bread for centuries. Here is a model of the ancient Egyptian granaries, ancient forms for baking bread, loaf samples from all over the world.
- If you have a headache, do not rush to escape tablet, you better try a recipe from "my grandmother's trunk." Dip rye bread in vinegar and tie a towel to his head and legs attach to clay. After thirty minutes the pain as a hand lift.
7. A crop that germinates, has exceptional strength. Nabuhnuvshy, it breaks containers, tears bags. Known catastrophe that happened in the Bosphorus Strait, the ship "Dnepr" was broken into two peas which nabuh.
9. The biggest burger in the world made in 2001 by the Germans. To Nama styty bread size 18 m 2 took 18 kg of oil! The biggest sandwich of 2.5 m2 and weighing 2 tons bakers prepared from the Czech town of Norwich. The greatest bunch of bagels Russians did - she weigh 440 kg and La consisted of 55 bagels to 8 kg each. Loaf largest in the world - work of the hands of the baker South Africa: it weighs 1.43 tonnes.
In the dream, eat rye bread - your family will be friendly and hospitable; warm - to the disease, multideck June stvie - to hardship. In the dream, see the crumbs of bread - you'll be a happy family life, mold - you have enemies, cut bread - to adultery, buy - to large costs to sell - to damage.
Bread - around the head. And if you ever wondered why bread? Why are so highly valued and vshanovuvavsya bread at all times in all nations? These and other questions we try to answer on our notebook.
2011 (35) May (2) April (2) March (17) Wheat bread What are the benefits? Etiquette at the table Bread tour in Bread Bread folk rites "Zigzag of luck" Pumpkin Bread "Red Sun" Bread museum What does the word "bread" customs and beliefs related to bread. Custom "hlibuvaty" I wonder multideck about bread Curiosity about bread as bread made in the industry? Virtual bread ... Obzhynky History Proverbs and sayings about bread February (12) January (2)
Virtual tour (1) Poems about bread (1) Cooking with flour (1) Experiments (3) Riddles (2) people for bread (1) National customs (5) Folk legends (1) Folk songs (1) Traditional games (1 ) Our work (1) Etiquette (1) Presentation of (2) Recipes (2) Dictionary (1) library (1) Curiosity (8) History bread (1)

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